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Posts posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Street Fighter II HERO


    Depends on where you are playing. The Capcom Japan Poison is a Trannie, but the Capcom America Poison is a woman. :)


    Heck, Capcom America didn't even know Zangief was gay. Or at least they wouldn't admit it. (yet they had no trouble with Eagle...oh well)


    'Gief is gay? And Eagle also? Can't be...I always pictured Eagle being the father of Cammy. (Then again, there is no rule saying you can't father kids and be gay also...file it under 'tried that...did not like it')


    Still, I can never picture 'Gief being anything other than 'all man'. (Shure, his relationship with Rainbow Mika is of a pure mentor/teacher relationship, but I also asumed that was an age difrence thing also).

  2. Re: Street Fighter II HERO


    I know' date=' I've seen your posts around here and there and I always see the stuff as Black Text on white, I don't know if its your browser or what have you, but if you have HD, I can get you Dan, Karin, and Hugo (mostly finished..)[/quote']


    Don't forget Poison. Which reminds me, would he have DF: Post-Op Transexiual disavantage? (Official news from Capcom, Poison, Hugo's valet and fellow Mad Gear member, is a guy)

  3. Re: Street Fighter II HERO


    I know' date=' I've seen your posts around here and there and I always see the stuff as Black Text on white, I don't know if its your browser or what have you, but if you have HD, I can get you Dan, Karin, and Hugo (mostly finished..)[/quote']


    The thing is, I can't change the settings, cause I am on a public computer (it sucks that I can't afford a home computer). This, white leters on grey background realy hurts me. Funny, it only happens with thoes with atachments.

  4. Re: Street Fighter II HERO


    I've written up Dan' date=' and I think Karin as well. Do you have Hero Designer? I know you've had trouble reading my character posts before...[/quote']


    Me? I only have problems if it is white leters on grey background. Of course, it is worse if it is grey leters on a grey background.

  5. Re: Dark Champions: The Animated Series


    Another thing which is important for a DC:TAS is guns. Basicly, only the bad guys have them, and thay always miss on there first shot (unless thay aim at that Big Blue Boy Scout or Big Red Cheeze guy...).


    And, finaly, all heros have a Coad VS Killing. It might not be as big as a full color charater, because thay WILL kill, if only at the last resort. And thay will proably not prevent, say, a cop from gunning some guy down who points a gun at them. But thay do feal bad afterwords.


    Villians, of course, have no coad, but thay will NEVER just go outright and shoot the pore unconsess hero. Thay use a deathtrap if thay want to kill a hero.

  6. Re: Names


    Beyond just ploting and thinking "what sounds right", when I need a good first name, I consult a nearest Babie's Name Dictnarie. Not only do thay give names, but also meanings as well. (By the way, do you know that Stanley means "He Who Is Born By A Pile Of Rocks"?)

  7. Re: Character Write up:Kekko Kamen


    People tend to forget that the Japanies are more of a naturlist society. This, nudity dosen't truly bother them as much (We, as human beings, are born naked, we pull down our pants to go to the bathroom, we don't wair clothing to take a bath, many of us sleep naked, and when we are dead, we don't cair how we are clothed). That is the 'wierd' thing most westners don't quite get over.


    What does this have to do with Kekko Kamen (who's name translates to "Wonderful Mask")? Nothing much. But if she fights crime in the buff, who are WE to yell 'Put on some clothing'?

  8. Re: Names


    I always like the names heros and villians have in comic books. And I can pat myself on the back for the secret idenity of a few villians I have created for myself. Goldbug (Midus Mercery), Mr. Wicked (Reginal Wicked), and The Red Death (Edward Allen Lewis, taken from the old poet/writer Egard Allen Poe and infamous splater movie director Hershal Gorden Lewis, then morphed Egard to Edward to modenise it) are all names I can be proud of.

  9. Re: Looking for Black Paladin Plot Seeds


    BP is searching for a series of enchanted weapions left for him by his lady love. Each weapion is hidden all around the world (thay originaly were in England/France, but have since been discovered and now are in vareous hands).


    Hear are some of the special weapions.

    1) The Lance Of Darkness: It is said that anyone hit by the lance is doomed to become a living shadow forever.

