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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Is that an actual muzzle brake or just a flash hider? Anyway from the Sero website:
  2. It's possible that the full barrel recoil system was put in because a muzzle brake is less practical on a bullpup weapon. .50BMG small arms must have practical military uses since they are employed by the military on a semi-regular basis. @mega: Technically the Carl Gustav is a shoulder fired 84mm recoilless weapon whose rounds sometimes have a rocket booster. RPGs also work on the same principle.
  3. Abramsverse Enterprise is unspeakably ugly. Movie Enterprise is arguably the most beautiful spacecraft in science fiction. A-wing va. Colonial Viper.
  4. At least we get to see Doom. Star Destroyer vs. Doctor Destroyer.
  5. Yeah, for Luke specifically, it seems as though his powers were tangentially linked to his anger level. Then again that does seem like it would just make him a miniHulk. IMO Iron Fist should have been a lot like the old Kung Fu series--a young man with a really weird upbringing trying to apply his academic wisdom and idealism to real life. If you think about it, he'd be a West Coast hippie who happens to know kung fu, in a decidedly hippie-unfriendly environment.
  6. Season 5. Season 1 has not yet grown the beard. Beard or long hair?
  7. Because he's a fan of 1990s Seattle grunge?
  8. Always bet on black. Odd or even.
  9. Finally some goddamn peace and quiet.
  10. Nevada, if pronounced correctly. State Slam 26 Atlantis vs. El Dorado
  11. Given the history involved, a KKK rally or Nazi march by definition constitutes intimidation. The entire point of these gatherings is to frighten non-white people and call for their ejection from the country (or worse). Burning a cross is not free speech, it's a threat. Wearing KKK colors is a threat. Waving Nazi flags is a threat. Parading around in riot gear with shields, clubs, and guns is a threat. I know the fascists don't represent the entire right wing, but I've also noticed that the right wing is not particularly vigorous in disavowing the fascists, or refusing their votes.
  12. It took a year, but 2016 finally got Jerry Lewis.
  13. I know Oregon contains NGD posters. Not sure about Illinois. Blissful ignorance vs. That feeling you get in your stomach when you realize you've made a really big mistake
  14. I like all the palindromedaries I know. I don't know any backandforthtrians. I'm sure they all prefer mead. It's made from honey! Magnificent Seven vs. Seven Samurai
  15. It appears the fash are outnumbered a bit in Boston today--400 to 1. Charlottesville cost them Bannon, the Stormfront site, a few jobs and families, a bunch of statues, and the polite tolerance that allowed them to spread their message. They still have Trump though.
  16. After years of corrupt government Wisconsin is now a postapocalyptic wasteland. State Slam 20 Northumbria vs. Wessex
  17. I lost track of the mechanics after 2E, the edition I played under and abused the hell out of. There were things I liked about them, like the dice pools and the interplay between cyberware and magic, but you could also get some really counterintuitive results as well.
  18. I'm thinking this discussion should be moved to the political thread, but yeah, any protest that might be perceived as disrespect for the flag will only be a distraction.
  19. To repeat, it's a stupid and divisive method of protest that actually distracts from the reason behind the protest.
  20. Palpatine was a brilliant manipulator, but Khan was a magnificent bastard. Villainy anon: Joker vs. Dr. Doom
  21. Only if they ban Green Apple Quicksteps. Jesus god I hated that card. My RPG would be an interdimensional mythic fantasy that drew from all myths--Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Celtic, Gothic, Russian, Indian, Native American, Central American, Polynesian, Chinese, Japanese, African, etc., and merged them into an Elric- or Planescape-like multiverse. Or Shadowrun too, everyone likes Shadowrun (despite the mechanics).
  22. I could probably afford to live in Montana. I've been to NH though, beautiful state, really nice people. They all have huge snowblowers in their garages though. Not sure why. Death again! Bite the dust vs. Shuffle off your mortal coil
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