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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Wikileaks isn't being reported on because there's nothing in there. The speech transcripts are nothing. I think there was a discussion about a speech about the emails that came to nothing. It's clear that the DNC had chosen sides in the primary but that's not news. Shrug. Meanwhile Trump lies every three minutes and says something incredibly offensive or frightening any time he opens his mouth. In public. On camera.
  2. Politics does seem to bring out the worst in some people. I wonder if that dude realizes he's part of the problem.
  3. 20 women have now stepped forward to publicly relate their sexual assault experiences with Donald Trump. How many Cosby Units is that?
  4. But without a Superman-level hero in the MCU, how will we ever get to see a good Superman movie?
  5. Table 1-1: Potion Compatibility Results D100 Result Potion Compatibility 01 Explosion! If two or more potions are swallowed together (or a second is swallowed while the first's magic is still active), the drinker takes damage equal to 1d6 times MULTIPLE. For example, if a potion of fly (5th level caster) and a potion of owl's wisdom (3rd level caster) are involved, the drinker takes 15d6 points of damage. There is no saving throw allowed to reduce or negate this damage. If mixed externally, then the explosion detonates in a sphere of 10 ft. radius. All within take the damage, but a successful Reflex save DC (10 + SUM) halves the damage. 02-03 Lethal poison results. The drinker must make a Fort save DC (10 + SUM) or die. If the save is made, the drinker takes 2d6 points of Constitution damage. If mixed externally, then a cloud of poison gas spreads in a 10 ft. radius when the container is opened. All within must make a successful Fort save or die, and still take 1d6 Constitution damage if they make the Fort save. Creatures immune to poison are immune to this result. 04-07 Mild poison results. The drinker suffers nausea and 2 points of Strength and Dexterity damage. A successful Fort save DC (10 + SUM) negates the ability damage but not the nausea, which lasts for a number of minutes equal to SUM. If mixed externally, then a cloud of poison gas spreads in a 10 ft. radius. All within must make a successful Fort save or become nauseated and take 2 points of Strength and Dexterity damage. Creatures immune to poison are immune to this result. 08-11 Cursed mixture results. Neither potion works. Instead, they mix into a potion that acts as a bestow curse spell (-6 to any attribute chosen at random) that has a duration equal to that of the highest level potion involved in the mix. The duration cannot be instantaneous, so if one of the potions has a duration of instantaneous use the duration of the other one. 12-16 Hostile monster summoned. The vile mixture causes the drinker to vomit it up in a cloud. The cloud turns into a monster chosen at random from the summon monster table equivalent to HIGHEST. For example, if HIGHEST is 7, then a random monster from the summon monster VII table appears. This monster attacks the drinker and her allies in preference to any other targets. If mixed externally, the liquid turns into a gas and the monster appears out of the gas cloud. The monster's duration of stay is equivalent to HIGHEST. 17-26 Potions cannot be mixed. Both potions are totally destroyed, and their effects end immediately. 27-36 Potions cannot be mixed. The second potion drunk fails to function, but the first remains functional. If mixed externally, both potions are destroyed. 37-42 Potions cannot me mixed. One potion chosen at random has the opposite effect, while the second does not function. If there is no obvious opposite effect, then the drinker is affected by a confusion spell as if case by a SUM level caster. 43-47 Potions cannot be mixed. The first potion drunk ceases functioning immediately, but the second works normally. If mixed externally, the potions are destroyed. 48-52 Potions cannot be mixed. Both potions function, but at half strength and half the normal duration (if the duration is longer than instantaneous). Half-strength potions have all aspects of their function halved. For example, a halved potion of fly would grant fly speed of 30 ft. A halved potion of invisibility would make the drinker transparent rather than invisible. A halved potion of bull's strength would grant a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength. If mixed externally by active shaking or stirring, then the liquid is affected by the magic of both potions (ignore incompatible or impossible effects); anyone drinking the mix is not affected by either potion. 53-62 Potions can be mixed. They work normally, unless their effects would cancel each other out. 63-72 Potions cannot be mixed. One potion chosen at random has the opposite effect, which is treated as empowered by the Empower Spell feat. The other potion has its normal function. Both last for half the normal duration. 