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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. God, I hope so. Beats the hell out of watching liberty die in silence and bitter cold.
  2. "Don't return us to the store, please!"
  3. I see where you're coming from, but unfortunately I don't know if you can get away with taking the Powers description out of the book. Even if you hide the math, an Entangle with Area Effect, Requires a Roll, and Obvious Accessible Focus--these all have in-game effects that can't be anywhere but the Powers section. The best you could do would be to reorganize the entry for each Power such that the game effects are on top and the costs and specific modifiers are on the bottom, but I don't know how much space that'd save. Taking out Powers means a campaign with no magic, no non-human races, and no monsters. It could be done, but...
  4. Can anyone point me to the description in FHC for skill modifiers like Scholar and Jack Of All Trades? I can't find it.
  5. A fog or vog composed of biological viruses would indeed be unpleasant.
  6. Not to my knowledge, but I don't like the scratchy feeling in the back of my throat.
  7. I love how mcguffins in film are always prominently displayed in elaborate rooms built specifically for them. If I had that sword it'd wind up in the closet under a pile of old shoes and magazines.
  8. The vog here has been awful all week and will continue at least into the weekend.
  9. I have already had this discussion with my kids--that I'm sorry about what the current generation of "adults" have done to their world, and that they are going to have to work pretty hard to help clean it up. (Or maybe find someplace else to live, if they're lucky.)
  10. Because the wife would throw one of her epic hissy fits if they didn't. And it's the closest branch of the oldest, largest, guilt-trippiest, franchise of Christianity, to which she subscribes. I should stress that there were no actual clergy present at this discussion, just typical members of the congregation.
  11. Ha. I got sucked into a bible discussion a few weeks back when I dropped the kids off at Sunday school. It started out uncomfortable, then became hilarious when the discussion turned to homelessness. According to Christ, it's wrong to give free food or medical assistance to the homeless, because it just encourages them to be lazy and dependent on aid. Homeless people choose to be addicted, or jobless, or mentally ill, you see. Perhaps my copy of the Bible is out of date? Anyway I can't make waves because my kids go there, but it was the most educational church event I have ever attended.
  12. I refuse to accept that this "era we're in" is a new normal or acceptable in any way.
  13. Especially since Mexico's proximity to the largest consumer of illegal narcotics is the entire reason they have these cartel problems in the first place.
  14. Portlanders may be unique among American cities in actually caring about their homeless population or considering them to be human beings.
  15. It's been plunging clear down into the sixties at night here for a couple of weeks. Fahrenheit.
  16. You could move. Then again rent is probably cheaper where you're currently at.
  17. It's hotter than that where he ascended from.
  18. That article doesn't even mention the evidence that Trump was laundering Russian money for decades. Dude is bought and paid for.
  19. Or that the universe doesn't run on Hero, but some other craptastic system that can't handle it.
  20. You can blame the news media for at least some of that. Anything remotely technical is going to get mangled in translation to English by a journalist* on a deadline. Science, aviation, IT, military, medical studies, firearms, all routinely misreported. * And even these are an endangered species compared to bloggers or random bloviators on the Internet.
  21. I'd prefer it if this were modified to say that there are things science doesn't understand yet. There's enough room in theories of dark matter, chaos theory, and cosmological probability to support a comic book explanation of magic.
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