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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I didn't think I existed any more.
  2. With today's release of "Hardwired... to Self-Destruct", Metallica's entire catalog is now available on Napster
  3. Moon dust is damaging to everything IIRC. It's like extremely fine ground glass that, thanks to electrostatics, sticks to anything. The solution, of course, is astronaut hamster balls.
  4. Man dissolved in Yellowstone hot spring
  5. Amelia Earhart. Malaysian Airline Flight 370. USS Cyclops. Descendants of the Easter Island civilization. My faith in humanity.
  6. One of the takeaways from Jared Diamond's "Guns, Germs & Steel" is that civilization advanced fastest in the largest contiguous areas of favorable climate--which in Earth's case was the Mediterranean/Fertile Crescent at first, followed by the east-west-oriented Eurasian landmass overall.
  7. It's not a flat island.
  8. Don't you remember what Autoduel Champions did to the game? It was AWESOME
  9. What if the military just used NASCAR vehicles instead?
  10. So we are blowing off Snopes on the basis of a random post in the Funny Pics thread. Roger that.
  11. That simply doesn't follow. Again, there's nothing stopping Republicans from winning the two Senate spots in the primary. There's nothing inherent in this system that discriminates against rich people or white people or evangelical people from the beginning.
  12. So far there are no transportation options here that are more cost effective than cars. Perhaps the island is not small enough.
  13. Today Schwarzenegger would be run out of today's GOP as a socialist libtard. One that has withstood multiple reviews, audits, and lawsuits. And Snopes is a liberal conspiracy, right?
  14. You know, we don't get nearly enough points for that psych lim.
  15. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. In all seriousness, the reason this doesn't count as voter suppression is that it's evenhanded. There's nothing in California's election rules that would have prevented two Republicans from "winning" the state primary. Contrast this with voter ID requirements that are proven to drive down voter turnout among the poor, to "solve" a voter fraud problem that doesn't exist. Or actual disinformation campaigns aimed at minority areas that advertise incorrect polling places and voting requirements. If anything California's primary system is the first I've seen that could possibly give third parties a chance to win.
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