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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Spoiled because this presidential election is PG-13 at best:
  2. Internal combustion engines to be banned in new vehicles by 2030... in Germany. Seriously that's like banning wine in France or idiots in America.
  3. SpaceX reports that the cause of the recent on-pad explosion appears to be procedural rather than a design flaw. There are optimistic reports that they may be able to resume launches before the end of the year.
  4. There's "horndog", and then there's "boasting about sexual assault on tape". I'm not sure which town hall question I would go with. Would you prefer: "Mr. Trump, how many p*ssies would you say you've grabbed over the years, and how is that different from third degree sexual assault?" or "Mr. Trump, exactly how much money do you owe to the Russians, and how do you intend to repay that debt?"
  5. Wow, Pu**ygate is not going away. It's the top headline--and a hurricane just waded ashore in South Carolina. The notable quote I read was along the lines of "Trump has managed to offend left-wing feminists and right-wing evangelicals at the same time." Finally, a candidate who can unite a divided America. And there is open discussion of asking him to step down, which solves nothing as early voting has been going on for weeks already, and it's too late to reprint ballots in most states anyway. Meanwhile, Trump supporters answer with cries of "Benghazi!" and "Emails!" and "Monica!"
  6. You know, part of me really wants to watch that, but part of me also remembers the near-migraine I got from watching the Palin debate. Watching the debate may cost me a new TV. Football seems like a much safer choice.
  7. That's nice, but they can't just not vote for Trump; they have to actually go to the polls and vote for Hillary. I see the polls for Hillary are improving, but I also see an enthusiasm gap, and enthusiasm is what drives turnout.
  8. Put it down as a full day of work on your timesheet. (J/k we both know they'll can you instantly if you try that.)
  9. Wrong. I'm already seeing people explain it away as "figurative" or "exaggerated". Remember, these are the same people who think the hurricane is a hoax perpetuated by the climate change conspiracy.
  10. I'm mainly on there for the fantasy football.
  11. Proxima b could be a waterworld
  12. That's not necessarily what he's asking for at all. I myself, on several occasions, have ordered straight off the value menu--i.e., "I'll have the number 3 with a diet, please"--and had it screwed up, in one case because they handed me someone else's order. Again, I have very low expectations of minimum wage employees working in fast food... but when you're hungry and in a rush, it can really ruin your whole day.
  13. Meanwhile, Blue Origin successfully tested its crew escape system today, recovering not only the capsule (which was obviously the main point) but also the booster, which guided itself to a successful landing. The booster was not expected to survive the ejection intact, as it involved the explosive separation of the capsule at max-Q.
  14. Don't forget that the nuclear strike was ordered by Gideon Malick himself. Which has implications for why the strike was ordered in the first place, the implementation of Phase 2, and the subsequent high-level handling of SHIELD.
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