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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Did this get posted yet? (Spoiled because it's a little long.)
  2. Put their hand in a bowl of warm water? Fill their hand with shaving cream and tickle their nose? Shave off an eyebrow?
  3. You know, on any other message board this topic would have devolved into name calling, ragequits, and bannings weeks ago.
  4. Flipping channels and came across Episode III of the prequels. It's just not as good as I remember. There's way too much CGI, way too little direction, and the writing... I just realized: I'm watching a B-movie.
  5. I'm not sure I understand the relevance of the link.
  6. I got it! I got it! *CLANG*
  7. I think the problem is that we only saw angry, brooding, fighting Supes, and we didn't see optimistic, outgoing, role model Supes.
  8. RANT MODE ENGAGED I have never understood why chalkboards have been replaced by whiteboards. Blackboard problems: Dust. Whiteboard problems: Dust, stench, difficult to erase, low contrast, glare/reflections, dried out pens, expensive pens, pens that stain clothes, pens that stain each other, pens that stain anything that isn't a whiteboard and in fact will eventually stain the damn whiteboard too. Seriously wtf.
  9. Sign up for Tor's newsletter at giveaway.tor.com to get an ebook of Kai Ashante Wilson's The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps. 9/21/2016 only.
  10. Because you're dying to know what's in the green sauce?
  11. I'm a bit on the other side of the fence. I don't mind temporary tweaks to characters, because I do like to see some variety even with established characters. But it needs to be temporary, especially where personalities and values core to the character are concerned. But that's in the comics. In the movies, which are much more mass market and heavily exposed, we really ought to be seeing something pretty close to the "standard" portrayal of a character, because that's going to be the baseline for the character for way more people. Odds are, someone who barely knows anything about Superman probably expects to see the optimistic, moral, goody-two-shoes guy. If you instead show a movie about an omnipotent, brooding alien loner, then 1) that might turn them off and 2) it doesn't tie in to the comics very well.
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