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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. No, no, W was the Iranian mole, as long as we're trading theories. Everything that man did benefited Iran more than any other country. Obama was shockingly naive though.
  2. Shooting at a Quebec mosque. Multiple deaths and injuries. Man do people suck sometimes or what?
  3. It would make perfect sense if Trump is a Russian mole. Just sayin'.
  4. We're also seeing a Constitutional crisis with Customs and Border Patrol flatly ignoring judicial orders staying Trump's immigration ban. This is what, day 7?
  5. I just thought it would be a nice place to hike. (You know, aside from the unimaginably frigid temps and the hard vacuum.) What annoys me is that there's no scale.
  6. It has some craters already.
  7. Geez BB, that seems awfully sudden. What a terrible loss. I'll pray for your dad and for you.
  8. Directly imaged four planet system
  9. The Last Ditch Crew The Gutter Gang The Last Call
  10. Is this the journalists' fault, or the public's?
  11. So apparently my representative took it upon herself to go have a one-on-one chat with a guy that has an annoying tendency to nerve gas civilians. Now she is back and actually defending the guy in public. I am pretty f---ing pissed off.
  12. Have any of you actually stepped on a D4? This is clearly an NND Does Body killing attack. More seriously, I'd model this as a Change Environment or perhaps a weird Entangle. Like an Entangle vs. Dex, no DEF, something like that.
  13. Trump to Finance Impossible Wall With 20% Tariff on Mexican Imports That Will Crash Both Mexican and American Economies
  14. Have you read Fantasy Hero Complete?
  15. Entire State Department senior management team "resigns" It's hard to overstate the impact this will have on U.S. foreign relations.
  16. Is there any possibility that those are the result of an edition jump? The elimination of figured stats and the addition of new stats from 5th to 6th seems to cause point inflation in general.
  17. A useful roundup of the outrages from the first few days of the Trump administration
  18. Trump orders construction of impossible border wall
  19. Trump senior staff using private email server for government business
  20. A bear there was, a bear, a bear? All black and brown and covered with hair?
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