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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Ever notice how plumbing problems always happen in the middle of the night or on major holidays? Sympathies.
  2. Actually they did, when he was kicking ass fighting for the good guys. But then he married a British chick, and some other Americans screwed him over, so he went over to the loser side.
  3. If you're talking about the nobility description towards the beginning of TM, those numbers are low, but they're minimums, not maximums. Historically a Duke who couldn't muster a thousand men was doing it wrong. That said, TM does seem to be a bit smaller scale than other campaign settings, so perhaps that is the reason for the smaller numbers.
  4. We used to track damage by inflicting wounds on the player to match those on his character. It really helps with the roleplaying. Note: this post may contain factual inaccuracies.
  5. We're already there. The A/C in my building can't balance uneven solar heating on the structure, so my office varies from 65 to 75 Fahrenheits over the course of the day. I would complain, but any "fix" would probably require that I strip down to my underwear to prevent heatstroke, and then it'd be an HR issue.
  6. "Forced to abdicate" is putting it politely. Hundreds of Royal Guard faced off with 1500 US Marines and non-native militia across the street, who had the full backing of the US Government. Lili'uokalani stepped down knowing armed resistance would only provoke a full scale invasion. Like most instances of Native American - U.S. relations, this was a case of corrupt Americans screwing over native people while no other Americans cared enough to put a stop to it.
  7. Agreed, but that doesn't change the fact that the Trump administration is a giant unforced error on the scale of the second invasion of Iraq. I'd like to see way more two-steps-forward and way less one-step-back.
  8. I finally went ahead and contributed some money to Wikipedia just now. They're not in the middle of one of their nag campaigns so I actually had to hunt for the "donate" link. You can contribute with credit card, Paypal, or Amazon; I went the Amazon route--Amazon login and password, and done. What finally motivated me to do this was a post online where someone said "I'll pay two dollars to get a coworker to eat a spoiled grape, but the greatest online repository of human knowledge asks me for two dollars and I'm like, oh hell no." I contributed more than two dollars.
  9. Fun fact: A relative of mine, during his tenure as a chemist at Firestone, once whipped up a batch of nitroglycerin just to see if he could. Having done so, he realized he had no way to dispose of a beaker full of nitroglycerin.
  10. Hard not to feel a twinge of sadness, but then again this is the town where Tyke the elephant failed her Berserk roll, smashed her trainer, and got herself gunned down on a back road in Kaka'ako. Two decades ago.
  11. Hired by Republican opponents of Trump, MI6 agent frustrated by FBI refusal to act on evidence of Trump collusion with Russia
  12. FBI Director Comey knew the Russians were hacking the DNC months before the election, sort of neglected to tell them
  13. I get that, but how are you going to play the spells if you don't include the descriptions for the relevant powers?
  14. No, Lolth. Or Death Tribble. Come to think of it, has anyone seen Lolth and Death Tribble together at the same time?
  15. Sorry, I didn't understand what you wrote. I can't read heretic.
  16. Saduria entomon is a benthic isopod crustacean of the family Chaetiliidae. It is distributed along the coasts of the Arctic Ocean and of the northern Pacific Ocean.
  18. What are you apologizing for? I have more than enough reality already; I don't need more of it here.
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