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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Well, that's one reason I was pulling for Bernie. I'm certain that Hillary would have been an excellent president. But while Democrats voted for Hillary in the primaries, Americans in general preferred Bernie, specifically over Trump. There would still have been the "socialist" label and whatnot, but as the general election showed, you can be squeaky clean and still get swiftboated, so perhaps it would not have been that big of a deal. I forgot to add to my list: 7. Taken as a whole, Americans are still sexist and racist. It would be foolish to think that this was not a factor.
  2. Contributing factors, three weeks post-election: 1. The prevailing media narrative made Clinton's victory seem all but certain, driving down Democratic turnout, as you say. 2. Comey's manufactured email scandal. The difference between early voting percentages and election day is massive--about a 16% swing. Given the relatively small number of early ballots that probably translates to 1-2% at the polls, but as it turns out that was plenty. Last minute undecideds broke hard for Trump, and media coverage just before the election was all about the email. 3. The Clinton campaign was truly incompetent. Touted as the most "data-driven" campaign ever run, behind the scenes, campaign leadership: a. Failed to pick up on the message driving Sanders' and Trump's popular campaigns. b. Spent many millions on TV ads without paying attention to the message (or lack thereof) behind those ads. c. Ignored social media. d. Had no answer for an October surprise like Comey's emailboating. (It's not as though there was any shortage of scandal on Trump's side.) e. Relied too heavily on outside polling. The Clinton campaign had no polling in Michigan at all. Zero! f. Failed to support downticket races, monetarily or otherwise, even when those campaigns saw the disaster looming in their own polling. 4. Back to the media, Trump spent less than half as much money on his campaign, but got the vast majority of all corporate media coverage, and analyses show that despite the constant drumbeat of Trump scandals, the tone of corporate media coverage was much more negative for Clinton than it was for Trump. 5. Social media bubbles, and a for-profit fake news industry that feeds the GOP bubble specifically. 6. An incoherent message from the Democrats in general, despite the overwhelming popularity of Obama and the ACA. Basically Clinton's campaign saw resounding victories in the debates and post-debate polling, played a prevent defense, and got burned.
  3. I literally just said that abolishing the EC would help the GOP voters in blue states that you consider disenfranchised. Giving more voice to minority states would be fine, but because EVs are awarded en bloc by state*, what matters is the relative proportion of voters within each state. * Or district, in the case of Nebraska and Maine.
  4. However, your solution of MOAR GUNZ could still solve the problem.
  5. Actually voter turnout in 2016 was a twenty-year low. Her popular vote margin is better than that of ten prior presidents. What does this even mean? Even fewer people wanted Trump to be president, so...? Of course it doesn't change anything if you add or subtract EC votes from each state. Why would it? That just proves how messed up the EC is. Do you know what would "enfranchise" those Republicans in NY and Cali? Eliminating the Electoral College. I mean, seriously, what problem is the EC supposed to solve? It's supposed to make it so that people in smaller states aren't ignored or something, right? But I don't see candidates spending a whole lot of time in Wyoming or Alaska, where presidential votes count four times as much as they do in California. No, campaigns still focus on big states and Ohio. The EC is the whole reason that candidates write off "solid" red or blue states when in reality America is a lot closer to purple. If there were no EC then candidates would have to reach every voter, because that GOP voter in California and that Dem voter in Oklahoma would not get lost in the noise.
  6. On the contrary, it would mean that a presidential vote in one of the 46 no-name states would be equivalent to a presidential vote in CA, TX, NY, or FL. The entire point of the EC is to make presidential votes in some states more valuable than those in other states. This might have made sense 240 years ago but today it does not, as shown by this absurd result.
  7. Hillary's popular vote margin is now in excess of 2.5 million votes. This is by far the largest popular vote victory margin of any electoral college loss, and is one of the bigger popular vote margins of any presidential election.
  8. I think what is meant is torque caused by the axis of recoil not being in line with the firer's center of mass.
  9. On this day in 2013, Paul Walker died in a stupid but still tragic auto accident.
  10. What if you put https:// in front of the URL instead of http:// ?
  11. And that's as in "how many facial bones am I holding up?"
  12. I just paste in the URL from the appropriate youtube page and the forum embeds it for me. No tags or anything.
  13. I was wondering if anyone was going to post that. Crew had declared an electrical emergency. Total speculation, but loss of instruments at night is a good way to find a mountain using the Braille method. The presence of more than zero survivors suggests that the plane was still flying relatively level--usually total pilot disorientation results in a near-vertical end to the flight path.
  14. Isn't it more amazing that we're too stupid to fully grasp the depths of human stupidness?
  15. I hope you're not talking about Oracle. No matter how twisted the licensing scheme is that you're dealing with, just be glad it isn't Oracle.
  16. Lower receiver mod for your character (spoiled for language):
  17. You know they put dry ice in the "Romulan Ale" in the Star Trek bar in the Vegas MGM?
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