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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. How large of an area does extinguish cover? What are the special effects? Does the fire just die out or is there a sudden downpour of water? 1d6 EB splash of water, area effect, indirect 1d6 EB or 1 pip RKA oxygen removal, area effect, only to extinguish fires
  2. Simple and easy to use but your players are never ever going to buy DEF 1 or DEF 2 armor if they can help it. What would be the point if they have to buy a new suit after every other turn of combat?
  3. This is a good idea and translates over to your aDEF idea. Using the above example, if the door took 6 BODY then it would be reduced to 4 DEF / 6 BODY.
  4. END for wearing armor is kind of covered in encumbrance. I think there should also be a guideline for other penalties while wearing armor. Like DCV penalties or skill use penalties. "You're going to Stealth behind the guard and knock him out...in your plate armor...um yeah."
  5. I was playing Unreal Tournament the other day and I was wondering how to make the blob gun. It basically shoots out gobs of damaging goo and after a few seconds, the goo explodes.
  6. I was so sure that's what I said before.... oh and misterdeath, buying 8 DVC levels only with Sweep is inefficient in your example
  7. You must have a lot of players where you are. I'm jealous. Note that fleshing this system out would also help players who find themselves at the mercy of an abusive or idiotic GM. If GMs were perfect we wouldn't even need the rulebook, we'd all just sit around and listen to him talk. There's a point at which certain things need to be abstracted, true, but property damage is one area that comes up all the time, and as such it needs better treatment than "whatever the GM says".
  8. I like the idea of doubling the BODY damage required to fully destroy something or create a breach. That makes a lot of sense. Here's another poorly thought out idea. What if some of the DEF was ablative based on the current BODY of the object? Call it aDEF for short. So any time you inflict 1 BODY on the thing, the aDEF goes down by 1 too. So if you have a stone wall that's 5 DEF + 3 aDEF, and 5 BODY, and you hit it for 10, inflicting 2 BODY, it's now at 5 DEF + 1 aDEF and 3 BODY. So once you cause some structural damage to the wall it's noticeably weaker. Now that I look at it it seems a little clunky, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.
  9. Rapid Attack just lets you make a Sweep as a 1/2 phase action instead of a full phase action. It doesn't do anything for the DCV penalty. I'd have to say that was a darn good question. The levels would get sort of halved - they round up. I think you should just go with 3 pt skill levels for a close group of attacks. Then allocate those as you need them for OCV or offset the DCV penalty.
  10. For things like mega magic, have the player construct the spell outside of the normal MP or VPP. They just have to take 1 Charge (-2), Charges Never Recover(-2) in addition to any other limitations you might want. That brings the real cost down and since the points are gone forever, players will be reluctant to do it very often.
  11. I've been having a...discussion with someone on the B5W mailing list. This is the latest message he sent out. It just boggled my mind. ---- I've observed the same thing in Champions games. Everybody buys regen, speed 5+, and Dex 23+. Just because a system is skill point based is no guarantee that the sameness is or can be avoided. Quite frankly we agree to disagree. >> I find this to be quite funny but since you don't >> take the Hero System seriously, then you wouldn't understand why. Heh, where did you get this? Hero has a fantastic framework, you just can't let the players buy anything other than perks, skills, and stats with normal maxes. Or you do what I'm considering and have people randomly generate their characteristics and allot them some skill points jettisoning the abusable parts for the valuable mechanics.
  12. Bravo. I too would pay extra for a hard cover with great art. Examples of equivelent armor types. Like Furs and Cloth Armor are Def 1; Leather Armor and Ratan are Def 2, etc.
  13. Use Hero whichever Hero system Hero you Hero want. heheh Seriously, as long as you don't go the d20 route, you and your players will be happy. d20 is easier to learn but leaves that not-all-the-way-satisfied feeling in your gut. Especially when there is not a real difference at all between a stat at 8 and the same stat at 12.
