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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Block There is a difference between the fastest people on earth physiques, 100M runners and the World Strongest Men. Some are built for speed and some are built for strength. Ben Johnson didn't take up Stronman competions when he was banned from athletics and Jeff Capes didn't win any olympic medals.
  2. Re: Block I never considered that. Do they actually move faster, slower or at the same pace? Do we have recorded times of how long a punch takes to land?
  3. Re: Jokes Q. What is the most common chat up line asked at a gay bar? A. Can I push your stool in?
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q. Why do you think I folded? A. Sorry officer, it's genetic.
  5. Re: Jokes Rep Racoon. edit:You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to alexraccoon again.
  6. Re: Destiny as a Disadvantage Vulnerability to Spears is what you are looking for. Let's face it most Pc's should take cursed as a disadvantage. Call it player character or whatever you like but bad stuff always happens to PC's.
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Q. I was out on a session last night. I woke up this morning and could barely walk, do you know what happened? A. Two nuns and a rhino. Named Pete!
  8. Re: Can you "pull" PRE? I never even considered the possibility of there actually being one. GM handwave is all the official rules I need.
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q. I was really wasted last night, did I fall asleep on the job again? A. Poof, he was gone.
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q. What did you have for dinner last night? A. I couldn't belive my eyes. I looked out my window and there it was!
  11. Re: Searching for a game in the Edinburgh area Have you tried the player finder forum?
  12. Re: Can you "pull" PRE? It's comic trope that by mussing your hair and wearing glasses is enough to disguise your face. It would follow IMHO that it should also disguise your disgusting large presence too. YMMV
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q. Why do psychics never win the lottery? A. If at first you don't succeed sky-diving isn't for you!
  14. Re: Block In my karate class I've been taught that you block by first moving your feet not by sticking your arm in the way. Move, redirect, counter-attack. Perfect example of a block in the hero system. At higher levels you and leave out the redirect and go straight to interupt instead of blocking. In the real world TM really strong people are slower moving and easier to block than people with just a little muscle mass. Check out how fast lightweight boxers punch compared with heavyweights. YMMV Golden heroes had a glancing blow(half damage) if you failed your block by one or two points IIRC Perhaps you could do something similar. If you just manage to block or fail your block by one you recieve half damage or sumsuch?
  15. Re: The lost sole A flatfish who can't find the seabed?
  16. Re: The building blocks of the universe. Aye, upon reflection the cosmic VPP is a no-no. To cbickle etc.: I don't see the problem with the power; would you allow a magician in your campaign? He is just a magician who speaks a different magical language than normal magic users.
  17. Re: All Scots don't have 17 str! Aye, true but I find that a bit cheesy when we have penalty Skill Levels already. Similar cost I would imagine so I don't understand my reluctance to go down the limited Str road. Just realised that you need to go the limited Str route to string your larger bows, psl's won't do it.
  18. Re: Need help with a Group name. Nah, that is cool.
  19. It's true, I only have 10 Str according to me lifting my 100+ kg friend and staggering around his apartment. A claymore has a Str Min of 17. If a typical warrior Scot has 12 -13 Str he is at a -1ocv to fight with that weapon. Why can't he just buy a 2 point skill level to offset that, or better yet a PSL to offset it? Am I missing something fundamental here?
  20. Re: Need help with a Group name. Hunter's Club. (It's been done of course but how many of your group read 2000AD)
  21. Re: What I learn playing a GM. I agree generally, but there are a few exceptions which I think may prove your rule. When I was in Japan last year, I met the Shotokan Schoolboy Kata champion. He was totally amazing, trains nearly every day and worth every bit of his dan grade. He passed his Dan grading at 14 IIRC.
  22. Re: The building blocks of the universe. Hmm... I'm not seeing this as anything other than a different special effect for a mystic type character. So, he knows how the universe was built, what's to say he knows who built it? So, he saw the tools The Builder used to create the universe, can he wield them? So, he can alter bits and pieces in the universe but he only has 350 points and Dr. Derstroyer is still going to squish him like a bug no matter that he doesn't understand the universe at the same level. btw. I don't see this a game breaking power, more of a background story with a difference. Ah well, only time will tell. Thanks for the thoughts.
  23. Re: Need help with a Group name. Who gave the group the name? The media, the organisation head, the Govt., or the kids themselves? I like Meta-Force 9, I don't know why..
  24. Re: What I learn playing a GM. That would depend on the school, there ain't no 6 yer old dan grades in my club. Ours is run as a non profit making organisation so people are not pushed through grading just to make the teacher a few €€€
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