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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. "Bessel" is certainly more intuitive than "Cauchy". OU812.
  2. Trump is still rich because he risks other people's money in his ventures, not his own.
  3. Now hearing from multiple sources that Trump's campaign is $41M in debt and the RNC isn't a whole lot better off financially. The cost of a national presidential general election campaign is conservatively estimated at $250M, and previous funders of Romney and Bush are sitting this one out. So the question then becomes--who is going to fund Trump's campaign, and what are they going to ask for in return? At any rate, since Trump was only loaning money to his campaign, it seems clear that he wasn't even self-funding the primary campaign, let alone the general.
  4. NSF sanity, you mean. Could someone please pass the eyebleach?
  5. Did you guys click through to the site to check out the pistol version?
  6. Me too. But she's the only one, and Psylocke's ninja outfit is one of the more... radical ones in the comics. She was also sadly underused in the movie.
  7. I was pleasantly surprised by X-Men: Apocalypse. It wasn't Civil War good, or even AoU good. But it was good. My biggest problem was that I just couldn't get over Psylocke's costume--Munn pulls it off, and I'm certainly not complaining about see her in it, but it was the most comic-book accurate costume when everyone else was in black leather, and it just didn't match.
  8. Agents of SHIELD fans: Behold! Get yours at http://www.meleemods.com/gallery.html
  9. Trump has (mathematically) clinched the nom. It's too bad; I was really looking forward to seeing a contested convention. Bernie and Hillary are polling 50-50 in California, which means Bernie is about 30 points short of what he'd need to catch up in pledged delegates.
  10. This post makes me extremely happy. Good on you XO! Nice to see that someone can win at this game.
  11. Of course not all the supplements are like that--not even most. But Rolemaster and FH are capable of much higher power levels than other systems, and sometimes it really showed.
  12. It's the oil pump. Or maybe the oil pan gasket? Or the rear main seal. Or all three!
  13. Zombies are high in gluten and thus not appropriate to a paleo diet.
  14. Not possible--Cancer's post is incomplete. I'm waiting for him to post the rest of the numbers.
  15. Especially if you're into ice and snow.
  16. The other day I turned on the radio and heard a great segment about how Finland has more heavy metal bands per capita than any other country. It even closed with a Nightwish song. On NPR.
  17. In my opinion*, the main thing that distinguishes magic from other superpowers is certain limitations, with some optional advantages. Compared to web-shooters or boot jets or optic blasts, magic nearly always takes longer, is more difficult, and often has costs or risks associated with it. Doctor Strange is always doing weird things with his fingers while he calls on strangely named entities from other dimensions. Zatanna talks backwards. At minimum I'd put Incantations and/or Gestures on magic powers, and I'd give Extra Time and Requires Skill Roll a long look. On the advantages side, magic often looks and acts differently from other powers. Advantages like Invisible Power Effects, Indirect, and Trigger are especially fitting. Even the powers themselves matter. Straight up EBs almost never feel like magic unless there's something very distinctive about them. Sorcerers should be looking at Transforms, Summons, Telekinesis, and other powers to distinguish themselves from run-of-the mill energy projectors. This would probably not be enough detail for a Fantasy Hero campaign, especially one with multiple 'types' of magic. But for a Champions campaign it's plenty.
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