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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Append @domain.com to the username in the settings.
  2. Mine arrived yesterday. It is as awesome as I expected, and I was expecting a lot.
  3. You mean it's not just more proof of a government conspiracy?
  4. Wait--are we talking about casinos, government, or life?
  5. Trump owns a server that does nothing but communicate with Moscow's Alfa Bank
  6. The Paleolithic was well known for the rapid evolution of stone tool usage and the worship of earth goddess figurines. It was crazy!
  7. Al is a better musician than many of the people he covers. I still find outstanding new music nowadays, but only because I go out and look for it. As it always has been, and probably always shall be.
  8. Comey has been charged with an egregious violation of the Hatch Act.
  9. Didn't you guys watch the episode?
  10. How many lights are there, Jean-Luc?
  11. I have to add the new server's FQDN as a SAN on the SSL certificate, and then reissue the certificate, and then reinstall the certificate, and then rerun the configuration wizard, and hope that that's actually what is causing the problem God I hate SSL certificates. edit: Wrong! As it happens I just needed to correct the FQDN for O365 to access the web directories on the on prem server. Too bad I already regenerated the cert.
  12. Seriously? Sign me up for a string of such "weakest films". @slikmar: Giving the shield to Hawkeye actually does sound interesting.
  13. So the FBI doesn't even have a warrant to read Abedin's emails on Weiner's laptop and may not have probable cause to get one.
  14. The point is that there is nothing to announce. Even if the emails were related to the case, which is not likely, the Director of the FBI isn't supposed to be giving a running play by play of an ongoing investigation. In direct contravention of his superiors' instructions.
  15. Bourne Legacy made a quarter billion dollars, more than doubling its budget. It wouldn't be hard for someone else to pick up the shield. Sam Wilson is right there.
  16. They may have to kill the filibuster to make that happen. The GOP is already promising to obstruct the confirmation of any justice she nominates. So it's not a slam dunk.
  17. Comey is taking a lot of heat for disobeying a direct order from his superiors to announce an investigation into copies of email he already has. The timing of the announcement, a Friday afternoon, really makes it look like this was supposed to be a sort of October surprise. We're going to be hearing about emails all weekend long. Unfortunately it really just makes the GOP look even more desperate than they already did. I'm reminded of Clint Eastwood talking to an empty chair.
  18. SpaceX has replicated the recent Falcon 9 failure on the pad, causing failure of a COPV* solely through the temperature and pressure of the helium loaded into it. This can be corrected with a modification to the helium loading procedure, and SpaceX is hoping to resume launches before end of year. * Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessel - the helium tank that is used to maintain pressure inside the liquid oxygen tank.
  19. Just tell me who to shoot, guys.
  20. Luke Cage might not be as compelling in an environment of venti lattes, yoga classes, and gluten free cafes.
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