73-82 Potions cannot be mixed. The drinker turns bright blue, and then bright green, and then bright pink. This change occurs every 30 seconds and lasts for the HIGHEST duration. Neither potion works. 83-87 Friendly monster summoned. This is the same result as "Hostile Monster Summoned" above, except that the monster acts as if summoned by the drinker, and attacks the drinker's enemies. If mixed externally, the liquid turns into a gas and the monster appears out of the gas cloud. The monster's duration of stay is equivalent to HIGHEST. 88-92 Potions mix but not as expected. Neither potion works, but both turn into another potion. Roll randomly on Table 7-17: Potions and Oils in the Dungeon Master's Guide. Two oils turn into an oil (discard potion results), and any other combination turns into a potion (discard oil results). The duration cannot be instantaneous, so if one of the potions has a duration of instantaneous use the duration of the other one. The new potion has a duration equivalent to that of the highest caster level potion (or oil) involved in the mixing. 93-97 Compatible result. The first potion has its effects and duration extended 150% of normal. A potion of invisibility so affected would last longer but not make the drinker more invisible. A potion of bull's strength would grant a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength and last half again as long as normal. The second potion fails to work. 98-99 Compatible result. The second potion has its effects and duration extended 150% of normal (as above). The first potion fails to work. 00 Discovery. The mixing of the potions creates a special effect--one of the potions chosen at random fails to work, but the other has its effects made permanent on the drinker. If mixed externally, then the permanent effect is not discovered until the mix is consumed. The potion's effect becomes a spell-like ability that is always on for the drinker.
  6. Dude! You were gone for a while; we missed you. Glad you are still breathing, if only barely.
  7. Dammit now I have to start over! One... two... three...
  8. Geez, fivethirtyeight's map has Arizona, Iowa, and Ohio as light blue now instead of pink. And even Florida is a darker blue, though I'm not sure if that's because it's underwater.
  9. An espionage film focusing on her observation and interrogation skills would be awesome.
  10. Knife fights often result in the deaths of both combatants. Just sayin'.
  11. I heard they were up to nine women, plus the Miss Teen USA dressing room thing.
  12. Come on man, that's McDonald's. By definition the person taking your order either didn't grow up speaking English or just flunked out of high school. If you want high-touch customer service, you will have to take your business to a finer eating establishment, such as a Hooter's or Tilted Kilt.
  13. Oh, absolutely. But she'll at least try. And compared to what the GOP has in store? These guys are talking about disbanding the IRS and they're deadly serious. Their objective is nothing short of crippling the federal government. That is not an exaggeration.
  14. Well, several women have come out alleging sexual assaults of the type he boasted about on tape, and his own daughter admits that he used to "inspect" underage naked Miss Universe contestants in the dressing room. He has been sued on numerous occasions for various types of fraud, sometimes settling out of court. On the other hand is a woman who has been accused of all sorts of wrongdoing but never even charged let alone prosecuted. Furthermore, while she is not what I would call an inspirational orator, she's the most qualified candidate since 1988--three years as SoS, eight years as a (very popular) senator from New York, eight more years in the White House during which she crafted legislation to provide health insurance for children, and plenty of legal experience before that. Is she well connected? Hell yeah. More importantly, what is she going to do with those connections, assuming she wins? Raise the minimum wage. Improve on Obamacare. Reduce taxes on the middle class. Appoint sane humans to the SCOTUS. Fix student loans! Somebody stop this crazy woman! As for this not being a binary choice... well, actually, it kind of is. That's what happens with FPTP voting; it's game theory.
  15. I'm totally with you on that. And no SCOTUS is going to go my way 100% of the time. But lifetime GOP appointees truly frighten me. Look at Citizens United. (Of course if the Dems don't also win the senate next month there still won't be a Hillary appointee, but that's a separate issue.)
  16. Two words: Supreme. Court. Hillary could be guilty of everything she's ever been accused of, including the death of Vince Foster , and I'd still pull the lever for her for this one reason.
  17. Yeah tkdguy, that's a pretty bad run of bad luck. Hope it ends now.
  18. You're only as old as you feel! (So, billions of years, in my case.)
  19. What has government done to you lately? Just curious.
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