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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Because she was fairly obviously pro-Clinton during the primaries, to the active detriment of Sanders. The wikileaks leak pretty much confirmed that, and Clinton hiring her on looks a lot like protection if not a quid pro quo. That said, my real beef with DWS was her total lack of competence. I'm literally hoping Hillary is hiring her to go sit on a beach somewhere and STFU, but I doubt it.
  2. Leave it to the Dems to follow up the RNC convention disaster with their own. It's their own fault for leaving DWS in charge for so long. Man was she a disaster. Perhaps now the Democrats will start mounting a coherent campaign strategy.
  3. I think the real problem is that McQuarrie's designs are ugly--specifically the triangular secondary hull in this case. TOS Enterprise was saved by making it cylindrical, thus helping to match the nacelles.
  4. NCC-1031, so I'm guessing pre-TOS. Still an incomprehensibly ugly ship though. It's even uglier than the Ent-D, and that's saying something.
  5. Did they dope the bikes this year or just the riders?
  6. Wrong. Properly prepared bacon should shatter when bitten. Please report to the gulag for reeducation.
  7. That, friends, is the ship from the upcoming Trek: Discovery series.
  8. I managed to show Hubble to younger boy a couple weeks back. Happened to check the sat tracker on my phone at just the right time. We watched it sail past from our driveway. I can never time the ISS flybys though. I saw it once on a July 4th, incredibly bright, with a Space Shuttle trailing behind. The fireworks that followed shortly thereafter paled in comparison. I haven't seen the space station since.
  9. Brie Larson is officially Captain Marvel: http://io9.gizmodo.com/its-official-brie-larson-is-captain-marvel-1784197350
  10. I see tickets are cheap where you live.
  11. Is there anything bacon can't do?
  12. He was, but it wasn't obviously apparent at the time. One wonders what he might have accomplished had he not been dealt such a crummy hand.
  13. Looks like Hillary is set to announce Tim Kaine as her running mate. This is a disappointing move to the right, especially on issues of bank regulation and trade.
  14. Just because he's openly undermining NATO? The sieg-heils above are examples of terrible gotcha journalism. If you want to make these people look bad, all you have to do is report what they say into the microphone. Quick convention recap: A VP pick was announced after Trump realized he couldn't renege. Opened with a chaotic voice-only "vote" to shut out #NeverTrump. Delegates from a couple of states walked out. KKK and WBC throwing urine at each other outside the convention hall. Multiple examples of plagiarism. Campaign completely fumbled handling of the plagiarism "crisis". Speech plagiarist finally found. She is an employee of the Trump corporation, not of the campaign, so if she really did write the speech, several campaign laws have been violated. No one of consequence is actually willing to speak at the convention. Cruz not only didn't endorse Trump, he admitted afterward that the personal animosity between them is very strong--so why did the Trump campaign give him a mike? Trump openly questions NATO, emboldening its enemies. Did I forget anything?
  15. He can promise whatever he wants, if he's just going to hand the job over to Pence if he wins anyway.
  16. Lack of time, people, training, planning, and management.
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