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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Heroic Limits On Entangles? That is a good point. What is the special effect of the entangle?
  2. Re: High Noon Showdown Pardner I ran a short campaign that christianity snuffed out magic. So native Celtic (and what have you) would be nullified by Christianity. Christianity and churches worked as huge big Suppresses v magic. Magic works in America but not in Europe until Christianity can get a foothold in America before it doesn't work there too. Europeans could learn magic from The Natives and the natives could fight gunpowder with magic. Or magic simply works in America because shamans believe that it works.
  3. Re: High Noon Showdown Pardner Western Hero for 4th Editin was one of my favourite supplements. You should be able to track down it on Ebay. Great book and some of the character write-ups are scarey as hell.
  4. Re: Heroic Limits On Entangles? I've found flash is not too unbalancing because the relatively lower speeds in my campaign mean that only 1 or 2 phases are lost. Speeds range from 2-3 at the start of the campaign and 3-4 later on. Also more characters have a lower dcv anyway so a reduced CV is not such a hinderance. YMMV.
  5. Re: Heroic Limits On Entangles? If you want you might want to think about making the entangle vulnerable to fire so that the PC's can burn their way out. Or make it high body low defence that they'll eventually be able to chop their way out. If the average is 15 Str then don't give the entangle more than 2 def if you expect the PC's to escape.
  6. Re: "I Can Kill You" Very rarely do people come up with powers that you never heard of before. Kudos.The last one I thought of was Invisibility to Danger Sense... What exactly is the SFX for this power?
  7. Re: Slowly Buying Up CSLs Quite clever. :thup:
  8. Re: I know I have seen this lim before -1/2 Iirc.
  9. Re: Slowly Buying Up CSLs Been doing it that way for 20 years.
  10. Re: Magic Items Thread Heroblade. This weapon was designed to increase in power the more heroic the wielder was. It starts of just a sword without the real weapon disadvantage but increased in power proportionately with the character. It would remove the wielders NCM among other things. Anyway it is a GM's device that allowed me to hand out 1 magic weapon which didn't need to be upgraded as the character got more powerful, I would just make the sword more powerful to keep up with him. Also when the player realised that his sword would get more powerful the more heroic he bacame it was great way to get the character interested being a good guy not just a DND kill the monster take his stuff type thing.
  11. Re: Creature: Horned Ghosts You might consider giving them a Hunted as people would definately target the contents of their stomachs.
  12. Re: Genetically engineered humans Can the nanotech be removed from the body when the character is unconcious without major surgery? If the answer is no then it isn't an IIF. The genetcally engineered human is only a special effect of his powers as far as I can see not a limitation in itself. You can have a few disadvantages from that but no limitaions spring instantly to mind.
  13. Re: Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How? Erm.
  14. Re: Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How? Also... Why build the HKA sword as a non ranged RKA? If you don't want to be able to add strength then take that limitaion instead.
  15. Re: Flaming Arrows, And Swords Of opportunity How? You don't get any points for 'must hit target' limitation.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... What a good game.
  17. Re: A new look at shields Shields cost end anyway - they add to your overall encumberance. Or do you mean charging a specific end cost on top of that?
  18. Re: Some Quick Assistance It might be useful if you could give us an idea of what you have built so far so we could get an idea of how your other characters are designed and to what parameters they conform. How many points in skills compared with characteristics? How high are the cv's etc.?
  19. Re: Moderately Large Creatures and DCV I suppose it depends on how tough your pc's are, how far away from a normal person they are? A normal person has Dex in the 8-10 range in my world and no wpn familiarity. Trained toughs like mercenaries or city gaurd might have 11 dex and Wpn fams. Veteran's and highly trained combat troops might have 14 dex and the odd skill level. Exceptional beings, 150 point combat machines and the like should have a chance to fight an animal and win if they are clever. YMMV.
  20. Alibear

    New Campaign

    Re: New Campaign Nice. Very well written, an enjoyable read. I would like to play in your campaign. Excellent character sheets too, exactly what you need. Rep you.
  21. Re: Repulsive Odor Flash to Sense of Smell, does knockback.
  22. Re: hit location I do what Edsel does but I would allow any number of penalty skill levels if it was inkeeping with the character.
  23. Re: How to get them off d20 Sounds like you need to Warhammer with Hero rules.
  24. Re: Naming Help Need more to work with, what's his schtick apart from being a flying brick?
  25. Re: Why does STR vs. STR use Normal Damage Body? I don't know for sure but I suspect that when you have a guy with 40 str and one with 10 str you are much lesss likely to get the 10 str guy winning using the roll dic and count the body method. A skill v skill roll could go anyway if the 40 str guy fluffed his roll and the 10 str guy rolled a 4. More dice = less random rolls.
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