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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. It kind of had to, since he's a Republican but doesn't have enough evidence to recommend prosecution. That's actually not accurate. U.S. Code 793 does require intent to injure the United States, in the very first sentence. Gross negligence is also mentioned, but that legal standard has not been met either. Not really. The standard of intent for purposes of Espionage Act violations is really high. The spy who worked at my last company, who happened to take TS documents home where his girlfriend, who happened to be from the People's Republic of China, happened to be, didn't go to jail. Neither did Petraeus, who unquestionably gave TS material to his biographer, who he happened to be having an affair with. Neither did Scooter Libby, who intentionally leaked TS information to out a CIA agent in the field. Another thing that no one seems to remember is that senior government officials have considerable leeway to use their judgment when it comes to disseminating classified information. It is a logistical nightmare to properly move classified information across SIPR, JWICS, dozens of government agency and military networks, and foreign governments. And keep it all air gapped from NIPR or the internet. I would expect State to have the ability to circumvent those procedures in a crisis situation. Thousands? How about 22 million? Not that it really excuses the deletion of any records. Although that would be one way to maintain the security of the information. It's possible that an unclassified system was exactly the place for those conversations, although without knowing what was in the emails, we'll never know. I should point out that it was State's servers, not Hillary's, that got hacked. It's conceivable that Hillary's server was more secure. Or at least less of a disaster. Well, she can't carry a SCIF with her. What would matter here is the security and encryption on her mobile, not which server she used.
  2. Hillary is radically exceeding expectations in red states per FiveThirtyEight. But she's also underperforming in blue states. At any rate we still have conventions and VP picks to endure before we even get to the debates. Oh, gods, the debates. Bring on that giant meteor. Please.
  3. Yet another school dream. This time I was so busy exploring some kind of art school that I was late for some kind of literature class, which I still hadn't found.
  4. Magic is too complex to ever memorize and so must be read off of a page or scroll.
  5. Your health and sanity are more important than any paycheck no matter how high. Good on you for not subjecting yourself to that kind of abuse.
  6. DC is one of those places where I openly wonder why people live there. However, I find it appropriate to confine our government to a bog.
  7. Now there's an uplifting news story!
  8. Honestly in all the FH campaigns I played ED was never used as often as PD and it didn't matter. Players just didn't spend as many points on ED for their characters and it was fine.
  9. Invisibility combines awfully well with Flight, IME. And Flight is way underpriced.
  10. For years I gave her truth, and she crucified me for it. So now I give her lies.
  11. An analysis of traditional media bias in the primaries Not surprising in the least. Though I wonder what the numbers would look like if they took out one outlier news channel.
  12. Old Man

    High Men

    The thing is, Numenoreans as depicted in Tolkien are just flat out higher point totals than commoners. You can expect them to have higher stats and skills and fewer disads. In order to balance things out with 'regular' folk, you'd have to come up with some sort of Numenorean-specific complication to pay for it--at least a massive scary Hunted, perhaps a Susceptibility. As for stats--we used to house rule that no more than 50% of character points could be spent on stats. Stats have always been an extremely efficient way to spend points in Hero (i.e. they are too damn cheap) and a campaign with real weapons and an emphasis on melee combat only exacerbates that problem. You may be able to do something similar by enforcing combat value limits but I've never tried those.
  13. Car Wars was a better example of what happens when you pile additional rules onto a poorly designed rules base. CW was legendary for the weird things that would happen in edge cases. It's really amazing that SJG was able to keep the game functional as long as they did. @aylwin13: I might have played against you on Vassal at some point.
  14. I tried that but it's impossible to armor a van sufficiently. My favorite vehicle was a pickup with no weapons, just a honking huge engine and armor a foot thick. My second favorite was a lux with a turreted flame cloud gas streamer, which probably shouldn't be legal.
  15. One of what? I learned to drive using this manual:
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