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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. No, they're completely different. Just compare the weapon charts. Str Min rules have gone from formulaic to arbitrary, not that the 4th ed. formula was all that great. And don't even get me started on the useless "real weapon" limitation, which will cause more problems than it solves. That might work. The problem really is one that all 'universal' systems have, i.e. that a given power simply isn't going to be worth the same from one genre to the next. For the most part Hero powers are costed pretty well, but there are a couple that need to be reevaluated. This sort of rolls into the power-cost problem I have above. STR is a good deal in Champions campaigns, but in FH it's way too cheap for the stat that defines everyone's damage, as well as figured stats, and (in 5th) how high your defenses are. I'm not thinkng of combat here, I'm thinking of reworking the skill rules so that each stat point means something. Suppose INT skills were based on INT or less instead of 9+(INT/5). Characters with INT > 23 are exceedingly rare even in Champions. The present bleeding system is hard to use. 1st ed FH, frankly, had the best bleeding rules--bleed 1d6NND Does Body for each 5 Body of the wound; a 1 reduces bleeding, a 6 increases it. Don't forget to buy Paramedic skill.
  2. Magic always works, but the player is going to get suspicious when all the enemy wizards throw STR suppress and AP/Penetrating RKAs, yet never throw AE DEX drains or RKA explosions...
  3. Penalties for movement are already in the 5th encumbrance rules "The enemy shaman's hands begin to glow while he utters words of power to his totem. Armored guy is the target for his Weakness Spell (3d6 Suppress STR)."
  4. Re: Re: SPEED Freaks Well considering that the GM limited SPD to 5 then the world's fastest man would be SPD 5. I think WillS should talk to his GM and maybe his group about this. If the fastest SPD that the GM is allowing is now 6, then any character with SPD 6 better damn well have it justified because that will be the fastest character in the universe.
  5. Finger of Death, maybe not, Power Word Kill probably. Power Word Kill requires sound and is short ranged. In addition to that, it is the weakest of the Power Words. Yeah sure it kills instantly but it affects the lowest amount of hp compared to the others (about 60 hp). Basically, it's a 6d6 RKA, All or Nothing.
  6. Darnit, you're right. I was about to suggest a 20d6 Suppress BODY. Yamo, you should be ashamed of yourself for asking this question I would have to go with the Transform. It really is the only way to do it as worded. Of course, most of the things in D&D that cause Save vs Death are prevented in Hero with a mere 10 pts or so (LS: Immunity to Poison, etc)
  7. 1. Fix the weapon and armor rules so that they're at least sort of balanced, rather than the broken crap that came in Fred. 2. Change some of the power costs to better facilitate heroic level games. Flight and force field are way, way, way too cheap. Drains and transfers are too expensive. 3. Bite the bullet and change the characteristics costs to balance STR and DEX at the very least. Personally I'd like to see DEX broken up into at least two different stats, e.g. 'agility' and 'coordination'. 4. Fix the skill system to allow finer grain at heroic levels. DEX is the only stat where each point really matters. Other stats (such as INT) have about four levels of granularity. 5. Fix the bleeding rules. 6. Fix Damage Shield.
  8. Gear Kreig is supposed to be Pulpish too but I know nothing about it. http://www.dp9.com/Worlds/GK.htm
  9. I agree, don't change the basic costs of anything. Some things may be "over powered" for this genre, but things like that should be handled by the GM.
  10. Deaming themselves fit enough to travel, the three puds, started on their way back to Cowscrossing. The sun set while they were still a good distance away, but there was enough moonlight to see by. As they got closer to the town, they saw an ominous glow in the sky. Even Yor who was lacking in worldly experience knew the signs of a large fire. All of them dashed forward to see what was wrong, any large fire in a town was a bad thing. Yor and Mac outpaced the much slower Lavenus and were the first to see several parts of the town in flames. Four more hands wouldn't do much for putting out the flames, so they did what they could for the wounded. Sadly to say there were many. From the scores of barbs scattered around the town, they guessed correctly that muskies had raided while they were gone. Most of the militia had been wiped out and carried off before the muskies were "driven away". Macarrandir knew a little about musky culture, and thought it was more probable that the muskies had more food than they could carry so they left. It took hours before the last flames burned out, the last wound bandaged. Looking over the damage, Mac approached one of the militia men. "You're telling me that a score of muskies tromped into town, burned down five houses, the leather worker's shop and the smithy, and they got away?" he asked. "No no sir, we got three of them! Our losses were higher than expected but we won!" the new militia captain pronounced. "Captain, how many people were in the militia before the raid?" Thinking for a short while he answered "30 I think....yes, 30." Shaking his head, the skinny Wythir walked away. Joining up with Yor, he said "How is it that these people think they won? They inflicted 3 casualties, and suffered 20 of their own!" Yor shrugged, not knowing what to say and lead Mac to the bath house to wash off the blood and ash. As they made their way down the main street, a familiar stone skinned man pointed an accusing finger. "You! you were with that necromancer. Why did you let him do this to the town? Aleister the Evil was with the muskies, I saw him!" The shock showed on their faces and more than a little disturbed, Yor and Mac continued on their way. Almost as expected, Lavenus was already soaking in one of the large wooden tubs. Looking at his ash covered companions he smiled, "Is the fire out? All those ashes and sparks were terrible on my fur..." Yor was easily able to restrain the much weaker Wythir. They all had a long day (and night) and all needed to get clean and rested.
