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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. I know that this might be sensitive material but I kinda need to get an idea what a military base looks like. An out of date now defunct base would be perfect. Does anyone have any ideas where I might look? Thanks in advance, Ali
  2. Re: Blocking Big Objects Sounds good to me. I take the underground to work.
  3. Re: Irksome players This is perhaps the most common complaint I have as a GM. That and the constantly being interupted with silly questions when I'm trying to set the scene and if the person had've listened for two seconds more he would have already heard the answer.
  4. Re: Blocking Big Objects Another thought. If a characterhad waited he could interupt and attack the pole on the way in. Either destoying it and looking cool (Presence bonus maybe) or damaging it so badly that the pole wouldn't be able to dish out much damage.
  5. Re: Blocking Big Objects I'd agree totally, let them block or dodge the lampost. Also you shouldn't have to be strong to block. Strength and toughing out the attack would be one sfx but others would include a MArtists techniqe and footwork, a speedster just stepping out of the hex and back in after the swing, a teleporter blinking out of the hex and back, a morphy type letting pass through thier body with no harm being done, etc.
  6. Re: 2 for 1 pt STR - Question This is indeed the rub but some players will tweek thier concept to include lots of Str. So this is a problem with players and not the system.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... As a player. A big mean bad guy is holding Domingo up in the air strangling him. All i can see is his armoured legs and leather boots. Me "I'll shoot him in the feet and take the -8 ocv." Domingo "If you shoot me I'll kill you." Me "I don't think you quite understand how it works. If I shoot you I'll kill You"
  8. Re: Irksome players Retroactive gaming does in my nut. A player says he wants to do something. You as a GM tell him the consequences of his actions and then he says "No, I didn't do that!" GM "Ahhhhh!"
  9. Re: 2 for 1 pt STR - Question The problem in fantasy is that Str is normally how you decide how much damage you do so everyone buys it up so they can wield big axes and swords and wear lots of armour. In a supers campaign anything goes and str is not nearly as important. I would leave supers alone.
  10. Re: 2 for 1 pt STR - Question Grond is a stand alone threat, he should be tough enough to take on the whole team. To this end he needs more points than the PC's. If I need to give him and extra 100 or 200 it doesn't really matter. He will be as tough as needed. I don't even worry about points totals for NPC's when I GM. The players need to worry about points totals not GM's. And guess what NPC's can get away with things that PC's can't if that is what the plot calls for.
  11. Re: 2 for 1 pt STR - Question I'm running a fantasy campaign where all characters are mages of one type or another. Str costs 2 for 1. One lad is playing a paladin type and he has 13 or 15 str, I can't remember which off hand. The rest are 8 or 10 str but one has extra str dedicated to using bows. It is working well. I wouldn't use it for a Supers campaign. If I did I wouldn't worry about Grond as NPC's have the stats that I want not worrying too much about points.
  12. Re: Hardcore hero? Make sure you give all the characters a 0 point real person disadvantage and make sure they know that falling froma building will probably be fatal. If they are normal people would they really want to fight on top of a moving car? Or even get into gunfights? You might want to consider the getting a copy of Dark Champions and having a look through that.
  13. Re: SPD, but only for (x)? In a normals campaign I would still okay the powers route. I wouldn't allow it to be stuffed into an MP unless the MP was very tightly defined indeed.
  14. Re: SPD, but only for (x)? If you realy want extra speed for this you could buy it as a duplicate with various limitaions to simulate extra speed only with firearms. or Buy extra speed as you describe but always buy what you have already so your phases don't change you just add to them. e.g. if you have two speed buy another two speed only to use guns (-0.5) On phase twelve you would go normally. On 3 you could only use a firearm. shoot, reload, whatever. On 6 you go again and can dodge, half move and shoot, whatever you like. On phase 9 you can shoot. If you change from 3 speed to 5 speed for firearms you'll be in trouble. EDIT: I just read your edit so I would suggest 2 speed for him. Then buy +2 speed only to use firearms, -0.5. 13 points.
  15. Re: Exotic ammo in DC? Steve does suggest giving all handguns Reduced Penetration v armour but not rifles. The theory being that a rifle has so much more penetrating value I suppose.
  16. Pardon my ignorance, perhaps you can help me? Are the exotic rounds in Dark Champions readily available for normal people in the US.? Would they be available in a Cyberpunk type future? Is there somewhere I could get more commercial info on these bullets? Thanks in advance. Al
  17. Re: Cavalry Charge , House Rules ? I would leave -2 ocv in place but the mounted warrior talent would allow you to circumvent that.
  18. Re: Valdorian Age Game: Campaign Suggestions Needed I recently started a campaign where the characters were part of an organisation commited to hunted and destroying evil. Buffy in a fantasy world with magic in place of martial arts if you will, wouldn't work in the Valdorian setting though. What about all members of a street gang? What about all street kids to start with?
  19. Re: Berserk Fury? Sláine.. :drool:
  20. Re: house rule for c.s.l. I din't really want an archer character.. I just want to hear his rational for this house rule.
  21. Re: Berserk Fury? Make it whatever you want. What does berserk fury say to you?
  22. Re: house rule for c.s.l. Why? What has dexterity got to do with shooting a rifle or firing a bow? So my reflexes are a bit slow and clumbsy but I can shoot a fly bird on the wing at 200 yards. I don't see why the two need to linked. Why can't an olympic archer have 11 dex and 5 skill levels?
  23. Re: house rule for c.s.l. I don't like it. I just means that having a high dex is even more important. Stat inflation is already rampant if not checked.
  24. Re: Complicate the Person Above Death tribble resides in London but his heart belongs to a submariner called Steve.
  25. Re: High Noon Showdown Pardner I think that might just be a hollywood convention.
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