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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Heard a review of the reviews on the radio on the way in to the office. The reviews are devastating -- I can't remember the last time I heard such a batch of overwhelmingly negative takes. Oddly, I'm dying to see the movie now.
  2. What does heroin addiction have to do with the election?
  3. You're just siphoning votes away from Giant Meteor.
  4. A super powered Dirty Dozen has lots of potential, but the execution matters. I still want to see it after reading all the stories about the filming. Apparently Jared Leto is a method actor, and this time he was playing a psychopathic lunatic with a sick sense of humor...
  5. There's also the blow-your-own-hand-off disadvantage, which has happened a few times. Hang on to that foregrip!
  6. So terrorism works as advertised on Paris Hilton. You mean aside from her multibillion dollar fashion and fragrance lines? She'll have to resort to swimming in money like Scrooge McDuck, the poor thing.
  7. Quite the opposite, although I find that his his chances are not zero. A Trump victory would actually cause the GOP to eventually accrete around him. A Trump loss, on the other hand, leaves the corporate and Tea Party wings blaming each other for the Clinton administration.
  8. You make it sound like they're tanking the election on purpose, but I don't think that's the case. I think the GOP's real problem is that their base has figured out that they're being used. For over thirty years big business has been using socially conservative white voters to keep themselves in office. Things have been quite nice for big business, as they've managed to keep their tax breaks mostly intact while minimizing new regulations, even in areas like banking and climate change. Even Obamacare was a pretty good deal for the pharma and health insurance industries. If you're a socially conservative white voter, however, your world sucks. Gay marriage is legal. Immigrants are immigrating. Bathrooms have been thrown into chaos. Businesses have to serve gay couples and provide contraception to employees. "Progress" on anti-abortion has been minimal. A black man is president, and he fines you a little if you refuse to insure yourself. Your real wages haven't gone up for decades and you might not even have recovered from the Great Recession. And these social conservatives are starting to figure out that they've been had. That's where the Tea Party started and why Trump is doing so well--the GOP base is pissed off. They're convinced that neither Big Business nor the Democrats represent their interests, because they don't, and so they have started voting to shut down and blow up Washington DC. And the one thing that Big Business could not come up with was a presidential candidate that TPers believed would deliver on social conservatism and blowing up DC. Bush was an insider. Walker was an insider. Kasich was an insider. Rubio was an insider. The top two GOP primary candidates were Cruz, who is publicly despised by everyone in DC, and Trump, who wasn't even taken seriously by anyone in DC until much too late. What's going to be more interesting is what happens next election, assuming the country isn't a smoking ruin after a Trump administration. The fractures in the GOP are pretty deep at this point, so it will be interesting to see if it manages to coalesce back into something like its original form, or if an entirely new party somehow arises. Given what happened in the Democratic primary it's even conceivable that a viable party could form to the left of the Democrats.
  9. People with a shred of decency? I suppose that doesn't apply here?
  10. I see I got to the office too late to plead for cooler heads in this thread, but perhaps late will be better than never. I do value having conservative posters in this thread (even if they are hopelessly misguided ) so hopefully we can all pretend to be polite to each other for the next four months.
  11. Our dryer died a few months back--the main belt shredded, and the resulting lack of movement in the clothes caused the thermal fuse to quit. I serviced it myself, but man, modern dryers are not only not user serviceable, they're not serviceable, period. It took an hour for me to get the thing apart far enough to figure out what the problem was, and a three hour total teardown to change that damn belt. And parts of the valance are held on by one-time-use clips that I basically had to just snap off to get the thing apart. I wouldn't dream of trying to fix a washing machine, which is like a dryer but with plumbing. YMMV. Last week it was the fridge, which developed a mysterious leak that began to ooze a puddle out from underneath it. It turned out to be just a leak in the $20 water line going from the wall to the icemaker, but the puddle did some collateral damage before I figured that out. Oftentimes I feel like I'm living in a sea of constantly breaking crap that I am constantly battling to fix. And I am losing that battle. Thermodynamics is not on my side.
  12. ...I'm sorry, did rpgnet transform into a wellspring of thoughtful and intelligent political discourse while I was away? It's a strange authority to appeal to.
  13. Haven't you learned yet that you shouldn't question your elders?
  14. An overview of Trump's Russian ties. Hold on to your butts!
  15. Why can't you call it a resume like normal people?
  16. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of aylwin13?
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