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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. That's just what I would expect a demonic offspring to say. Is she heavier than a duck?
  2. Wait--what? Aren't they all older than Michael Jackson? Isn't he the youngest?
  3. Is that like how I work on the 14th floor but in actuality I work on the 13th floor because there is no 13th floor?
  4. The point is that it seems like every film Snyder has written has sexual assault in it.
  5. Top ten is hard to crack when you already have Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Wilson, two Roosevelts, Truman, and Eisenhower in there.
  6. Heard the last half on the radio. Goose bumps.
  7. Obviously Chad doesn't? Though perhaps he should?
  8. You think you're going to get away with it?
  9. He's just a Hawkeye clone anyway.
  10. National polls right now show a dead heat. Just sayin'.
  11. So, back to the wikileaks release for a minute-- These files have been the topic of renewed discussion in some cyber forums, for obvious reasons. In a nutshell there is virtually no question that the Russian government is behind the hack. The emails were opened and edited on a computer set to use Cyrillic by default. The hacker claimed to the press that he was Romanian but spoke and wrote very poor Romanian compared to his Russian. Email communications with the "hacker" are clearly being written by several different people. There is almost no reason for a private hacker or group to spend time on DNC communications--there's no profit model there. And lastly it fits a now well-established pattern of the Putin regime to interfere in elections with well-timed leaks and hacks--it's just that up until now he's been picking on Eastern European countries. On top of this Putin and Trump are thoroughly on record as supporting, if not admiring, each other. It's also been pointed out that many of the 500+ companies that Trump is involved in are Russian or have Russian ties. It's even been said that Russian money is keeping Trump's business afloat. This last may be hyperbolic but there's definitely enough involvement to constitute a serious conflict of interest. The worry is that the well-established Russian pattern doesn't involve one leak. It involves a campaign of leaks and disinformation timed to cause maximum disruption. As a result we can expect more such wikileaks releases, fabricated or not. And people in the industry are now really, really worried about the security of electronic voting machines. Sleep well!
  12. One would expect her to at least be good with a bow.
  13. But Snyder also wrote Sucker Punch and, um, 300: Rise of an Empire, ... ...and he's listed as the writer for next year's WW.
  14. See what happens when cops forget to turn off or erase their body cams?
  15. "But why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe, or--" "Because it's dull, you twit, it'll hurt more!"
  16. DWS booed by her own constituents ahead of convention
  17. No, fast food is supposed to be -consistent-. Sometimes it's fast, if the crew is well run, but it's hardly a guarantee. The only reason it's called 'fast' food is because you don't have to wait to be seated.
  18. Intervention time: You are in an abusive relationship with Zack Snyder.
  19. On the contrary, it's pure realpolitik. Hillary would have been much better off if the DNC had at least given the appearance of being impartial during the primaries. Bernie's biggest plank was that the system is rigged, and DWS went ahead and proved it. Now the DNC convention is kicking off, the point in the campaign that is supposed to unify the party around the nominee, and Bernie supporters are pissed.
  20. Given that they let him run as a Democrat, yeah. More or less.
  21. Wrong! You just cut off the really dirty bits and chow down. Please report to the gulag for reeducation.
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