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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Absent further direction from the GM I would tend to prioritize two things: 1. Character durability. Because playing an unconscious character is no fun. Not-Constantine probably walks around with all sorts of magic wards to keep himself from getting killed in an ambush--most likely Force Field, but maybe Damage Negation or Damage Reduction if you're up to the challenge. 2. Character versatility. Mages really lend themselves to this as you can justify pretty much any power in the book using magic as a special effect. Focus on the powers that the combat monsters aren't likely to have--telekinesis, telepathy, transform, invisibility, change environment, teleport usable on others, aids and healing. Many of these are useful even at low active point totals. 3. Speed. Being a SPD 4 character in a campaign full of SPD 7 supers is no fun. Constantine is no speedster but the passage of time in the comics is relative. Shoot for SPD 6 unless instructed otherwise. Sometimes you can get creative and use Duplication or buy a familiar to get the same effect. 4. Character motivation. Have things to drive your character besides whatever is happening in the campaign. A good start is to have a push (flee from that demon you pissed off) and a pull (quest to free girlfriend from purgatory). 5. That's four things. Or is it five?
  2. Sucks enough for most people to spend $5/cup on it at Starbucks? Then again my understanding is that most drinks at Starbucks are loaded up with enough dairy and sugar that it's basically a hot milkshake.
  3. I once dreamed in green and black vector graphics. Sometimes my subconscious really frightens me.
  4. The hits just keep coming, don't they? Hope she gets better tkdguy. FIL mostly recovered from his ministroke earlier this year, though we did have to confiscate his car keys.
  5. Trump's entire campaign does seem to be a giant middle finger to the establishment GOP, all the media including Fox News, and, well, America. Anyway the Bannon appointment seems to be a signal that Trump intends to not pivot, but instead will continue to appeal to the same demographics that won him the primary. I approve of this strategy.
  6. I ask because I had that professor. Calculus II at 730am. Me and half a dozen other hungover students, and Mr. Chipper would literally walk in with his coffee pot. He would drink that entire pot over the course of the lecture, in between scolding us for not participating more in the discussions.
  7. What's worse, early morning professor on no coffee or early morning professor on his third pot?
  8. Sounds like a middle school campaign to me.
  9. Man, what did McDonald's do to you guys? D&D is more like vending machine burritos, or that 7-11 hot dog that you know has been there since yesterday.
  10. They've already got me as a parent so they're probably doomed anyway.
  11. I thought putting that in the headline would have been redundant. Reddit.
  12. Sex pigs halt waterwheel traffic after laser attack on Pokemon teens
  13. Spider-Man is easily my favorite superhero, but I don't mind too much if they write outside the lines now and then. I'm a bit conflicted about the marriage/demon storyline, to be honest. On the one hand, I want to support new takes on characters rather than year after year of same old. And it was pretty cool to explore the what-if of Peter juggling his dangerous hobby with a serious family commitment. On the other hand, how do you get back to the baseline character after something like that? How can a story carry any weight if it's just going to be retconned out of existence? You can tell Marvel is struggling with this themselves, to the point where they've invented at least half a dozen parallel-universe Spider-Men and sometimes put them all in the same book. The only Spider-Man story I really didn't like was the Octavius one, because that was around the time I was looking for comics to get for my kids, and Octavius is a dick.
  14. Which is why improv skill is so important to GMing. Back on topic--because FH doesn't have classes, I'd really be more inclined to find out what the players want to play and try to tailor the campaign to that, rather than hold to some sort of team-makeup trope. Perhaps all the players will want to run thieves, and you could run a Thieves' World campaign. The only thing you really need to watch out for is making sure each character gets time in the spotlight. Oh, and healing. If there's no party healer then healing potions need to grow on trees.
  15. Thank goodness it's not just me. Not that I really want to be the one making decisions, but like you, I found myself in a group of players that just refused to make decisions. That player just wants to hit things, and that player doesn't want the responsibility (?), and that player... I guess just wants to be railroaded. So frontal assault it is!
  16. Mankind has sent robot invaders to five celestial bodies so far:
  17. You know what, Cancer, go ahead and destroy the universe. Please.
  18. Technically you can melt down the gold ones too, they're like 92% silver.
  19. By the way, someone needs to stat those up in Hero asap.
  20. Must-have tactical accessory: Picatinny rail mounted testicles. You're welcome.
  21. This. The pundits and beltway insiders are still blowing off Trump because he's beyond ridiculous and deeply offensive. They keep forgetting that enough voters like ridiculous and offensive enough to have gotten him the nomination in the first place. I'd say probably a minority of voters even attempt to understand anything about policy or economics or foreign relations. Trump is angry and he's not one of the people who've been causing problems in DC the past couple of decades, and that's good enough for them. Compounding this is the fact that the Democrats have fielded the second most unpopular presidential candidate since Mondale. (Never mind that she's also the best qualified candidate since Bush I.) Hillary would have a very serious problem if she was up against any half-civilized GOP nominee. Her lead in the polls mean nothing if the voters don't show up. If there is one thing Trump voters have going for them, it's enthusiasm.
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