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Everything posted by Force

  1. Re: Building Power Armor Electronics, Mechanics and Inventor. Possibly Systems Operations.
  2. Re: Solving for Speed I was simply calculating the damage bonus each character received from their respective movement in inches compared to the various manuvers. 20" = +7d6 on move thru (v/3) and +4d6 on move by (v/5) 30" = +10d6 on move thru (v/3) and +6d6 on move by (v/5) Ergo the 3d6 (move thru) and 2d6 (move by) damage difference. DoT is damage over time. It was a reference that the 10spd character vs the 3spd character will do much more damage over time as they move 3 times more.
  3. Re: The Essential Bad Iron Age Anyone of the multiple of titles started just because they wanted to start another title. Especially spin-offs. It almost killed the comic industry. For Marvel, that would be the billions of x-titles. For DC, that would be the billions of bat-titles. All the women having plastic surgery done to make their bodies all look exactly like Pam Anderson.
  4. Re: Lightning Reflexes.....is it worth it? But by doing this have you not just justified 'greater than human characteristics'? I will give you some simplified examples, the dreaded Bats NCM. I tried building Bats using NCM and then buying up his dex based skills, lightning reflexes, etc., ad nauseum. This was done to show that he had 'higher dex abilities' than what his stat represented. I just came to the conclusion that just needing to buy these skills to represent a 'higher dex' probably justified him just having a higher dex. I would say that lightning reflexes and +'s to dex based skills is ok for a +1 or +2. However, if you find yourself buying more +'s to dex based skills and +'s with lighting reflex and so on, you probably ought to think that the dex you chose is simply to low.
  5. Re: Adjusted END: Does it stick around? Is there a faq out there if you take absorption, aid or transfer with 'only to starting values' that they don't fade?
  6. Re: Biggest whine about HERO Or the incredible fanboi rose colored glasses...
  7. Re: Biggest whine about HERO How successful was it? Just because something was created that you thought addressed the issue just might not have. Ya think?
  8. Re: So why do you play Hero? It's the best super-hero game system. It is without peer.
  9. Re: Biggest whine about HERO The game is not just a 'tad' flexible. It's so flexible that you don't even know how much damage a sword does when you pick up the core rulebook! 5th and 5ER are good books for veterans of the hero system. However, can you imagine someone brand new to it feeling a bit overwhelmed?
  10. Re: Alternate balance concept Here is a copy of my character I found. I built it in HDv1 with 200+150disads. Colussus Player: Val** Char*** Cost 55/80** STR 45 20** DEX 30 43** CON 66 20** BODY 20 13** INT 3 14** EGO 8 20** PRE 10 10** COM 0 * 10/40** PD -1 10/40** ED 1 6** SPD 30 20** REC 0 86** END 0 80** STUN 10 *7"**RUN22"**SWIM011"/16"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 224 Cost** Power END 15** Gravity Field: Elemental Control, 30-point powers* 15** 1) Flight 15" (30 Active Points)* 3 15** 2) Force Field (10 PD/10 ED), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (30 Active Points)* 16** 3) Density Increase (3200 kg mass, +25 STR, +5 PD/ED, -5" KB), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (31 Active Points)* 2 45** Dense Skin: Armor (15 PD/15 ED)* 3** Life Support , Safe in High Pressure, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum* 15** Gravitic Awareness: Spatial Awareness (22 Active Points); Costs Endurance Costs END Every Phase (-1/2)* 2 17** +17 Mental Defense (20 points total)* 10** Power Defense (10 points)* Powers Cost: 151 Cost** Martial Arts Maneuver 5** Defensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, STR Strike* 4** Fast Strike: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike* 4** Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort* 5** Passing Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, STR +v/5; FMove* Martial Arts Cost: 18 Cost** Skill 3** Oratory 13-* 3** KS: Computer OS (INT-based) 12-* 3** PS: Computer Operator (INT-based) 12-* 3** Teamwork 13-* 30** +6 with HTH Combat* Skills Cost: 42 Cost** Perk 5** Money: Well Off* Perks Cost: 5 Total Character Cost: 440 Val** Disadvantages 20** Hunted: Villian 11- (Frequently), As Powerful, Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence* 25** Hunted: Anti-Mutant Organization 8- (Occasionally), More Powerful, Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find* 25** Hunted: Aliens 14- (Very Frequently), More Powerful, Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find* 20** Psychological Limitation: Protects Innocents Common, Total* 15** Psychological Limitation: Loyal to Team Common, Strong* 10** Psychological Limitation: Overconfident Common, Moderate* 15** Social Limitation: Public Identity Frequently (11-), Major* 15** Distinctive Features: Large Size/Skin Not Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses* 5** Distinctive Features: Mutant Physiology Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses* 10** Enraged: Innocent Hurt (Common), go 8-, recover 14-* Disadvantage Points: 160 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 80 Total Experience Available: 120 Experience Unspent: 40