    2) The Sword Of Serpents: A forever poisoned sword able to 'snake' around any shield or protection.

    3) The Dagger Of Destruction: A simple dagger which is able to aborb the soul of anyone scratched by it. While the soul is traped in the dagger, it's owner is able to comand the body as it was his own.

    4) The Lash Of Pain: A whip used for whiping slaves, whoever holds it can project pain into the minds of others.

  10. Re: Dark Champions: The Animated Series


    Villians for this type of campain can be devided into a few groups.


    1) Theaths with a theam (Penguin, Catwoman, and basicly most eveyone in the Batman universe).


    2) Members of a major crime sindicate in the city, which exist only to be smashed down by the heros.


    3) People with a grudge agenst someone, and that someone has the means to act out on that grudge (like, say, a fiared gardner of the rich, who developed a costume idenity of The Gardner, and plans on kidnaping a series of rich socolites with plant names as a way of getting revenge on his ex-emploer).


    4) The rair loonie (The Joker, Roxie Rocket, Harly Quinn).

  11. Re: Street Fighter II HERO


    Maybe. It depends on what I am doing. I'm thinking about Darkstalkers HERO.


    Darkstalker HERO! My lord...


    It will be intresting how your going to write up some of the DSers powers. Like Arkanes' ability to exit one side of the stage, and enter the other side. Or Demetrie's Midnight Pleaser attack.


    Well, good luck.

  12. Re: Linking to a punch


    Er, no really, you dont need to buy a hand attack. Just buy your Flash No Range and then Punch somebody while flashing them using a Multiple Attack Action. It does everything you want, and you dont have to buy anything else and Linking never enters into it.


    FRED pg 234.


    That asumes that the charater can use the Flash attack WITHOUT haveing to acualy punch the guy. If he can not activate he Flash attack unless he DOES punch the guy, then the Link limitation is a must. And, as a side effect advantage to it, only one attack roll is needed. If the punch hits, the Flash hits also.


    Of course, remember that there are sepret defenses for both attacks, and that if you, say, punch the guy in the gut, the chances are lower that the victom would be blinded because his eyes are in his head (unless he is some kind of demon with a face in his gut...)

  13. Re: Linking to a punch


    If I want to link a power to a punch' date=' such as a flash, what would be the best way of doing so? The only thing I came up with was purchasing a HTH with +0d6 and linking a flash to it, but I have a feeling there is a better way.[/quote']


    I beleve that, yes, you CAN link to STR (a Punch). That is a good way IF that is the only way you can flash someone. Try a sight group Flash linked to STR with the advantage Invisable Special Effect (the "punch him so hard he is blinded). Prehaps with the limatation "Must Hit Head Location" (-1/4?).

  14. Another sick thing to do would be a Morbain lossly based on the villian from the splater movie "The Wizard Of Gore". Imagion a 'stage magition' who's evey trick works, for real.


    Oh, and yes, I presed the wrong button. This is why this guy is not atached to the big "what I want to see in Demon" post.

  15. What I would like to see in Demon, by Stanley R. Teriaca.


    1) Yes, an example writup of a King Of Endos (or whatever thay are called). I would also like to know why the kings are grouping together. What makes them difrent from Krim? Why do thay feal the need to group together? Do thay fear Krim? Are all theas beings related somehow? Prehaps a short list of names (so that I can have a Morbain say something other than "Curses! Foiled Again!" when defeated...prehaps something like "The Thousand Pains Of Pa'Na'La Are Upon Me Cause Of My Defeat!").


    2) And, well, what others have said before. I defently want to see how "John Q. Public" went and joined Demon, and why. I also want to know who gets to be a Morbain, and how. (Hear is a secret...it depends just as much as how much cash thay can scam out of there victoms as much as how many spells thay know).


    And, well, others have said it beter than I can.



  16. Revival Of The Bad Profesor.


    My version of his reviveval was that he was resqued at the last moment by The Main of the Arsanios, then brought to them to nurse back to help. (Forcently for the Profesor, Spider Monkie was kepted as far away from him as posable). Which also explanes why I added Spider Monkey to the team.

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