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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Again, I agree, but most comic/movie execs will jump at the short term profit every single time.
  2. I sort of agree, but the reality is that core characters are going to get tweaked however it takes to keep sales up. That said, I don't think BvS Superman is a successful attempt--in fact it's probably counterproductive.
  3. Does it really matter what you call yourself?
  4. Is anyone going to answer the nemesis question?
  5. I didn't know we were exclusively nemeses?
  6. Around the same time you stopped liking green sauce?
  7. Why the 21 DEX? Especially since the costs make it look like it should be 16 or 18.
  8. Champions is so awesome it can even make finance interesting. What's next? Art history?
  9. Easy if you just keep your hands to yourself?
  10. Tights: Athletic/mobile. Bold color/emblem/capes: Openness or flamboyance. Cloaks/loose clothing/masks: Mysteriousness; concealment. Armor/street clothes: Low powered character or campaign. Guns: Wrong genre. Nudity: Painful awareness of target demographic. Generally speaking.
  11. Australians petition to put Steve Irwin on their currency
  12. Actually I haven't seen BvS yet either. (Nor am I in any particular rush given the 'reviews' here. ) Most of my participation has been confined to MoS and SS, which I have seen.
  13. To be, or not to be? Is that the question? And if so, who answers?
  14. It's weird that the Republicans there are so hellbent on preventing themselves from attacking women in bathrooms.
  15. 1100 Alakea Street. This is significant for this thread because unlike most tall buildings, it has a 13th floor. Instead it omits the floor between the 3rd and the 5th floors, because its builders subscribed to Asian superstitions, not American ones.
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