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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: The building blocks of the universe. Aye, I well see the inherent problems with a cosmic VPP. I've played the Hero System for nearly 20 years and don't trust myself to make 'off the cuff powers' and be 100% sure I haven't broken any rules. The other problem, is of course, that the player is a sneaky bugger and would almost certainly come up with ways to kick the **** out of the boundaries of the scenario I designed. Another thing he wanted to know with his analyze is the strengths weaknesses of villains he meets. e.g. he meets Powered Armour Boy and decides to set his analyze to work on him....Is that find weakness or more detailed like knowledge of vulnerabilities, physical limitations and what have you? (obviously he would ned to buy Find Weakness if he wanted it) So I'm ready to allow a Big MP with one slot a Variable SFX, one as a variable advantage and whatever else he wants to shove in there. I'll ask him if he fancies an activation roll and major side effects...Hey you just broke the unniverse! He really is just a mathematical magician, I never thouht of that 'til reading the replies. I might write up a version and post it if anyone is intereted? Thanks a bunch for your input. You guys are the best vertual geeks around. Al
  2. Re: Jokes One for the boys who like shootin' things.. A Grizzly Experience Frank was excited about his new rifle and decided to try bear hunting. He travels up to Alaska, spots a small brown bear and shoots it. Right after, there was a tap on his shoulder and he turned around to see a big black bear. The black bear said, "That was a very bad mistake. That was my cousin and I'm going to give you two choices. Either I maul you to death or we have sex." After considering briefly, Frank decided to accept the latter alternative. So the black bear has his way with Frank. Even though he felt sore for two weeks, Frank soon recovered and vowed revenge. He headed out on another trip back to Alaska where he found the black bear and shot it dead. Right after, there was another tap on his shoulder. This time a huge grizzly bear stood right next to him. The grizzly said, "That was a big mistake, Frank. That was my cousin and you've got two choices. Either I maul you to death or we have rough sex." Again, Frank thought it was better to cooperate with the grizzly bear than be mauled to death. So the grizzly has his way with Frank. Although he survived, it took several months before Frank fully recovered. Now Frank is completely outraged, so he headed back to Alaska and managed to track down the grizzly bear and shot it. He felt sweet revenge, but then, moments later, there was a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to find a giant polar bear standing there. The polar bear looked at him and said, "Admit it Frank, you don't come here for the hunting, do you?"
  3. So I'm trying to help out a player design a character, normally no problem but the concept is a bit more complex than normal. The idea is that the universe and everything in it has a code or building blocks, a kind of ÃœberDNA. If you can read this ÃœberDNA you can see lots and lots of information about just about everything. The player sees this as a massive analyze... Also, if you can understand the building blocks of the universe you can also perhaps alter them... This seems a bit of a VPP situation to me. Any thoughts or ideas:confused:
  4. Re: Jokes Ah, Bingo doesn't use letters in Britain, only numbers 1-99 IIRC.
  5. Re: Jokes Er, I don't get it.
  6. Re: What I learn playing a GM. Make it so, number one.
  7. Re: question for gm I had this idea that I used in a campaign. Players, if they wanted, could leave a 20 point disadvantage to be determined in play. The GM, me, would then decide after play had started how and what triggered the disadvantage. One character got into a 'spot of bother' in a fight and decided to play dead and wake himself later. The character was dragged off with the other dead bodies and buried. Alive. He had to dig himself out before he ran out of end.. then stun, it was a close thing and the drama at the time was excellent. A truely memorable moment in the campaign. Afterward I decided to give him A Psych Lim: Claustraphobia.
  8. Re: Just thinking. A possible enemy of zombies. A very big club works the same as a shotgun in fantasy re. brain-eating zombie moon dogs from hell.
  9. Re: Judging The Strength of Challenges/Encounters? I always start my new pc's against a horde of small bad guys to gauge combat efectivness. 40 gobbos for a fantasy campaign, 40 150 point ninja for supers, then build up the surly level of the bad guys 'til they get their bum kicked. It works for me.
  10. Gaurdian of the dawn by William King. Very Swords and sorcery, just my cup of tea. Bits and pieces for a scenario or ideas for a campaign in there too. http://www.swordandsorcery.org/fs/vol1-iss1-01.htm
  11. Re: Adding Brick/Speedster Tricks to Superman-like character I could make a leaping super-strong brick for 350 points...which is in effect what he was in his 1st incarnation. Heck you could probably build issue 1 Superman for 250 points.
  12. Re: Do you have Active Point Limits? Is the cloth for a proper kilt nine yards long me wonders...
  13. Re: Adding Brick/Speedster Tricks to Superman-like character I assume you're talking about a 350 point Super, Dooper Superman homage? It would depend on how man points you can afford to through at it. I personally would make it a small MP with a few limitations that you could improve with experience points. Perhaps one or two brick tricks and one or two speedster tricks. Add limitations for flavour. Perhaps a 40 point MP with 4 Ultra slots and requires Brick or Speedster trick roll, extra time and or end, perhaps even concentrate 1/2 dcv. Again it depends on what you can afford and how skilled you envisage him. Can he control his raw power yet?
