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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Does it really matter what color they are? Aren't size, shape, and firmness more important qualities?
  2. Can we return to the booby discussion please?
  3. Lego sets usually precede the associated movies, to the point of spoiling some of the vehicles on the Star Wars films. Right now they're focusing on Lego Batman for obvious reasons.
  4. Brandon Sanderson will be easier to find on Amazon using his correct first name.
  5. I have words, but forum rules prevent me from repeating them here.
  6. Nice! I dated a girl like that once. And by "date" I mean "was soundly rejected by".
  7. I'm pretty sure that guy still holds the record for victims-per-terrorist, if only barely.
  8. Please don't confuse Trump with "the US". At best it's "less than half the US", which I know is terrible, but still.
  9. That's bad but still not as bad as the guys who think Sandy Hook never happened and make death threats against the parents of the victims.
  10. It's weird when my coworker talks about the nursery rhymes her dad used to tell her, because her dad was EGG.
  11. Thanks guys. If not for the kids this would have been posted in the Nice Happy thread.
  12. Oh, she came in the Lex Luthor mech set, with Supes. Weird.
  13. But then someone could have done the Guy Fawkes thing! Drat.
  14. The 8yo has that minifig but I can't remember what set she came in.
  15. I'm not sure Trump actually delivered anything, ever, in his entire career. He created a small fortune by starting out with a large fortune (of other people's money). Although I guess he owns a fifth of Rosneft now so that's something.
  16. I finally gave my wife the divorce papers she's been saying she wanted for years, now she says she doesn't want it. There is just no pleasing some people.
  17. Isn't it much too late for an optometrist?
  18. How did I get myself into this situation?
  19. Not to derail, but the characters are one of the things being done right in the J.J. Abrams Trek continuity. Urban's McCoy in particular is eerily accurate. What's missing is the thoughtfulness--each movie so far has been an empty action film with no moral conflict to speak of. The Snyderveree would definitely be less offensive if it didn't twist established characters in such a dark direction. I don't think that's enough to make it into a good movie, but it would help.
  20. A discussion of Trump's counterterrorism policies by a counterterrorism expert tl;dr: Trump is doing everything exactly wrong.
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