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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Gladiatrix: Character for review. Well I would have to know what they mean first. Care to enlighten me?
  2. Re: Gladiatrix: Character for review. Great reply David, thanks. I mulled over the PS Galdiator and decided to pass as Helena has never been in an Arena to fight. She has been trained by Illyria who has so maybe I should buy it? Perhaps acting as well? Extra presence is a future shopping list thing. I just realised she needs the Science Skill Mathematics to fully explain her reality manipulation powers. Granted she only has Teleport at the moment but that'll change with XP's I'm sure. Other things to consider with XP's is to buy another slot for her shield to give her bonuses to block with it. I'm a firm believer in every character having a weakness so I think the mind control stays. BTW I'm the GM I only made the character to get the name out of my head. :wink:
  3. Gladiatrix -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Val Char Base Cost 15/25 STR 10 5 20/26 DEX 10 30 20/25 CON 10 20 10/15 BODY 10 0 15 INT 10 5 15 EGO 10 10 15 PRE 10 5 20 COM 10 5 8/17 PD 5 3 8/17 ED 5 3 4/6 SPD 3.0 10 7/10 REC 10 0 40/50 END 50 0 28/41 STUN 41 0 6" RUN 6" 0 2" SWIM 2" 0 5" LEAP 5" 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STR Roll: 12/14- Run: 6" DEX Roll: 13/14- Swim: 2" CON Roll: 13/14- Leap: 5" INT Roll: 12- EGO Roll: 12- Perception Roll: 12- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disadvantages Pts Social Limitation: Subject to orders from F.I.S.T., Frequently (11-), Minor 10 Hunted by F.I.S.T., More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Watching, Extensive Non-Combat Influence, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find 15 Reputation: The dead only.: Helena always helps the dead....help me!, Almost Always (14-), Known Only To A Small Group 10 Dependent NPC: Flavour of the week., Normal, 11- (Occasionally) 15 Dependent NPC: Thorsten & Eva Lindahl, Normal, 11- (Occasionally), Useful noncombat position or skills, Group DNPC (x2 DNPCs) 15 Psychological Limitation: Can't resist the challenge of combat., Common, Strong 15 Psychological Limitation: Peoples champion: Must protect the weak and innocent., Very Common, Strong 20 Vulnerability: Mind Control , Uncommon, Vulnerability Multiplier (2x Effect) 10 Hunted: Demon, As Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find 20 Mystery Disadvantage 20 XP 0 Base Points : 200 Disads Total + 150 Experience Spent + 0 Total Cost = 350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pts. Skill/Perk/Talent/Power END 18 Ghost Lorica: Armor (9 PD / 9 ED) (27 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Not on consecrated ground (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) (added to Primary Value) 13 Ghost Scotum: Multipower, 20-point reserve, all slots: (20 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Not on consecrated ground (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) 1u 1) +3 with DCV (15 Active Points) 1u 2) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack) (20 Active Points); Will Not Work Against Heavy Missiles (-1/4) 30 Ghost Gladius: Multipower, 45-point reserve, all slots: (45 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Not on consecrated ground (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) 3u 2) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (plus STR) (vs. ED), Affects Desolidified (Any form of Desolidification; +1/2) (45 Active Points) 4 2u 3) Ghost Gladius: Hand-To-Hand Attack +6d6, Affects Desolidified (Any form of Desolidification; +1/2) (45 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 4 7 Strength of the Lion: +10 STR (10 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Not on consecrated ground (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) (added to Primary Value) 1 7 Strength of the Lion: +5 BODY (10 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Not on consecrated ground (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) (added to Primary Value) 7 Strength of the Lion: +5 CON (10 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Not on consecrated ground (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) (added to Primary Value) 9 Speed of the Cobra: +6 DEX (18 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Not on consecrated ground (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) (added to Primary Value) 13 Speed of the Cobra: +2 SPD (20 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Not on consecrated ground (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) (added to Primary Value) 25 Advanced Mathematics: Teleportation 10" (Improved Noncombat Movement (x4)) 2 13 Look out Helena: Danger Sense (14-) (Function as a Sense) (19 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Not on consecrated ground (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) 5 Passing Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Weapon +v/5; FMove 4 Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 4 