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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Kind of wish I could watch without having to participate, but you're absolutely right.
  2. Paul Ryan has announced plans to repeal Medicare and replace it with a privatized voucher system.
  3. I like this brief reminder of a happier age gone by, about four days ago. Things were so much better then. Ah, the nostalgia.
  4. And just to be clear, the compact only takes effect once 270 EVs worth of states join it. Until then Maryland will continue to play along with the EC like everyone else.
  5. Logically once 270 EVs worth of states join the compact the EC is effectively nullified. Still won't happen though. But the EC is precisely why individual votes are worth more in some states than in others.
  6. On the contrary, Maryland is second to last in relative power of individual presidential votes. Eliminating the EC would make a Maryland voter's vote worth the same as a Texan's or a Florida Man's.
  7. And all of that got zero play in the media. None. It didn't come up in the debates, it didn't get reported in the news. All we got was emailboating and pneumoniaghazi. That said, Hillary probably should have pushed her policies more where possible rather than running on her opponent's shortcomings.
  8. 2019 at the latest. It had already been running for a while when Ben Richards was on.
  9. I strongly suspect that worlds that can actually support the creation of life are incredibly rare. Exactly the right mass, exactly the right temperature, exactly the right amount of liquid water and tectonic action, sufficiently strong magnetosphere, sufficiently stable solar system, and so on. And then the creation of intelligent life is going to be orders of magnitude rarer than that, and spacefaring life orders of magnitude rarer than that. It's not as though a race of intelligent space dolphins would be likely to discover fire, and it would be pretty challenging for a species on a gas giant to develop space travel. Furthermore it looks as though we are pretty early in the period when the universe could possibly create complex lifeforms (relatively speaking), owing to the lack of atomic diversity in the first few billion years after the bang.
  10. The real question is: how many of those Spider-Man films will be origin stories? I'm thinking the over/under is around five.
  11. That's because you are attempting to explain the Trump supporter mindset using logic. Even my arch-nemesis has a hard time with that and he's not stupid. Meanwhile, a brief look at media coverage of the campaign: Hillary was emailboated, straight up.
  12. Also, Russia has confirmed that they were assisting Trump's campaign. So, there's that.
  13. No he doesn't. There's no practical way to compel a sitting president to testify or charge one with a crime. The check is impeachment and removal, and that won't happen.
  14. As it happens the statistics show there was no hidden vote--GOP voters turned out in about the same numbers this year as in 2012. Dem voters stayed home, though--about 10% less turnout than four years ago. There's your margin right there. So I don't really think it's that people's fee-fees were hurt over being called racist, so much as an extremely ugly campaign with a Democratic candidate who was admittedly short on personality. As an aside, I totally understand that white conservatives are not necessarily racist, they just vote for racist candidates and policies. It's totally different.
  15. Understood. You are my favorite arch-nemesis, by the way. My BANF, if you will.
  16. But it's not even different. It's not even a brick through the Washington establishment window. The establishment that's holding them down is corporate-funded rich guys in Washington. If anything they've voted for more establishment. With a side of fraud and racism because sure, why not.
  17. So the serial liar and fraudster billionaire is... better? Look, explain it to me as though I were a small, working-class child: A: I vote for Trump. B: ??? C: My life improves! Fill in that B: for me. I'm not being facetious or anything, I really do want to understand.
  18. On the contrary, we completely understand why people feel disenfranchised and ignored. We too feel disenfranchised and ignored. What's harder to understand is why they think electing a corporate "billionaire" is going to help with that. There's only one party that would even consider helping out that class of voter, and it isn't Trump's.
  19. Guess who's being considered for Secretary of the Interior? You betcha! *wink*
  20. Is it? His own campaign didn't trust him with a Twitter account.
  21. A partial list of Trump bankruptcies: TrumpMortgage TrumpFinancial Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts Trump Shuttle GoTrump.com Trump Vodka Trump Steaks Trump Taj Trump Castle Trump Plaza Trump Dubai Trump University Trump Toronto Trump Hollywood Not including several other failed projects that he merely sold naming rights to. His business record is so atrocious that only Deutsche Bank and the Russians will loan him money, and he stiffed Deutsche Bank for $640M in 2008. I'm not sure how many of the above were built with Chinese steel.
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