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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Have you guys been switching Cancer's meds around again?
  2. I very much like Turakian Age, but I really feel that it's a victim of its own size. It's so all-encompassing that it winds up having little identity of its own. Voted here for Tuala Morn which is the most distinctive of all the 'official' FH settings.
  3. Well... um... how shall I put this?
  4. It's hard to keep passwords secret from your other personalities, isn't it?
  5. How about the color of dried feces, is that close enough?
  6. How do you decorate padded walls? Especially when the sleeves of our jackets are strapped down like this?
  7. You think this was my fault? Am I not the victim here?
  8. And there are those for whom personal aggrandizement is limited at least by plain human decency if not a genuine desire to help their fellow man.
  9. Yeah, 2016 broke my kid's arm the day after Christmas. He'll be okay, but it was a crummy few days.
  10. Since when do they have to be polite questions?
  11. Yeah, I was the same way yesterday. Newer boy broke his arm on Monday and the pain kept him (and me) awake for two nights. He finally slept through last night.
  12. Of course there's no autohit in Hero*, but the usual way is with some combination of One Hex AOE, +OCV, autofire, sometimes NND does body, and sometimes even attack vs. ECV. Much like Sleep it becomes outrageously expensive, even after you tack on Charges 1x/day, but that just goes to show you how OP Magic Missile really is. Especially compared to Magic Mouth. Or Tenser's Floating Disc. The only reason it's not radically unbalanced in D&D is because of the hit point system there. * Which is a feature, not a bug.
  13. Are you questioning his question? Is this the right thread for that?
  14. If he'd like to get on with his life and leave government to someone who's not a Russian mole, I'm good with that.
  15. Conversely, Shadowpup (who a few of you may remember from here) once took a blowtorch to one of his d6s that kept letting him down. As an example to the others. I understand he got better rolls out of his dice from then on.
  16. Perhaps not nukes, but a military response should certainly have been on the table. If f--king with our elections isn't an act of war, what is?
  17. You like him? Should we try to get his phone number for you?
  18. The US reprisal for Russian tampering with the elections is pathetic. But here is the final Joint Analysis Report fingering the Russian government for direct interference (pdf). It's pretty dry.
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