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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Yes, but all the evidence points to the Russian government. Russian metadata, Russian servers, Russian infiltration techniques. In the intelligence world, "high confidence" means "smoking gun".
  2. Do you think you're going to get away with shifting the blame this time?
  3. Full page ad addressed to electors in many states today:
  4. I've often thought that I should develop a drinking problem. I've certainly earned it.
  5. After you told us to cut aylwin's mike? Isn't that kind of mean, by the way?
  6. We already have instances of these clowns rushing into pizza joints, assault rifles blazing, to rescue infants from the child trafficking rings that they know are in there. Literally.
  7. Is it any wonder that Tarkin and the Emperor faced a revolt led by members of the landed aristocracy?
  8. Well, it's not impossible. If neither candidate gets 270 electoral votes next monday, and if the House doesn't automatically flip the resulting contingent election to Trump, then balloting would continue in the House until one of the top three vote-getters earns a 26-vote majority of the statewide contingents in the House. This was supposed to be the path to the presidency for whatshisname in Utah. It is still desperately unlikely, however, as the electors are already receiving rather serious death threats from Trump supporters. (Yes, contingent elections in the House are apparently very odd--counted by state, not representative. IANACL.)
  9. In my experience Fantasy Hero mages do require additional cost and limitations to prevent them from becoming to versatile and taking over the campaign. A mage with an RKA, Invisibility, and Superleap can be somewhat approximated by a normal. A mage with Telekinesis, Teleport, and Desolid can't. Even a few inches of Flight can make a wizard completely invulnerable to a majority of fantasy encounters, forcing the GM to equip everyone with bows and populate the countryside with harpies and dragons.
  10. Yeah, I'd rather use a Trigger and/or an activation roll rather than futz around with AI for Coinspinner. Meanwhile I found that Surbrook has a writeup for Stormbringer already. It's missing some features that I would have included, like the rare interdimensional teleport and the bloodlust it ignites in its wielder, and I'd make the soul transfer into an NND, but otherwise it's a solid writeup.
  11. Yes, and then build an area effect Transfer END to Mana, and the mage can burn the warrior's END instead! Virtually every FH game I've played in has run magic out of END or a Mana stat (typically figured as EGOx2). I detest tracking either so I have a tendency to buy spells down to 0 END anyway. I did write up one Dark Sun campaign where I was going to have spells run off environmental mana, wherein casters would be equipped with an area effect Transfer Mana (or vegetation Body) to an internal Mana that would then power their spells. It would have been cool as it would have forced casters to move around to hexes that hadn't yet been drained, but it was also going to be a hell of an exercise in bookkeeping.
  12. That's probably a little too strong. The EC is a holdover from when it was "the United States are" and not "the United States is". Once upon a time it made sense for states to vote on the presidency rather than individuals. But that probably hasn't been the case for a century now, which is why I advocate for the abolishment of the EC.
  13. I wonder if I will ever be able to get out of my own way.
  14. I could sure as hell use some more speech this Christmas.
  15. Nature can be lethal, but it doesn’t hold a candle to man. Now, you’ve seen how bad things can get and how quickly they can get that way. Well, they can get a whole lot worse. So, we’re not gonna fight anymore. We’re going to pull together and find a way to get out of here. First we’re going to seal out this--
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