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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I thought Winnemucca was Winnemuccus' twin sister; is that not the case?
  2. The good news is that the orbiter has successfully entered its orbit. The bad news is that expected signals from the lander have not yet been received. It's not clear yet whether this is due to some sort of comms or software problem, or an outright crash. AIUI the orbiter observed the landing but needs to aim its high gain antenna back at us before it can transmit.
  3. The ones I have are extremely inaccurate and difficult to upgrade.
  4. Said the guy from Skanör med Fälsterbø?
  5. Quite a few, but that seems to be the direct result of Mr. Grabbyhands, not because of congressional obstruction.
  6. Isn't a trunk the middle part of the body? The part you aim at?
  7. What could possibly go wrong?
  8. European robot invades Mars tomorrow
  9. Why? Don't forget that obstruction is not a means to an end for these guys--it is the end. Government shut down? Awesome. SCOTUS crippled? Wonderful. Sequestration and defunding? Perfect. Pensions destroyed? Excellent. This is because it's what the base wants. In fact the base wants it so bad that they viciously went after any rep who dared to go along with Boehner's attempts at compromise. Ryan is going to get the same treatment. The wildest blowout election in November still wouldn't clean these saboteurs out of Congress. There is nothing that these people won't do to damage the government. Even Trump's latest complaints about rigged elections, which logically mean that even Trump knows he isn't going to win, serve that purpose by calling the very integrity of our democracy into question.
  10. It won't. Obstruction has cost them almost no seats so far -- arguably is keeping their base fired up and keeping them in power.
  11. The LeMat fires from the top chamber (or from the central shotgun chamber around which the revolver rotates). The Rhino from Chiappa Firearms is another revolver that fires from the lower chamber, though of course it is just as modern. Interestingly, Ed Harris' character in the recent Westworld reboot on HBO uses a LeMat replica modded to take brass cartridges. It is as devastating as you would expect a cinematic revolver/shotgun to be. I think that the Mateba is a real firearm that was then used in GitS, not one that was invented in GitS and then made into real steel. I could be wrong. However, Masamune Shirow is really, really into guns.
  12. Looks like Orbital ATK got a successful launch off today, two years after their last launch, which was more spectacular but less successful.
  13. Man why are you guys throwing such big numbers around? Won't you get arrested?
  14. All of them, or just the ones that type too loud?
  15. If you leave the numbers in the milk for a few minutes, they become soggy and you don't have to crunch them.
  16. Very wise--you wouldn't want its mother to see you disturbing its young.
  17. Last debate is this Wednesday. Gods help us all.
  18. I suspect that until very recently NBC was on Trump's side. He got a lot of kid glove treatment from the network that aired him for twelve years.
  19. Wikileaks isn't being reported on because there's nothing in there. The speech transcripts are nothing. I think there was a discussion about a speech about the emails that came to nothing. It's clear that the DNC had chosen sides in the primary but that's not news. Shrug. Meanwhile Trump lies every three minutes and says something incredibly offensive or frightening any time he opens his mouth. In public. On camera.
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