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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. He's been holding ridiculous positions for years. All it got him was the presidency. He's not going to stop now.
  2. It's not a conspiracy theory when members of Trump's senior campaign staff had also run Moscow-supported campaigns for Yanukovich, when his advisers worked closely with Russian oil companies, and when Trump himself has been working with Russian investors for years in projects both in and out of Russia. It's a stretch to think that Russia wasn't closely involved in the campaign.
  3. ECCENTRIC ASTRONOMER FOUND DEAD IN SUBTERRANEAN LAIR Neighbors alert authorities when they notice an improvement in the smell
  4. Never seen it for more than 4d6. Odds of it happening on 12d6 are 0.000000000459394 or thereabouts according to my phone--a bit less than half a billionth. The bell curve is strong with that one. Sadly I don't play enough Champions to be likely to see it.
  5. One thing that class systems do have going for them is if players don't know what they want to play. In that case it may be better to pick something off the value menu and call it good.
  6. My point is that if a character takes levels in Druid, he's stuck with all the restrictions and other baggage that comes along with that class. It may be fine for Disney Nature Princesses to be stuck with wooden armor and scimitars, and have high Wisdom, and be compelled to be one with nature or lose all spellcasting ability until they atone. But that's not likely to be true for Hands, or many other shapeshifter character concepts.
  7. So I'm reading into this "Wild Shape" thing that you mentioned and it's... really not a good fit. If you're going to "take levels in Druid", then your character is a Druid. I rather suspect that Hands Jankus or whatever could use metal armor and a longsword if she felt like it, hasn't got an unusually high Ego score, and can't cast a whole lot of spells that don't involve shapeshifting.
  8. I would argue that this just proves class-based systems can't handle certain types of characters. You can't say a class-based system can handle Character X when the system's method of handling it is Calvinball.
  9. Millions Mourn As Rocker/Activist Ted Nugent, Age 68, Found Alive
  10. "And there is only one thing we say to Death: Not today."
  11. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_winter#Nuclear_summer
  12. Apparently she is out of surgery and recovering. Take that 2016!
  13. (Just cutting and pasting from Wikipedia today.) 583 – Yohl Ik'nal acceded to the throne of the Maya city-state of Palenque. 1793 – French Revolution: The Royalist counterrevolutionary army was decisively defeated in the Battle of Savenay, although fighting continued in the War in the Vendée for years afterward. 1916 – First World War: Allied forces gained a strategic victory in the Battle of Magdhaba, located in the Sinai Peninsula. 1938 – A South African fisherman discovered the first living specimen of a coelacanth (pictured), long believed to be extinct. 1986 – Piloted by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager, the Rutan Voyager became the first aircraft to fly around the world without stopping or refueling, landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California after a nine-day trip.
  14. Jesus, 2016, cut it out already. It's not funny.
  15. I'd really rather Trump pick up a weapon and go deal with ISIS in person.
  16. I'm not sure that second sentence really factors into his analysis.
  17. Ironically a Magus is what I played that one time. Kind of a weird class. I remember I had to switch his preferred weapon from a spear to a rapier, and I had to make him a particular shade of elf in order to get a certain ability I needed, and I was going to have to use a hell of a lot of Shocking Grasp, because Shocking Rapier is how a Magus stays competitive. So I was able to play the high-dex human wind mage that was my original concept. Sort of.
  18. I've made this comment elsewhere, but I attempted to play Pathfinder once, and OMFG the proliferation of archetypes, feats, classes, races, specializations, and variants is mind-boggling. If there is a class-based system that is most likely to be able to handle a given character concept, it is surely Pathfinder. But wow do you have to wade through a lot of text to find it.
  19. Every single Christmas winds up this way.
  20. In aeons past, Armitage quoted the passage for Temporal Fugue from the even more ancient 100th issue of Dragon Magazine: I actually ran a character with this power once. The GM and the other players hated it.
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