  11. Yor bounded through the forest ignoring the whipping branches and pulling vines. Bulling his way into the dog handler, he managed to knock it off it's feet. The creature was shaken but still alive. With an angry stomp, the monk crushed it's windpipe before it could get up. Macarrandir the Proud had just enough time to drop his bow and draw his swords before he was assaulted by the killer dogs. Wythir are known for their speed and agility, Mac used both to keep the dogs at bay. Not wanting to harm the dogs, the atlatl armed muskies launched a pair of darts towards Yor, but could not hit the large nimble man. Almost as an afterthought, Yor backhanded the musky closest to him crushing it's face and sending shards of bone into it's brain. Saying another small prayer to Saint Sebastian, he leapt with the Grace of God into the middle of the throwing muskies. The dogs were persistant in their attacks against Mac. One of them seeming to make a sacrifice of itself in order to make an openning for the other. With swards lodged in the chest and leg, one dog fell while the other latched onto the Wythir's thigh. The dog swallowed a chunk of flesh as Mac fell to the ground bleeding. Yor saw both of his companions fall and his vision turned slightly pink. A rapid combination of punches and kicks dropped yet another musky. The last badger-man tried to defend itself but was totally outclassed. Now it was just Yor and a huge dog. The dog snarled while foam dripped down it's bloody jaws. As Yor advanced, the dog jumped on him and bit his arm. Yor gasped in pain while hammering the dog in the ribs. It look a little while for him to realize that the dog was no longer moving - it's jaws were locked on his arm. He was exhausted but checking on his companions was a priority. When he checked on Lavenus, the flies were just beginning to feast. In spite of the horrible wound tothe stomach, the Toth was still alive - barely. Singing praises to the All Father, Yor's hands began to glow with a golden light. As the healing energies flowed into The Most Pretty, the bleeding stopped and the wound began to close. Soon, the wound was nothing more than a pink scar. By the time Yor reached Macarrandir, he found the skinny man in a lot of pain but conscious and binding his own bleeding leg. Lavenus ignored the tenderness of his newly healed gut and made sure their enemies would never get up. He thought the scalps and coins he found were worth the pain. "We can only rest for a short while before heading back to town." Yor said "It probably be dark before we get there."
  12. If they start with it, then they spend character points on it. For experience, I think it should only go into really special gear that you are awarding to them. Other than that, all gear magical or otherwise is just found/bought and used. There is no "bonding" requiring experience unless that's part of your campaign.
  13. There is nothing inherently wrong with your idea. But for some reason it just doesn't "feel" right. Experience points ARE character points afterall. Hero doesn't work on the whole "you've earned 2,000 xp so you've gained a level, now you can spend 5 skill points." Hero is easier in that if you've earned 5 xp, you have 5 points to spend on your character. As the GM, you'd probably be better off giving xp in a normal fashion and then let the players know when they can spend it, and how much of it they can spend.
  14. Earthdawn: A really neat setting hooked up to a system so byzantine I don't think I ever did figure out how to make a character or use magic. Shadow World: These varied wildly in quality. Some were pretty good (like Gethaena), and some were really, really bad. One example of the latter was "Journey to the Magic Isle", which, for five dollars, gave you two 'adventures' with a total of about four encounters. One of those was a thinly disguised Cthulhu mythos adventure badly transplanted into the Shadow World. Oh, and FH users of Shadow World suffered, since it was published back when ICE owned both FH and Rolemaster; often the FH stats in the modules were not usable, or not even there.
  15. Is it really necessary to implement class-based restrictions on powers in the first place? It's your campaign, of course, but I personally see no reason why the wizard's healing should be more expensive than the priest's. It all has the same in-game effect. To go off on a tangent, it is my opinion that healing is too cheap in the first place.
  16. Yup, you could also just ask the player for a justification as to why is wizard can heal or why his priest can cast lightning bolts. Kind of boils down to whether you want stuff like that to happen in the first place. As the GM, you can always just say no or say "You can, but only up XX amount." Ah, there you go. If you have some sort of point limit on your spell casters then say something like wizards have an INT x 2 Active Limit on wizard type spells but only an EGO x 1 Active Limit on priest type spells.
