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Everything posted by atlascott

  1. Re: Flash: Inner ear/ Sense of Gravity/ Sense of Balence Why not buy it as Flash with a Modifer saying that it doesnt affect sight, but instead caused vertigo. A Special Effect (and therefore having no real rules implications) could be that the negative to hit modifiers, instead of being based on loss of sight, is due to vertigo and nausea. If you want it to stop someone from moving, buy it as a dex drain instead.
  2. Thanks! Thanks all for the feedback. Specials thx to innominatus for posting a copy of the blur! Excellent catch on the DEX in the EC--definitely a no-no--there was something about it that caught in my craw!
  3. Haven't played Champions in years, starting up a new campaign. I am building a Speedster character for my brother. I used an EC to allow him to buy up his Dex, running with surface contact limitation, forcefield linked witht he running, and a NND hyper-vibratory NND punch (forcefields) and just a big wallop called velocity punch (just extra standard damage). Still, very expensive charater. Anyone build a good speedster I could take a look at? Suggestions? Id appreciate it. Got another player that doesn't like the 60 active offensive limit and 50 pt defensive limit. We'll leave aside the fact that I want to run a sort of 4-color traditional campaign and the fact that he wants to play the Predator (you know, one of the race that skins humans from the movie of the same name--but he is a nice one) . How do you guys count the active point campaign limit--because he bought his 4d6 killing attack, which is a 6d6 attack with his strength. Wow, is that alot of damage, esp since many heroes/villians dont have resistant defenses. Maybe I need to make him re-do his character--he basically spent every available point and took the full 150 disadvantages--so he has about 30000 hunteds. UNTIL, US Got, you name it. Also, anyone take a look at Sidekick? I want to pick up a copy, but is the rules summary more or less detailed than the summary contained in the set the comes with the GM screen? (I already have the summary that comes with the gm screen, and the main rulebook, but it's VERY convenient to have a couple rules summaries extra laying around so the players can have a reference. I am trying to decide whether to buy another rule book, or if i can get by with 2 sidekicks to leave on the gaming table...? Thanks!
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