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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Question on lim for invisibility Only v' the naked eye surely? -1/2
  2. Re: Idea bouncing around in my head.. Hmm, have you been to the 'fest recently? Half of the songs are English language classics like John Denver. Maybe someone is tampering with the beer and Baron is so outraged that the Rhienheitsgebot is being broken that he attacks trying to stop people drinking the contaminated liquid. What would you put in 6 million litres of beer to get RB so riled up? ... How would you get it in considering it is brewed by several different breweries?
  3. In another thread I had the idea of King Kong fighting using Dunken Monkey Kung Fu and it kinda stuck in my head. Couple this with Roter Baron's 60 tall foot BavariaApe and I head a wee idea. So here is the basic plot to get it to happen. Der Roter Baron is going to make an appearance in my campaign world, I might even get some input from our inhouse Baron. The Baron wants to attack the Munich Oktoberfest and sends in his 60 foot tall Ape clad in Lederhosen called BavariaApe to do the job. First question is why he wants to attack the worlds biggest folk festival? Sure we'll be able to have the scene that is stuck in my mind, BavariaApe grabbing a beer delivery lorry, drinking all the beer in one gulp and aquiring DM. Kung Fu, but why attack it in the first place? The Ape itself is a creation of Telios who alrready has his finger in the campaign plotline pie. So the question remains why attack The 'fest?
  4. Re: new to the hero system, so howdy!!!! Greetings and salutations.
  5. Re: Hello and Character Post [Fallout] I just skimmed the character, I have a couple of questions? Energy blast: What's it supposed to do, it's not very strong is it? Why have you personal immunity? You have the defence anyway don't you? Healing: I don't get it. I can't really see healing in a radiation Elemental control, if I was the GM you'd have to do some fast talking to get that one by me.
  6. Re: Lego Guy - ideas and power questions repped
  7. Re: FH without Stun Servus Andi, Have I got this right? You want to speed up combat, especially for newbies? Can you explain what an actual combat in your campaign looks like? Anywhore, I'll talk about things that might speed up combat for you. 1. Normal foes: gaurds, goblins, grunts and minor NPCs don't block or dodge, they die instead. Keep combat maneuvers for your end of scenario bad guy. 2. Keep armour to a minimum for the the grunts, nothing prolongs combat like armour. 3. If the player hits the bad guy with a decent shot the bad guy drops. End of scenario for him. Nothing is worse than hitting a baddy for 10 body and the thief finishing him off with a 2 body hit to the foot. 4. Don't worry about book-keeping for the bad guys too much. Forget end and stun totals, as I said in 3, one good hit should suffice. 5. Don't use too many comabt encounters before the scenario finale if you can help it. Instead of 2 fights before the big bad guy encounter have one verbal or intellectual encounter and only one small scrap. 6. Try to get your PCs scared of combat that way they won't initiate fights for no reason. 7. Normal bad guys have 11 dex and two speed when I GM.
  8. Re: Champions Musical Oddhat has it.
  9. Re: Snap Shot Teleport Apart from the 'obvious' part I would agree with whs.
  10. Re: How Do I: Weapons with -OCV I don't see the problem with -1ocv = -5 active points. What am I missing?
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Four PC's in a fantasy group. 3 are warrior women different styles. Una Ni Murtaghi to bumpkin soldier. "Don't you worry about your sweetheart when you're off fighting wars?" BS. "What about you, you hear all sorts of stories about rape in the army?" Una (Pointedly looking at the player playing the only male character) "Oh don't worry, we'll rape him if when we want to!"
  12. Re: Quick Question about Karate Sticks To be honest I know next to nothing about this subject, didn't stop me chiming in though. Only what I've aquired through occasional reading of Martial Arts books. In my class we very rarely train with weapons. When we do it is usually a rubber/ wooden tanto or the like to train for a self defence situation.
  13. Re: Destiny as a Disadvantage That's a psych lim Mark. Quite a common one too. Cue music..
  14. Re: Quick Question about Karate Sticks Jo. Just a club. Tonfa is a much more versatile and hard to master weapon.
  15. Re: Bored At Work????, This even worked with my firewall http://www.sudokulive.net/ If you require access to this site for legitimate business purposes, please contact your Information Security Officer You can identify your Information Security Officer at: Information Security Officer Contacts For more information regarding Internet usage, please refer to the Standard of Conduct at :name withheld:at: Employee Standard of Conduct
  16. Re: Well, I finally gmed Hero System (long) If I was you I wouldn't worry too much about the fine details in the middle of a fight. I certainly wouldn't worry about end unless the character (non pc) pushes often or has extra end powers. Tell the players up front that if after a fight starts and if you don't know a rule, you'll make a reasonable decision and check the official rule later. About the buying real things with money and not points; remeber that these things are just that, real things and break easily or come with a whole host of real world limitations. Richboy wants to buy a handgun? Sounds reasonable, sure why not. Does Richboy have a weapon permit? Does he have a Weapon familiarity? What hapens in a fight to those expensive cell phones and radios? etc.
  17. Re: Block If you want to get the +3 ocv to block with the shield then you have to actually get your shield in the way to block the attack. If you want to block by steppiong out of the way you can hardly hope to get the +3 ocv.
  18. Re: All Scots don't have 17 str! 2 point penalty skill level to offset ocv v weapon sizes works well in this case.
  19. Re: Block I think you have to consider that weapon breakage is already an optional rule when blocking. You could also buy the 'Too Powerful to Block' attack you mention as an actual power using whichever power you thought simulates the attack best. Indirect HKA springs to mind.
  20. Re: Answers & Questions Q. The tortoise was headed straight up your kilt with a manic look in it's eye. Can you tell me how you felt? A. After that, it went all quiet. That's all I know.
  21. Re: Answers & Questions Q. I never done it, it wasn't me. You can't prove it can you? A. Yup, straight up Main Street, at about Mach II!
  22. Re: Answers & Questions Q. I never touched it, I had my hands in my pockets all the time. Don't you believe me? A. Llama, pink coat, good looking too.
  23. Re: Block Fascinating in my opinion. I love how what I struggle to learn in the dojo can be built with Hero skills & powers and which maneuvers simulate it so perfectly. Is it any wonder I always seem to gravitate towards characters who can fight?
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