  14. Re: Do you have Active Point Limits? Shows what I know.. Must remember to keep my mouth shut.
  15. Re: Do you have Active Point Limits? American football thing. Last play (from 4) and you still have 9 yards (from 10) to find or the ball turns over to the opposition.
  16. Re: Do you have Active Point Limits? With mega movement flying fast is reasonably priced. I have guidelines, ususally 65-75 point attack powers but if a player had a good argument for having more I might allow it. One player wanted an experimantal one off rocket to supplement his 60 point MP. He bought it as a 20d6 EB, 1c, OIF, act 14-, it would detonate before it launched doing a 6d6HKA if he failed his roll..
  17. Re: Keep Caught Weapons If you can see bullets well enough to block 'em I have no problem letting them be caught too. It's all about sfx though.
  18. Re: Attack Questions Optional Rule time: Weapon length. The sword is classed as a medium weapon and is at a slight disadvantage against a long weapon at the start of the fight. He attacks with a -1 ocv until his attack connects with his opponent. The longer weapon keeps him at bay. As soon as he hits with the sword then he is considered inside the spearmans gaurd and fighting up close. Now the spearman is at a disadvantage fighting a shorter weapon inside his gaurd. The spearman needs to attack with a -1ocv. This is quite complicated in a swirling melee with lots of people attacking lots of other people but for a one on one duel it might be kinda fun. Also if you're worried it won't add anything to the game but more things to remember then don't use it.
  19. Re: How do I build: Caltrops I think the point was that some people would not be effected by pesky little caltrops because they would not pierce the skin is still valid. Would the Hulk really need to make a desk roll to avoid being slowed down?
  20. Re: How do I build: Caltrops Point of clarification. When you say 'linked to it' you don't mean the limitation 'linked' do you? I'm guessing you mean 'Caltrops must do body or drain doesn't work'. (-1) for such a small attack perhaps?
  21. Re: Jokes Pierre, a brave French fighter pilot, takes his girlfriend, Marie, out for a pleasant little picnic by the River Seine. It's a beautiful day and love is in the air. Marie leans over to Pierre and says: "Pierre, kiss me!" Our hero grabs a bottle of Merlot wine and splashes it on Marie's lips. "What are you doing, Pierre?", says the startled Marie. "I am Pierre the fighter pilot! When I have red meat, I have red wine! " She smiles and they start kissing. When things began to heat up a little, Marie says, "Pierre, kiss me lower." Our hero tears her blouse open, grabs a bottle of Chardonnay and starts pouring it all over her breasts. "Pierre! What are you doing?", asks the bewildered Marie. "I am Pierre the fighter pilot! When I have white meat, I have white wine!" They resume their passionate interlude and things really steam up. Marie leans close to his ear and whispers, Pierre, kiss me lower!" Our hero rips off her underwear, grabs a bottle of Cognac and pours it in her lap. He then strikes a match and lights it on fire. Marie shrieks and dives into the river. Standing waist deep in the water, Marie throws her arms upwards and screams furiously, "PIERRE, WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Our hero stands up defiantly and says, "I am Pierre the fighter pilot! If I go down, I go down in flames!"
  22. ...an Until-like organisations Super-Team. They'd be more Suicide Squad than Avengers, grittier with less Codes v Killing and more blood and guts. I was thinking something along the lines of Ultimate Response Force but my mind is blank. Help me please...
  23. Re: Learning Hero Welcome to the Hero System Mr. Badger, you've made a great choice. Don't tackle anything too complicated to start off with. Start small and add rules as and when you are comfortable with what you have. You don't even have to look at the optional rules 'til you have the basics down pat. What you need to know to GM? How does OCV v DCV work? How do I hit someone? How does block and dodge work? How do I calculate damage? How do I work out how much damage I just did with my punch? What's the difference between a killing and normal attack. Skill resolution? How do I make a perception or stealth roll? The rest you can shout and roll, make up what else you need to keep the ball rolling. Have a very basic plot. Bank robbery or armoured car heist that the characters can feel good about stopping, but not detract much from the new rules that they have to learn. Before you GM: Get two uncomplicated characters and get them to knock the stuffing out of each other. Have you access to a few pre-made characters? The Champions perhaps? If you have questions keep asking 'em here. We're more than happy to help generally and with more specific questions. Al
  24. Re: Taipan...wow! Laying a glove on him might be a problem, 25 dcv when dodging hth attacks and plenty of phases to play around with. As said above, everybody needs a weakness. Taipan has several that I can think of off the top of my head. Good thing too IMO.
  25. Re: Taipan...wow!
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