  11. Re: Champions Board Character Creation Iron Skillet Attack - +4d6 ha, zero end (+1/2), OHID (-1/4). AP 30, RP 24.
  12. Re: Alternate balance concept As far as the number of gaming sessions, we only got together to play once per week for about 4 hours or so. There were 5 of us and we each gm'ed at least 3 times each, so a minimum of 15 gaming sessions. 'Points' were given out at approx 5-15 points a session along with xp (2-3). We took severe limitations to build some powers (to represent the 'newness') and then bought off the limitations as we earned more 'points'. We had no disads as these were all cosnsidered 'base points'. Then we were sent back to earth when we had approx 175-225pts total (including xp). We then rebuilt our characters with careful double checking by all of us in the group to make sure we stayed within our original concept in a 250pt campaign (100pt base+150pt disad) + xp (around 40 I would guess). You would be amazed at how much 'Life Support: Do not need to eat' was taken. We were combat monsters, as we did not take to many skills that we did not 'possess' personally (i.e. as players) or what we felt our characters learned during our time off world (i.e. lots of combat skills, paramedics, survival and such). It was hard to earn your degree in physics when you didn't know where your next meal was coming from. Some of our disads were the same. We all took loyalty to team. You really develop that when friendships are forged in the crucible of combat. I think we all took some sort of distinctive feature: mutant at various levels. We were also good. We knew not only our characters, but the others as well. We had powers and abilities that compensated for our weaknesses and complimented our strengths. We knew what others would do when things went down. But the most important insight we gained was what we learned when we had to roleplay our characters so much in the early stages. It was one of the most deep campaigns I have participated in, outside of an old Shadowrun and an Amber campaign.
  13. Re: Biggest whine about HERO I believe that very few people agreed with the independent limitation, but you decided to go with it anyways. That's the problem with having such a generic system and one of my gripes about the Hero System. It has become so generic that it's becoming bloated due to the system having to be adapted to so many different genre's, some of which it does not 'convert' well to.
  14. Re: Armor = Normal Damage Ballistic vests are only truly effective vs low-medium velocity, low mass blunt objects/projectiles. It won't protect you from blunt force trauma or a knife, unless it has been formed into a hard balistic armor via other materials and adhesives or if the device has trauma plates. That's it in a nutshell. This goes back to my comments made in the recent 'normal' thread when the discussion got sidetracked on the DEF of an M1A1 mbt. The hero system allows complex power constructs without really dealing with how certain types of attacks compare to certain types of armor.
  15. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield? You know why all that happens? It's in a comic book with a writer's prerogative. It is impossible to define him in hero game terms without making him 'super-human' to make him 'true' to the 'source material'.
  16. Re: Alternate balance concept No problem. I will give you the basic layout. The premise behind this was a group of powerful/omnipotent aliens had come back to Earth to see how we had progressed from a bunch of apes (think about the begining of 2001:A Space Odyssey). Bewildered that a race of advanced beings at an advanced stage could be so kind and caring and yet be so torn apart by constant war, chaos and strife, they decided to test the concepts of earth's ideas of good and evil. Taking a smorgasborg of individuals, they were seperated into basic groups of good and evil. Some of them had their DNA mutated, others given access to advanced technology, some both to set about the process of gaining 'super' powers. These people were then placed in different 'ages'/'parallel universes' based on earth's history/mythos: past, present and 'future' in mortal combat, good vs evil. Each day was a trial just simply to survive as their powers grew (10pts a day). Finally, when the aliens were done with their 'research' (at least as far as they could under their 'laboratory conditions') we were sent back to 'our' earth, hence the 'birth' of super powered beings, to once again be watched as the experiment was given a 'live' test. The campaign was diverse and did not need to worry about continuity at first as powers and characters were developed. When we were returned to earth we got a complete re-write as long as we kept fairly close to our 'original' builds/concept. It allowed for multiple gm's (we all took turns) with multiple genre's (from Lord of the Flies in the early parts clear to Terminator, from ancient greek mythos to WWII). The continuity took hold after returning to earth. We also found out that the good and evil 'seperation' had been based on the alien's point of view that was not 'perfect'. Some folks that were on the 'good' side were actually 'evil' and vice versa. This created many openings for some very interesting plot twists. We also found that the aliens had done this with a much larger 'sampling' than we had been led to believe (or even possibly larger than we could imagine) when we were returned to earth. Well, that's it in a nutshell. If you want more additional information on how the actual game/build mechanics worked, let me konw.
  17. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield? I would change that from 'source material' to 'your campaign'. I could see Cap having a 35 con/25bod if you would build your version of the Hulk or Thor as having 60+ con/40-50+ bod, I guess those stats would not be unreasonable.
  18. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield? I understand the 'style' thing, but it seems kinda outrageous to me that if you wanted to build a MA with 60 stun that you would give him 30str/30con/30bod to get him to 60 stun.
  19. Re: Alternate balance concept My group had a campaign similar to this about 10-15 years ago. In a nutshell: The scenario was you personally were whisked off to a far away world. You then were given 10 base points per day to 'build' your powers. Lots of role playing at first to develop your character and later on you became more effective.
  20. Re: Punisher Vs Batman It's not even close. Bats.
  21. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield? My take on Caps stats: Str 25 or 30 Dex 26 or 29 Con 28 Bod 15-20 Int 18-23 Ego 20-23 Pre 30+ Com 14-18 PD 8-12 ED 8-12 Spd 6 Rec 12-14 End (figured) Stun (figured+10-20) I guess for some reason you don't believe in buying up figured characteristics. No way cap has 25 body! Max human is supposed to be 20. If you want him to have a higher stun, simply buy it up! You can always buy +'s to his con roll. You can also buy +'s to his dex via fastdraw as well. Here are my Cap stats: Str 25 Dex 29 Con 28 Bod 18 Int 18 Ego 23 Pre 30 Com 18 PD 10 ED 10 Spd 6 Rec 12 End 56 Stun 55
  22. Re: Super Villain Team
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