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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. If you say so. I'm not inclined to test the ATF's patience just so I can screw an oil filter on the end of a gun.
  2. Are we choosing our system of government based on how easy it is to spell it?
  3. Why not an oligarchy? Or should we just go straight to the strongman dictatorship?
  4. Nowadays CNN is reality TV. Only more ridiculous.
  5. Did you drink all of that oreo flavored beer at once, Jeff?
  6. PREPARE TO FEEL MY WRATH... I don't know, man, am I supposed to press # first or is there a loose connection? The '1' has been completely rubbed off of the button. How old is this thing anyway?
  7. That was the other takeaway this year was the sudden popularity of suppressors. It's odd to me that they're as legal as they are, but whatever. The bigger problem with suppressors is that they're almost always extremely ugly. Except for the oil filter ones, those are kind of funny.
  8. This is just the logical conclusion of decades of "government is the problem" and "starve the beast". The entire MO of the GOP is to sabotage or bankrupt the government and then point at how broken government is. From that perspective Trump is the perfect president for them, because he is guaranteed to cause as much chaos as possible while still not being perceived as part of the establishment GOP. The only parts of government that will be spared are the parts that are necessary for corporations to function; everything else is fair game. It's especially tragic because the federal government of the United States was the single biggest force for good throughout the twentieth century, simply by existing. Two Republican administrations have now replaced this source of inspiration and hope with cynicism, lies, and hate.
  9. 100000 visas revoked last week as a result of travel ban
  10. That's why there was so much discussion of a Constitutional crisis last weekend, before Trump went and did something else shocking to distract from it. But yes, right now CBP is ignoring the judiciary, which is unconstitutional. As a practical matter, however, nothing can be done about it in the short term.
  11. Worse. If I was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Comcast, and I had a gun with two bullets, I would shoot Hitler and Stalin and beat Comcast to death with the empty gun over a span of days.
  12. Today I made my pilgrimage to this house of sin and depravity. Solemnly I traded honest coin for one of these abominations, and I ate of it, forever staining my body and soul with contempt for any natural order or basic morality. It was truly, intensely, meh, tasting almost exactly like a chicken sandwich, which is not bad. My main objection is the cost; I could have had two ordinary tacos or three bean burritos for the same money. I suppose it could be an option for those who are sworn enemies of the gluten, depending on how the chicken is breaded, but it's not as though Taco Bell is short on gluten free options.
  13. Arnold responds to Trump's obsession with Apprentice ratings
  14. God I hate troubleshooting this firewall.
  15. I haven't seen any real disagreements yet. Even on abortion. It really looks like he's just signing whatever EOs the Heritage Foundation puts on his desk.
  16. Why would they do that when so far he's been the hard right's wet dream come true?
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