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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Look up the rules on Sweep. You can already Sweep using Martial Strikes.
  2. It also depends on how you want the character to be affected. Clumsiness or similar can be a Dex Drain/Suppress. Having stuff fall on them, fall down or step on things could be 1 pip RKA every so many minutes/hours/whatever. If the spell is an NPC spell it's easier to pull off. ooh ooh I know. just buy a huge amount of Luck for the bad guy. The rules say that anything over the 3d6 translate to cover the group. The effect would be unluck on the players.
  3. You have to go back to the first issue of Appleseed. The whole first chapter with Deunan ans Briarios living in urban ruins is preety much the majority of the world. The rest of the series revolves around their life in the "civilized areas" so you don't get to see much more of the junk heap the world is.
  4. Old Man


    The DCV benefit from the shield shouldn't change as the small guy can already have a DCV bonus for size.
  5. GURPS Conan is excellent. Not sure if it's still in print though. I got mine used.
  6. But this thread is an automaton... knock off the head, and it keeps coming! Muahahahaaa!
  7. Too bad. This thread is lycanthropic, not undead, and it wears kevlar as a defense against silver bullets. Elven hair makes really good underwear. Nice and soft, like silk. Aaaah....
  8. Well, what you do is fillet them and then fry or grill up the fillets... kind of like chicken strips. I like them with a tangy honey mustard sauce.
  9. Hey, I like elves. Them's good eatin'.
  10. You don't want to make the effort to memorize a chart with at most a dozen entries... but you have time to make a database to handle all combat. Combat Luck. No, I mean by dodging or blocking when someone takes a swing at you. None of the characters I ran ever had a facial scar either. It's funny, but all my characters really didn't scar up much at all, even on those freak occasions when they did get hit in 3-5. Unless I thought it would look cool, anyway. Again, you sound like you're deathly afraid of having your heroes get hit in the face in combat. To reiterate: it rarely happens, and if it does happen, so what? Hit locations do not force you to model gangrene and facial reconstruction. It all comes down to what's more fun to play, actually. Having a leg wound is more interesting to me than a hit point countdown. The possibility of sudden death is more interesting than wading into combat secure in the knowledge that I can take two solid hits from this guy's shortsword before I risk negative body. IMO what you have is a hit point system that takes longer. It has all of the drawbacks of hit locations and none of the benefits.
  11. Actually I would go with a Summon and ask SuperSquirrel how he made his bunnies (lots of bunnies being able to combine) If you do the MP thing, then the Villain can't really change his powers easily. If it's a Summon, you can cater the Summon to the bio material he has on hand.
  12. Re: YES... RONIN! aww man, you forgot HEAT
  13. Re: re: Organization vs Characters. Now that might be a fun game to play in... "Red Shirts"
  14. Only a few of the fellowship wore armor at all, but that's a movie thing. I would put that sort of thing down to Combat Luck.
  15. That might work. It does seem like more work but something needs to be done to keep the tank fighters honest. As it stands they're just 8 DEF, all the time. Oo, what about shield damage?
  16. Armorsmith/weaponsmith skill should be fleshed out so that it's not as prone to abuse as the current weaponsmith skill. Too often have I seen players buy weaponsmith for their character and then claim they can crank out (effectively) magic items for everyone in the group. I'd like to see some kind of chart for what the penalties are wrt fixing and making various types of weapons and armor, and what kind of forge and tools and materials are required, and what level of weaponsmith should be required to build "superior" weapons, and how long it should take. There ought to be some readily available info on this subject since blacksmithing is still treated as a trade. Base weaponsmith should be enough to make crude knives, arrow/spear heads, and farming tools. It should be harder to make swords and mail, and harder still to make articulated plate armor that fits.
  17. *gasp* I am stunned speachless at such a lack of common decency towards the faerie folk! How could you say such a thing! Sentiments like that are just...rude! _______________ I am the ELFLOVER
  18. Speaking of armor, an armorer or armorsmith skill would be nice to see.
  19. How can you say that you use armor on an activation and then turn around and say that hit locations would slow down combat? And, yes, hit locations do make combat more deadly, but probably not as much as you make out. "Lopped off limbs" and "facial wounds" are extraordinarily rare unless the player plays like an idiot. Conversely, there does exist the remote possibility that my character will be felled in one lucky hit, which goes a long way toward preventing boredom and complacency. I've had it happen, I think, four times in five years of playing.
  20. Who'd have thought it would be so simple? How do you make the blobs do damage to those that step on them before they explode?
  21. OK, stop right there. Go watch the movie. It's a classic that every fan of sci-fi should see.
  22. Re: It has arrived! It's been over five hours now. Where's the review? I'm waiting.
  23. Hit location is a must. With it you have sectional armor, and the enhanced roleplaying of having an impairing leg wound rather than X body of damage. Without it what you have is hit points, which I for one have had my fill of. The table will slow combat a bit at first but it'll quickly become second nature, especially when people learn the 2x BODY locations. It does make combat more lethal--if you have new players you might want to encourage them to play conservatively for a little while. But the way I see it, if there's no danger involved then the game is fucking boring. The adventures you remember most are the ones where somebody got killed. I'd dump the 5th ed armor and encumbrance rules and go with the sectional armor chart and encumbrance from 4th, if you can find it. It's a lot better balanced. 5th ed encumbrance is broken in that fighters with high strength suffer no penalty for walking around in impregnable suits of plate.
  24. The DCV penalty used to be based purely on weight in 4th. I'd go back to that for game balance purposes even if it is less realistic. Otherwise, your 20 STR stud fighter type (an extremely common archetype in FH) skips around in full coverage 8 DEF tankmail with no DCV or DEX roll penalty at all, or a net +2 DCV should he elect to carry a large shield. I'm starting to wonder just how good the new FH is going to be. It seems as though Fred did all kinds of damage that would have to be superceded in order for FH 5th to be playable.
  25. Old Man

    Spell Pool

    Sounds like a multipower to me...
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