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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. How much of that 2.5 billon is coming out of the execs' pockets?
  2. In the vacuum of space? Is that good for the squirrel?
  3. I was thinking that Hillary needed to have cards printed with his tweets and quotes. "Here is your tweet dated something something 2006, Donald, where you said you hoped to profit from any housing crisis." That's what it would take. Otherwise he's just going to lie harder, safe in the knowledge that virtually no voter will fact check him later.
  4. The funding slide is really underwhelming. Kickstarter? Really? Profits from a SpaceX that is not yet profitable? Admittedly he's trying to drive costs down to $140k/ton to Mars, which puts each launch in the mere tens of millions... if it works. This is going to take some significant federal government assistance, I think.
  5. Aerobraking initial reentry at both Mars and Earth. I'll have to take a closer look at the Mars reentry profile later--typically that is a very difficult problem.
  6. Now he has a slide up showing the Mars vehicle next to a Saturn V. Wasn't kidding when I said it was ginormous. 3x the thrust and 4x the payload of Saturn V.
  7. SpaceX is going to gasify the propellant itself to pressurize the tanks, rather than use the helium tank system that has apparently destroyed two Falcon 9s so far.
  8. Jesus, he wants to put a million people on Mars. He's talking about mass production of these ginormous rockets. I can just hear the Martians shouting "To arms! To arms!"
  9. Watching Elon present his Mars spacecraft now. The rocket is frickin' huge. Mars vehicle itself like a stubby rocket with fins.Deep cryo methalox for propellant, partially because it could possibly be manufactured on Mars. Takes advantage of booster landing to enable rapid refueling--basically one launch for the vehicle, quick turnaraound, second launch for additional fuel. Elon wants to get the "ticket price" for a Mars trip from $Billions to $200k. No mention yet of recent "rapid uncontrolled deconstruction" events. Or of funding--even Musk can't possibly afford this on his own dime.
  10. That part actually made sense to me. Cap knew that normals trying to catch Bucky was probably going to result in dead normals and/or dead Bucky. More questionable to me was the ease with which Tony rolled over for Ross, even though he was not in a great place emotionally at the time.
  11. Nightly news shows are avoiding calling a winner either way. There were no knockout soundbites, so all they show is a couple of snipes from either side. As a result neither candidate looks good. Obviously they don't show 45 minutes of flustered whining Trump, or point out any of his inaccuracies.
  12. According to whom? His followers are some mixture of single-issue voters, Anyone But Hillaries, and the ones based in realities other than our own.
  13. Didn't get to watch, but I'm hearing that Trump announced at the debate that he pays no federal income tax. That oughta go over well.
  14. Sully starring Tom Hanks. The movie has to invent an adversarial NTSB investigation board to come up with some conflict, and even then the movie is kind of slow. But otherwise it's not bad, and as usual Hanks carries the film. (Note that after Apollo 13, Cast Away, The Terminal, and now Sully, the joke is that you should never, ever travel with Tom Hanks.)
  15. The current remake of The Magnificent Seven. Antoine Fuqua starts with a true Hollywood classic and creates a version that is sloppy and predictable. Don't get me wrong, it's a solid action Western, but Training Day it ain't. Once again I'm left wondering what the screenwriters were paid.
  16. The criticism from the GOP now is that the CFPB didn't regulate Wells Fargo enough.. After complaining about overregulation ever since it was created.
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