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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. The Martian by Andy Weir. I don't think I've ever seen a movie that followed the book as closely as this one did. Aside from a couple more mishaps, if you saw the film, you've read the book. A great hard SF story, if short on character development and thematic depth.
  2. In general I agree, but I really think it's a bit more specific to the character in question. Batman is unusually well suited to grimdark, though it's not a requirement. Indeed you'd have to dial it back a notch if he was working with Superman. Supes, of course, is (or ought to be) almost exactly the opposite, a superior godlike being constrained only by American values and occasional Kryptonite. He has to be a goody two shoes or his character doesn't work. This is what the MCU realizes--the story is driven by the inevitable conflicts between the characters, but those conflicts generally don't overcome the basic optimism and goodness that they all share. The DCU's fundamental problem is that they're getting the characters' personalities wrong, and the personalities are what's supposed to drive the plot, so the plot is all wrong too.
  3. Come on man, they're already struggling to write a decent story that doesn't involve Hydra brainwashing, now you want standalone stories that also fit in an arc?
  4. I think my vehicle would inflict just normal damage, not killing? But lots and lots of normal damage?
  5. Besides me you mean? Does my five-speed manual now constitute an effective theft deterrent device?
  6. To be fair, it wasn't clear whether he was advocating violence against Clinton, or the justices she appoints.
  7. Sympathies, Ternaugh. I get to experience a little of that as the wife does not get along with her siblings, which exponentially magnifies any health-related drama with her father. I hope he lives forever.
  8. Is he actively ignoring you, or just being indifferent?
  9. Exactly. I firmly believe that the MCU is the outlier here. A virtually impossible outlier. The way corporate Hollywood works, it's astonishing any good movies get made, ever. Let alone comic book ones. Even the MCU has had its share of corporate interference; so far it's mainly just driven away good directors without imploding the whole franchise.
  10. Haven't you learned not to stick it in the crazy?
  11. I thought they were fraternal, not identical? Which one would you rather sleep with?
  12. Managed to see SS this afternoon. Theater was packed. Movie exceeded expectations a bit, though it wasn't on the level of a Winter Soldier or Civil War. Random thoughts:
  13. Yeah, detective Batman is the Batman I miss most. I don't mind Adam West Batman, Overpowered Justice League Batman, or even Tortured Vigilante Batman, but the detective version is the one I always preferred.
  14. Could you please cut down the mightiest tree in the forest?
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