Counterstrike: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Weapon +2 DC Strike, Must Follow Block 4 Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, Weapon +2 DC Strike 5 Takeaway: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab Weapon, +10 STR to take weapon away 0 Weapon Element Swords: Default Element 1 Weapon Element: Empty Hand 1 Weapon Element Shield: Off Hand 3 Acrobatics 14- 3 Analyze Style: Combat 12- 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Climbing 14- 10 Defense Maneuver: I-IV 3 Fast Draw 14- 3 KS: History (INT-based) 12- 3 KS: Roman Empire (INT-based) 12- 2 KS: Water Dancer Martial Art 11- 4 Language: English (Swedish is Native): Idiomatic, native accent 2 Language: Latin: Fluent Conversation 3 Paramedics 12- 3 Power: Martial Arts Tricks (DEX-based) 14- 2 PS: Writer 11- 3 Stealth 14- 3 Sleight Of Hand 14- 5 Rapid Attack (HTH) 3 Tactics 12- 3 Teamwork 14- 5 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Nets, Small Arms 9 Waking the Dead Contact (12-), Organization Contact (+2) (9 Active Points) 3 Lightsleep 149 : Powers Cost 105 + Skills Cost 96 + Characteristics Cost 350 = Total Cost Base OCV: 9 Base DCV: 9 Adjustment+ Adjustment+ Final OCV: Final DCV: Levels: +3 with DCV (15 Active Points) ---- Height: 5' 9" Hair: Blond Weight: 125 lbs Eyes: Green Appearance: Helena has the classic Amazon physique. Tall, blond, lythe and beautiful. She has a body molded by thousands and thousands of hours of Martial training. Her body is a patchwork of scars that she has collected from so much sword work. When she bonds with Illyia she becomes stronger, faster and tougher. She also dons a suit of Spirit Armour and fights with a Shield and Gladius of the same material. Background: Helena had a normal childhood or so her parents thought. Her parents were too busy to notice Helena much anyway... When her parents finally noticed that she had several 'imaginary freinds' they put it down to her being an only child. Coupled with that the fact that the family was constantly on the move because of her fathers job in the Swedish Diplomatic Service, they understood that she might find it difficult to make real freinds. Or so they thought.. That was not the case at all. Helena had lots of freinds, she made freinds everywhere she went, she was and still is very popular with some. The fact of the matter is that she is a medium, a true medium. She can interact with the spirits of the dead. Not only verbally like some but physically as well. Indeed she has built up a network of spirits & ghosts whom she has befreinded over the years. Powers. She has one basic power, she is a true medium. She has bought Affects Desolid on her Str and her attacks. She can also bond with Illyria, a Gladiatrix from the Arena in Londinium who died over 1700 years ago. This bond does not work on holy ground as Ghosts cannot enter consecrated places. Apart from Illyia she also recieves help from Sir Arthur Wellsley aka The Duke of Wellington and from Englands most prominent Mathematician Sir Isaac Newton.
  4. Re: Hand to Hand Attack Over Priced? Bricks with 350 points to spend can afford an MP anyway. Lots of bricks have the old Brick Tricks MP as well as an MP which helps with the SFX of the character.
  5. Re: Hero Challenge: Martian Manhunter You'd be quicker make a list of the powers that he hasn't got rather than the ones that he does have.
  6. Re: Wiggling your way out- Entangle based on Dex You get out of most Entangles with Str, right? Dex costs 3x Str, so A Dex based entangle should cost 3x as much. If one of my players came to me with this, that is what i would rule.
  7. Re: Pregnancy and combat My wife is 7 months pregnant. I don't see what the hassle is with having someone who is in game to be honest, a pretty normal state of affairs as far as I can see...I've not had it come up in game yet but it might, it just might. We have violence, drugs, death, handicapped heroes & wheelchair detectives come up regularly in game... hell I've even ran a cannibal scenario for a fantasy campaign, why not a pregnancy?
  8. Re: Neck Snap If the victim is normal and the attack is a killing attack why would you need Find Weakness? Normal people don't have resistant defences..
  9. Re: Waking the dead? Where I'm at so far. She has the power to talk to ghosts (bought as a contact, detect or telepathy havn't decided which yet..) Maybe even interact physically with them. (Str bought with affects desolid adv) She has one ghost that she has a special affinity for, the Gladiatrix ghost whom she invites into her body during combat (a bunch of combat abilities bought with OIHID and not on holy ground. Also Ghost armour sword and shield which work in both the real world and v ghosts. Desolid on the Sword and power & ego defence only v undead with the armour maybe) She also learned the ability to fold reality from Newton(Teleport) From Wellington she learned tactics and warfare (Perhaps All combat skill levels usably by others as she directs combat as well as Danger sense) The VPP is out as I'm planning to give this character to a relative newbie and I think that VVP's are a bit too complicated for him.
