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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Catching Players off guard. Repped.
  2. Re: Vote For Your Favorite Superhero The Blue Beetle isn't an option?
  3. Re: The things I've learned playing a munchkin Sell back your movement powers, running, leaping, swimming and buy them back in a Multipower. Actually tried by one sneaky player.
  4. Re: Catching Players off guard. One female character, Jade Dragon, has Danger Sense and likes to lie in the bath and listen to classical music after a hard day in Latex pounding on bad guys. Wasn't she surprised when a bunch of Ninja with Invisibility to Danger Sense attacked her?
  5. Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke? Don't feel sorry for me I have a nice life but I don't have a lawn and couldn't give a flying feck how people in my community see me. I have a nice family life with wife and son. I normally turn my thoughts to RPG matters when my son's in bed and my wife is watching the idiot box. I never said babysit the character ffs just give it the once over, take two minutes. A 200 point attack power will probably leap out at you. It would ring all sorts of warning bells in my GM's noggin'. I don't play with an active point limit either. I set an average attack power, 70 points, and say that players can have higher if they can justify it and it won't unbalance the game. e.g. One character is a powered armour dude and has an experimental 1 shot rocket. 20d6 EB, 1c, OIF, Act 14-, Side effects (Weapon explodes before the rocket fires 6D6 RKA) I think you should seriously sit down with the other players and work out what you want to do with your campaign or a GM will never be able to run a scenario. So he has a 200 point attack power and nothing else? One of two things happen as far as I can see in combat. (it can only be combat because all his points are in an attack power) 1. He shoots a bad guy. The bad guy dies or is heading that way. Bad guys pals think that i's time to take out HowitzerBoy and squish him like a bug because he is so badly built. 2. Bad Guys know about HowitzerBoy and send in the Ninja/ Speedster/Martial Artist/ Mentalist to take him out before he can attack. BTW Comic books have writers that do whatever they like because they have total control over the story. A GM does not have that luxury. Players will always use the big attack every time. GM's have to think about making bad guys to give the whole team a decent fight. How does he do that if some characters have 200 point attack powers and some only have 100 point attack powers? Anyway it's your game and you can play it as you will but as soon as you bring it up for discussion in a public forum then expect people to comment. Guess what? The comments might be different than what you want. No Range is not broken!
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Repped.
  7. Re: Ranged killing attack + No rage modifer broke? As a GM you can have nothing better to do with your time! If you didn't read the character sheet, as a GM, you have made a rod for your own back and I have no sympathy.
  8. Re: The Things I Learned Playing A Villain... Try not to let the bitterness of one humiliating defeat too many destroy that pitiful warped thing you call your mind like that poor kid with the red plane hanging from his cell in the psycho ward!
  9. Re: Multiform and OIHID Don't take guff from players, you are God....er GM.
  10. Re: WWYCD: Illegal Worker The Cat wouldn't bat an eyelid. He obviously isn't a bad guy so who really cares about lines on a map when the world might get destroyed before lunch but for the sacrafice of heroes like him.
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  12. Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster...
  13. Re: Help with a Character Concept – The Energy Form If the Energy Form is built on much more points than the normal form I would use OIHID. If on the other hand they have roughly the same amount of points I would use multiform.
  14. Re: Funny game voices All the people I roleplay with are non native English speakers so if I 'do' an accent no-one can understand me.
  15. Re: Mind Control for Translation? Valid but overkill I would imagine. Couldn't you just ask nicely? Can you give a bit more info?
  16. Re: How to do: Twins If it's one player playing two characters then it's Duplication. Duplication is by far and away my favourite power as a character design tool. The polssibilities are mind boggling. It can be a bit of a pain in the but to play for more than a one off game though..
  17. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist You pay end for each time you use Str not each segment you use Str in. If you sweep and punch 3 guys then you have to pay End 3 times. If you do a Martial Grab/ Martial Punch/ Martial Throw combination then you pay End once. ....I think.
  18. Re: How to do: Twins Sounds like a good excuse to get the Duplication rules out.
  19. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist :Sigh: I know that having a few resistant defences would be smart but I couldn't give a fiddler's fart I have 35 dex, 7 speed and 6 csl's.
  20. Re: Multiple Attacks in a Phase Extra Rec is for people who recover faster. I know that you only recover once every 12 seconds due to the limitations of the game mechanics but that 12 second recovery is spread out over those 12 seconds in the real world. If you want to recover faster buy more Rec, don't overcomplicate things for no good reason. edit: I see that you just want a sneaky way to circumvent the NCM. If I was the GM I would tell you to stop Rules Raping.
  21. Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster... You need a good excuse if a Speedster doesn't have a Speedster Martial Art.
  22. Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster... Everybody else goes on phase 12 too. Always wait and watch phase 12.
  23. Re: So the King is a Vampire So we wern't breaking the mold having Mrs. Thatcher in charge back then. In fact having a blood sucking parasite running the country was a good thing after all.
  24. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... Manhole covers are to Bricks what shuriken are to Martial Artists.
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