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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Interestingly enough, one of the original purposes of the EC appears to have been preventing the election of an unqualified populist candidate by the mob. That's why the Constitution doesn't hold the electors to the votes in their respective states. State laws do, but it could be argued that those laws are unconstitutional. I'm hearing reports that some electors are requesting intelligence briefings on the Russian influence issue.
  2. You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
  3. I want you to promise me you're not gonna stop this fight, no matter what. No matter what!
  4. Gettin’ the shakes now. Last call for drinks. Bar's closin' down. Sun's out. Where we goin' for breakfast? Don't wanna go far... Rough night. Tired, baby... Tired...
  5. Yes, ma'am. I've killed Doyle Hargraves with a lawnmower blade. Yes, ma'am, I'm right sure of it. I hit him two good whacks in the head with it. That second one just plum near cut his head in two.
  6. I would have followed you, my brother…my captain…my king.
  7. Please boss, don’t put that thing upon my face. Don’t put me in the dark. I is afraid of the dark.
  8. If anyone is interested, a concise review of the current evidence for Russian hacking of the DNC and Clinton campaign is here. Of course, this was all known prior to the election. Recent statements from the CIA and from Harry Reid suggest there may be more evidence, however.
  9. Were you mad when you put that in, or are you only seeing it because you've gone mad now?
  10. I think that in the long term we'd be better off with "interesting". In the short term we'd be looking at complete government paralysis and a devastating economic recession, at minimum.
  11. What are you people doing? That's not OJ down there. That's a bomb. Bombs explode! And you do not want to be there when they do!
  12. I'm trying really hard to decide whether that would be an improvement or not.
  13. Is rpg.net concerned that the CIA has found that Russia did influence the election? Or that the president-elect is blowing off that report like he blows off all his intelligence reports?
  14. This is a standard feature of multipowers, or it used to be. There's no reason you have to buy a multipower slot to the full AP available in the pool--but it's usually stupid not to since you're getting an 80% or 90% discount on the slot. There also used to be a limit to the number of spells a caster could have running at once, typically INT/5. Again this rarely matters since you rarely need to have more than attack, defense, and movement going at any particular time, and people rarely play stupid spellcasters.
  15. I forgot to mention something else about VPPs--they're hard to play. I ran a magic VPP character in Champions once, and building spells on the fly while playing out a combat was really, really hard. I finally wound up using some downtime to write up four pages of likely spells to choose from just so I wouldn't be stuck trying to build sticky AOE entangles between phase 9 and phase 12. IOW I practically converted my VPP to a multipower just to make it easier to play. Depending on your players you may want to take this into account.
  16. In what campaign is a 3-point skill as good as outright invisibility, flight, telepathy, telekinesis, or clairsentience? Especially when the latter cost less than three points in a multipower slot.
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