  10. Re: Waking the dead? Okay so give me some ideas for nifty uses of powers? Perhaps the Gladiatrix fuses with her when she goes into combat, she could have a few OIHID powers. Armour, Gladius & Shield. Maybe a few heightened stats Some kind of tactical mastery from Wellington, all combat levels & Danger sense. If she met a mathematician she could perhaps learn some advanced mathematics, like folding reality, Teleportation maybe from Sir Isaac Newton. This is obviously still at the ideas stage.
  11. Re: Waking the dead? The idea was that a child would grow up having imaginary friends which she would learn skills and perhaps powers from different characters in history. Tactics and Warfare from Wellington's ghost, martial skills from a Gladiatrix who fought in an arena in Londinium. Some minor spells from Merlin maybe? That sort of thing. I imagined ghosts as they are depicted in the film 'Sixth Sense', they are around but nobody can see them unless they are a medium. It would be a plot hook for the GM (me) to get the player to investigate strange goings on and so forth. Not really all that fleshed out so far...
  12. I want a power to talk to dead people :whisper: all the time :whisper: I'm guessing that a limited form of telepathy is the way to go but I'm not sure. How would you build this power?
  13. Re: Terminal Velocity You sure do have a way about you, Vorsch. Diplomacy and tact are not your strong points I see.
  14. Re: 5er Invisibility pwoblem. I'm not too worried about the powers per sé only that they don't seem to 'work' when they sit beside each other. I would be happy if sight and sound worked the same if you see what I'm getting at?
  15. Okay here is my problem. According to 5er If I am invisible to sight and I use gestures they are invisible as my movements cannot be seen which sounds logical to me so far. However if I am invisible to hearing and I use incantations, or any kind of speech for that matter I am audible. Does this strike anyone else as being strange and contradictory? I would ask Steve but he never answers his logic behind his decisions about these type of questions other than hand waving and saying dramatic sense etc. What think & say you collective Herodom brain?
  16. Re: Is Flying Dodge too good? I do have a problem with this maneuver as it is in the rules. In our group this allows you extra DCV and to be somewhere else at the end of your turn, nothing else.
  17. Re: Hotshot Driver? What does hot-shot pilot do? Anyway you could build it as a small MP only for use in cars, requires skill roll. Slots might include extra inches of running to get the most out of the car, or extra dcv for the car as you weave around on the road, perhaps some inches of leaping for those 'crazy stunts'....
  18. Re: Name Help: Teen Legacy Hero I thought of High-rise when I woke up this morning, now somebodies beat me to it....
  19. Re: Name Help: Teen Legacy Hero The first character I designed in ChampionsII had control over himself in this fashion, I named him Captain Atom. He would shout "Up and At Em" in combat. I proudly presented him to the GM who nearly wet himself before showing me the other Cpt. Atom comic. Anyway what about Skyline or ManhattanMan!
  20. Re: Help updating an old Villain I would build them without any limitations but perhaps give him a Physical limitation to represent his connection to the bracers?
  21. Re: Minor Effects which cost a lot to build. When I did a conversion from Warhammer I tried to get the spirit of the spells and magic sytem rather than the individual spells point for point. I thought that the petty magic spells would be 10-15 active points or less. 1st level Battle Magic would be around 30 active points. 2nd level would be 45 etc
  22. Re: tickle Flash v touch? Transform? Dex drain? Mind Control based on con?
  23. Re: New and trying to find out this question Don't forget that if you have a roll of 20 or over you can attempt the 'impossible' with a roll of half or less. eg. Jimmy the Jumper has breakfall on 22 or less and is thrown out of an aeroplane at 30,000 feet...on 11 or less he might just make it.
  24. Viper campaign? I’m thinking of running a short campaign or story arc in my standard Super/Hero game where the PC’s play viper agents straight out of Viper training school taking up position in a new nest somewhere. The spiel I will use with the players is that I want them to see life from the other side of the coin. In reality one new recruit will be a F.I.S.T. (think UNTIL) agent trying to infiltrate Viper and bring down as many Viper operatives as possible. I already have the agent in mind, one is a what you would describe as a loose cannon and would revel in this opportunity to investigate his darker side without those pesky rules getting in the way Does anyone envisage any problems with this? Has anyone tried anything like this before? Or indeed is there anything you would like to add? I’m open to suggestions as I only have the most basic idea in my head so far.
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