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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Definitely add this to your bucket list if you can make it to the Southwest in the fall. How will you go out? Kick the bucket vs Buy the farm
  2. Betelgeuse is old and boring. Eta Carinae is quite the opposite. Obscure constellations: Draco vs Cygnus
  3. "Everywhere antifa goes" is by definition someplace with neo-Nazis loudly calling for the subjugation or murder of non-white people, which is where the correlation with violence comes from. It's not as though neo-Nazi rallies don't get violent if antifa isn't there. Part of the responsibility is definitely on the Charlottesville PD who allowed openly armed demonstrators to gather. Many other municipalities would have shut down the event as soon as they saw guys showing up in riot gear with shields and pipes. In some places you can't even carry a sign or flag on a stick.
  4. Alaska, which exists primarily to humiliate Texans. Pecan pie vs. Shepherd's pie
  5. I've met people from Michigan, so Ohio. Pumpkin pie vs. Apple pie.
  6. More Keanu 3 gun. There are multiple reasons to view this vid.
  7. I hate coconut. Key lime pie vs chicken pot pie.
  8. Except that many of the people attacked by the hateful bigots were peaceful counterprotestors if not innocent bystanders. And antifa wouldn't have been present, in fact would not even exist, if the hateful bigots weren't there to begin with.
  9. Photo of antifa breaking up a large assembly of white nationalists:
  10. Charlottesville driver photographed with Vanguard America at Unite the Right rally prior to vehicular attack
  11. Young girl by 1st round knockout. I have a vulnerability. Tarzan vs. the Spanish Inquisition.
  12. Panama, because Van Halen. James Bond vs the Riddler.
  13. That's too bad. Hey can I have your stuff when you're dead?
  14. Yeah, and if they were all different, you could make a game out of them. And the rare holo pieces could be defined as way more powerful than the rest.
  15. Washington, which is actually a state. Team Rocket vs. the Cleveland Browns.
  16. Don't worry, I'm sure they'll find a cure before it's too late.
  17. That's because you left out the false equivalency term.
  18. Vegas isn't that much further away than L.A.
  19. Descendants of Robert E. Lee denounce white supremacists, advocate moving statue to museum
  20. A couple of the other boards I frequent have started dead-serious threads about fleeing the U.S. before the racial purge/second Civil War. People are terrified after Charlottesville, and I can't blame them. Anyway, a distilled version of the fleeing advice is: - Updated passports for the entire family - Go bag - Cash (i.e. paper money, not a checking account) - Bank account in target country (Canada will be best for most people) - Important documents, including birth certificates and Social Security cards Lastly, the answer to "When will I know if it's time to leave?" is "You won't until it's too late."
  21. I hate anything with thorns. Most badass sword: yardstick vs. cardboard tube vs. bunch of markers stuck together
  22. I'm told that to truly understand Trump's press conference today, you must watch the video. I can't do it at work, and honestly I'm not sure if I can risk the last remaining shreds of sanity I still possess.
  23. Holding Back the Years because I am sick and tired of Sledgehammer. One because I hate people. Dr. Doom vs Darth Vader.
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