  14. Perhaps a given material should be defined as a ratio of DEF/BODY instead of just DEF. So we could define wood to be DEF 2/BODY 3 per inch of thickness, while granite would be DEF 5/BODY 2 per inch. Then a 4" thick door would be 8DEF/12 BODY if wood, and if granite, would be 20 DEF / 8 BODY. That simulates the relationship between hardness and brittleness a little better. The numbers are pretty high, but could be tweaked. Besides, for heroic level campaigns I think higher values are necessary. The numbers above aren't that far off, given that a normal human can do about 1.5d6K to a wooden door with an axe, and wouldn't have a chance of getting through the granite in anything like combat time, even with a pick doing 1d6+1K AP.
  15. Having thought about this for a bit I think there's three main problems: the range of damage, as you say; the type of damage, i.e. piercing vs. cutting vs. blunt; and lastly, that the DEF/BODY scheme is flawed. There's more to object damage than simple DEF/BODY can account for. Swing your baseball bat at a DEF 1 BODY 1 plate glass window and the window shatters--pretty easy, right? Now suppose that glass window is two feet thick. In real life you could swing all day at that thing and if you're really lucky you'll scratch it, even though it's made of the same stuff and therefore has the same DEF. But in Hero you'll get through it in about a minute given haymaker swings and recoveries. DEF really ought to scale in some way as BODY increases--this would help fix a third of the problem, at least.
  16. Re: Slayers 5E Writeups I don't see why not. If the whole thing cannot be used 7 days out of 28, then sure, give it a -1/4
  17. It went wherever the old message boards went, i.e. into the ether, forever. Too bad really.
  18. Something about Bill Gates and his world empire...or something
  19. Depends on what you want to happen IF something gets through. 160 pt RKA will totally ash the wearer with the Dispelling Armor. The Suppression Armor will make the target of a 160 pt RKA go "ouch"
  20. The "Real Weapon" limitation is a useless piece of handwaving that says nothing more than "it is up to the GM to determine how this should work," which is how things were in 4th ed., or for that matter, Basic D&D. It does nothing to help the GM with an argumentative player who has a different idea of just how many hacks it takes to get through an oaken door in "real life".
  21. No, I'm not real fond of trying to make various parts of Linux work with each other, and keeping my libraries up to date, while debugging the hot window manager of the day. That's actually the complaint I had/have with the many versions of Windows, back when I used to adminster a 2000/NT/98/95 network. They're just too prone to bit rot and registry/DLL corruption, and there's nothing you can do but reinstall (which is, literally, what MS tech support used to tell me after three hours of tweaks and reboots. At $150/hr.) And then of course you had to install the correct service pack (remember, only the odd numbered ones work), hoping that the software you need to run will work with said pack. Maybe ME/XP is better, but I'm not willing to risk my blood pressure to find out. I prefer Mac for the desktop and Solaris in the data center. Each of them have their issues, but they very rarely crash. In fact we have a problem with customer Solaris boxes that stay up so long people forget they exist. "Hi, I'm here to fix your mail server?" "Yeah, um, you know, we're not sure exactly where it is..." o_O
  22. Actually that's the relativistic mass, not the actual (invariant) mass. Which is a consequence of being able to increase momentum without being able to increase relative velocity. Otherwise it would be possible to create a black hole simply by accelerating an object sufficiently. Anyway... yeah, we don't need this level of detail in the game.
  23. The cleanest true-vector-based space movement I've seen came from, I think, Triplanetary? Anyway, your ship had two counters, one that represented the ship and another that represented where the ship would be a turn from now. When it came time to move, you put your ship within (thrust) hexes of the "future" counter, then moved the "future" counter such that it was at the hex that was opposite from the hex where the ship used to be. Fortunately, I don't think facing mattered in that game. However, for purposes of practically all popular SF this movement scheme is lame, because in all he movies and TV shows, ships fly through space as though they were aircraft (Star Furies being the one exception that springs to mind). At some point the whole thing has to be abstracted, and Hero is just not as far down the "gritty and realistic" scale as, frex, GURPS. Which is a good thing.
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