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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Poaching off the King's private hunting reserve might not be the same as poaching off lands that are federally managed for the common good.
  2. Unless a given person is only familiar with Superman from Snyder films.
  3. Yes, but then he did have to snap Zod's neck. So not only was Superman's CvK wrong, the moral is that he should have just killed Zod at the outset, sparing Metropolis hundreds of casualties and billions in damage, and sparing the audience about an hour and a half. Showing that Superman fails if he tries to not kill is not what Superman movies should be about. Had I taken my kids to see MoS, I wouldn't just be rolling my eyes at it, I'd be actively pissed off. I'd like to think that it's possible to write a Superman movie without a Nietzchian plot that still sells tickets. In fact it might even sell more tickets. Maybe they'll try it one day.
  4. I too prefer Marvel, but you really have to watch the entire MoS to understand how relentless it is. (I am not recommending that you actually do this, because your lifespan is finite and hours of it are valuable.) The other, lesser, problem with MoS is that it commits the all-too-comomon offense of assuming that spectacular fights are interesting. They can be, up to a point. But if it just drags on with no change in circumstances or personal stakes for the combatants, it gets boring. Oh look, they knocked over another building. Yawn. I always thought a Three Stooges eyepoke would have been more effective, but there's enough wrong with the movie already that we don't have to spend time picking on continuity and editing mistakes.
  5. But that would require treating them like human beings!
  6. Of course Superman would kill a bad guy to save innocents, if he was backed into a corner with no other choice. But that's not a Superman story. The point of a Superman story is that the strong have a duty to act morally and lawfully. The point of MoS was that Superman's philosophy is hopelessly naive, and the whole story was about his struggle to finally abandon the moral code that was holding him back.
  7. Do you know how much I appreciate the fact that you spelled Gandhi correctly?
  8. Maybe if you had actually shown up to class now and then?
  9. Works wonderfully in heroic-level games--in fact I would argue that SPD is actually unbalanced at lower ends of the spectrum. SPD 4 is a huge advantage over SPD 3. For supers it might be missed. SPD is one of the things that helped to balance stat-heavy (but slow) bricks against, like, everyone else.
  10. Is it a bad thing that your life is hopelessly incomplete?
  11. Mediocre? Did you watch the same movie I did?
  12. AIUI Booster Gold will not be part of the Snyderverse; he'll have a separate reality unto himself.
  13. We are fine, I suppose, especially compared to people who have recently had their gallbladders amputated. Glad you came out okay on the other side. Bet you fit in just fine at the hospital where they don't even let you wear pants.
  14. A nunnery in the Monty Python and the Holy Grail sense?
  15. That sounds awesome! But can you answer a question for me? It's kind of embarrassing to ask... but how do you pronounce "Jolrhos"?
  16. Hero has another advantage: it's easier to learn. Crazy talk, I know. But I made the effort to learn enough Pathfinder to join a PBEM a couple years back, and the classes, archetypes, racial abilities, and feats alone are almost impossible to get your head around. Let alone truly counterintuitive mechanics like saving throws and armor class, which I already understood from primordial D&D. At any rate, I have decided that Hero's notorious steep learning curve is a lie, at least compared to the mainstream games.
  17. Driveway Ned Wrecker Washboard
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