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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Strong candidate SETI signal received from HD 164595 (94 ly distant)
  2. Two hurricanes this time. Man this is getting old.
  3. On this day in 1997, at 2:14am, Skynet became self-aware. To stop the panicked humans who were trying to shut it down, it launched a nuclear strike against Russia, precipitating what has since become known as Judgment Day.
  4. What is your obsession with underage girls?
  5. What is your obsession with green sauce?
  6. To be honest, I'm astonished that Captain Marvel is getting made. The perception in Holkywood is that female leads don't sell tickets. It quickly becomes self fulfilling. My worry is that instead of pushing ahead with a known popular female character in BW, they're trying to launch an entirely new female character--and if it's the first Marvel film to really tank, they'll blame it on the female lead phenomenon.
  7. What kind of stupid character is the guy who invented Cable?
  8. Right now I think FiveThirtyEight is giving her a 13- to win. That's not a done deal.
  9. My list is getting really, really long.
  10. Only two guys to a fight. Seatbelts.
  11. Trump's apparent softening on immigration earlier this week was not received well by his base. At all. The Clinton Foundation continues to dominate the news cycle, though there are indications that it's being "unwound" to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest on the off chance Hillary wins in November. I haven't heard whether Trump plans to unwind any of his Russian- and German-funded corporate projects.
  12. You know, they can't? My colorblind friend was basically banned from doing laundry? But at least he knows green sauce is awesome, even if he can't really tell what color it is?
  13. Scientists figure out how to boil water
  14. Probably it would only occur once regardless?
  15. Exactly what kind of green sauce are you eating?
  16. Were you suggesting fictional cities? Why not El Dorado? Or Shangri-La, or Metropolis?
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