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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. NPR has Trump's stated plan for his first 100 days up if you want to see what's coming
  2. Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man (this does not include Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, or Spider-Man, Spider-Man)
  3. You gotta admit, the illegal immigration problem is surely solved now. He won't even need the wall.
  4. Dear 2016, Please just go away. Sincerely, Mankind
  5. Also, the EC becomes susceptible to gerrymandering in states that allocate electors by district. Currently that's just Maine and Nebraska but if other states start doing that it could really start to skew the results.
  6. The Browns are still winless. We are running out of seals though.
  7. Oh, and say goodbye to fixing the gerrymander in 2020. The GOP is locked in for years now. Hold on to your butts! Apologies to those of you who are not American. We did what we could.
  8. GOP sweeps Congress, the White House, and shortly the Supreme Court. Congratulations America, you got the government you deserved.
  9. Democrats are not converting the Senate races so far. No Supreme Court for you!
  10. What kind of awful person would not like green sauce?
  11. PM Modi Suddenly Invalidates 500- and 1000-Rupee Banknotes
  12. I'm aware that Taco Bell is not Mexican food. But it's sooooooo good.
  13. Voted. Now what? Pace nervously around the room? Chew my fingernails?
  14. We probably wouldn't last that long.
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