  17. That's the sort of statement that would have me reaching for the Wandering Damage table. But then again my inability to deal with munchkins and verbally abusive players is why I never liked GMing in the first place. Whatever the group, there was always at least one guy that would take up a majority of my GMing time with arguments. I always found it easier to deal with them as a player than as the target of their warped mindset. "Hey, Old Man, my character needs healing." "So he does." "So heal me! You're the healer." "Yeah, but I took a psychlim 'total lack of sympathy for assholes (freq, tot)', see?" "Are you saying my character is an asshole?" "No. I'm saying you're an asshole." "Fine, let's see how your healer likes my falchion in his brainpan." "Oo, scary. You have an impairing arm wound, remember?"
  18. Re: R'bon for more God I love the Hero System.
  19. Followed closely by the tendency for munchkins to bend common sense in order to promote their sick little agenda. After all, how many of us can say with certainty that a 3 foot tall person strong enough to deadlift 200 kilos can't effectively swing a claymore? Have we ever seen one try? Well then.
  20. My problem with using MPs for spells is that it makes it far too cheap for mages to buy zillions of spells. If you check out my current character in the "I want your characters" thread, you can see that I didn't have to work real hard to get the cost of each slot down to one point. That can allow mages to have so many spells that they always have the exact right one for any occasion. Or you might consider that to be a good thing.
  21. My first character was an energy projector with shrinking. The idea was that he could shoot baddies without being hit, of course. Well, back then shrinking didn't give a straight DCV bonus, it just gave range penalties. So I flew up to zap some bad guy at close range and got swatted like the bug that I was. So I made another character who had boatloads of regeneration, which I thought could substitute for armor. And it could, sort of, except that I'd usually get KOed by turn 2. I think I went through about six characters before I got one that was truly effective.
  22. Here's my current character. He's a bit nonstandard owing to some house rules and the requirement for spells to go in a multipower. Aleister Carloss, misunderstood practitioner of necromancy disadvantages: 5 age 40+ 15 obsessed with becoming immortal (cmn/str) 15 contemptuous of anyone less intelligent than himself (vc/mod) 10 competitive with other sorcerers (unc/str) 5 reputation: evil necromancer (8-) stats str.....10 - dex.....14 12 con.....13 6 body....13 6 int.....20 20 ego.....11 2 pre.....15 5 com.....10 - pd......2 - ed......3 - speed...4 6 rec.....5 - end.....24 - stun....23 - skills 3 scholar 1 ks: the undead 1 ks: demons and hell 1 ks: necromantic magic 1 ks: methods of achieving immortality 1 ks: anatomy 1 ks: methods of inflicting pain 1 ks: legends and history of wizards and magic 3 forensic medicine 6 combat luck 3 high society 2 familiarity with common melee weapons 13 magic skill 18- 3 riding magic 13 40pt. sorcery multipower (-0.5) requires a skill roll (-0.25) incantations (-0.25) gestures (-0.25) concentrate 1/2 DCV (-0.5) full phase to cast (-0.25) not on holy ground 1u 37 weaken: 3d6 suppress str, continuous, 0 end 1u 37 strike blind: 5d6 flash, 1 hex area 1u 39 poltergeist: 26 str. telekinesis, affects whole object 1u 37 theft of life: 1.5d6 xfr body to end (25), usable at range (+1/2) 1u 30 detect magic: discriminatory, analyze, ranged, targeting 1u 38 animate dead: summon 1x 85-point zombie (17), expanded class: based on corpse (+1/4) slavishly loyal (+1) 1u 40 unlife regeneration: 4d6 simplified healing 1u 40 summon: 4x 50-point demon, slavishly loyal (+1) 1u 37 feeblemind: 5d6 suppress int, 0 end 1u 32 sense life: detect living creatures (10), discriminatory (5) analyze (5) ranged (5) targeting (10) 1u 37 strength of the damned: 5d6 succor str, 0 end 1u 5 shadow walk: teleport 1" (2) safe blind (+1/4) megascale 1" = 1000 km (+1) full turn to cast (-1/2) 1u 37 glimpse of the abyss: aid 3d6 to end, fade 1/turn 1u 40 foul gust: 35" leaping, accurate (40) 1u 40 spirit form: desolid
  23. It's a good idea to disallow any kind of defense stacking in FH, whether it be armor, combat luck or force field. Only natural PD/ED should stack; of the others, take the highest value. Otherwise it's very easy to stack defenses to the point of total invulnerability.
  24. I made it impossible for the players to have a full suit of scale armor (5 DEF) from the beginning. They could buy partial armor but that allows for lucky hits to unarmored locations. Purchasing armor in the 7+ DEF range will be very difficult unless the party cooperates and is very frugal. My campaign only allows stacking of resistant defense to 5.
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