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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Running through the forest I'm detecting a bit of animosity to the wonderful Costner. I must admit The Sheriff was the best bit about Costner's Hood move but Costner was excellent in his recentish cowboy flick, Open Range.
  2. Re: What does "Overall" not cover? Point of order! Sean was speaking English, you are speaking Americanish. In Scotland we say Boiler suit.
  3. Re: Newish to the game, have a question. Okay, Squidimus is perhaps the worst name I've heard for some time, is it a series campaign or a comedy run? No, having more limbs does not give you more attacks. You can simulate that power several ways if you like. A Selective Area Effect attack with the same amount of dice as you biggest attck would be one avenue you could explore. You could link that to your stretching if you like. You could buy penalty skill levels v sweep penalties. You could perhaps buy it as an autofire naked advantage on your Strength... Speak to your GM. Welcome btw, Al
  4. Re: Boring Int drain as everybody switches off?
  5. Re: New Disadvantage: Past. Exactly. The player would have to be okay with this, be okay with the GM giving him a different disad every 3rd week or so. I've been thinking about this for a while and would offer it only to players who I think like getting shat upon.
  6. Re: New Disadvantage: Past. That's the whole point I'm trying to make there isn't one bad guy controlling all this. It just happens on it's own. The wheels of fate turn without the hand of an über-puppeteer controlling them. Everybody in the world has a story and a job, some of those interact with the characters past in unforseen ways. What it requires is a player willing to get in the sh1t now and again and a level of trust between the player and rthe GM.
  7. Hunted by your past, perhaps? Anyway I've been watching the irrepressable Jack Bauer recently and he seems to have had a long and varied life. Too much to go into a back story, just right in fact to be thrown at the player as and when the GM needs it. Other characters from fiction also have it. Nick Nolte's character in Mullholland falls has it, I'm sure he wasn't expecting the GM to kill off an ex gf of his and then send a compromising film to his wife. Hunted: You past could be a lash of enemies, like Jack. It could be that you took a bribe to get your kids through college one week. The next week your old buddy from Sand Wars 1 calls in a debt, maybe you got a girl pregnant when you were younger and the kid shows up the week after. Maybe you killed a guy years ago, in self defence but didn't report it. Maybe it wasn't self defence? The beauty is that the player doesn't need to have it all worked out before hand. For the GM, the beauty is that he can introduce lots of plot lines and have the character intimately involved from the get go! The frequency of the Hunted would dictate how often your past life would reverberate into your present life. What do you think?
  8. Re: making killing dmg balance with normal dmg You've just removed some of the lethality of killing attacks, right there, why?
  9. Re: Firewing vs yo Momma Don't know about you guys but my mother is a 0 point character with failing eyesight, terrible driving skills and prone to calling her kids the wrong name. What makes you think she wouldn't be barbecued before she saw her first post segment 12?
  10. Re: Jokes We've all heard about people having guts or balls. But do you really know the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed,the definition for each is listed below .... GUTS - is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being met by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: "Are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?" BALLS - is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the ass and having the balls to say: "You're next." I hope this clears up any confusion on the subject.
  11. Re: Question for Killer Shrike or Edsel He could have one of:OIF visor, IAF Glaases or uncontrollable if I wrote him up.
  12. I'm gonna run a cowboy campaign based roughly on the Lonesome Dove novel & mini series. I thought 50 + 50, hit locations, bleeding rules and to try and keep it semi-realistic. Anyone ran a western game, or have any tips or hints?
  13. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? As hugh said. What is his background? Is he a tournament archer, travelling around the country going to fairs and winning purses? Well, if that is the case, traveller and and area knowledge skills spring to mind. Has he picked up any languages on his travels? Can he ride a horse or sail a boat? Does he know how to cook or live off the land as he moves around looking for trouble....eh adventures? Is he a soldier? PS Soldier, PS fletcher or bowyer, language: hand signals, ks history of warfare, ks heraldry, tactics, ks politics, can he read.....etc. Is he a poacher or hunter, is he an assasin or battle mage releasing magical arrows? Does he rob the rich and give to the poor? Was he a farmer, what exactly is his trade? The list is virtually endless, think about your characters whole life not just how to loose arrows.
  14. Re: Staking HTH attack with Martial manuvers Quick & Dirty soloution I would just work out the DC's and then devide by two for NND.
  15. Re: Do PSL vs Hit Locations Unablance the Game? I played a character who could always hit the heart, loation 13. I bought it as 8 psl, costs end, only location 13, only creatures with living working hearts, concentrate 1/2 dcv, OIF weapon of opportunity. It seemed to work well for what it was intened to do. The one shot one kill fantasy archer type bloke. Was it unbalancing? Not really as other characters were equally deadly. Deadly blow, magical weapons, Berserker furey, Magical Multipowers etc.
  16. Re: Neck breaking Commando Rubberbando? LOL. Rep.
  17. Re: Bay City Rollers Campaign Log Cool a supers game set in Dundee and everyone is wearing a dodgy tartan scarf which clashes with the other colours of tartan being worn. Rep.
  18. Alibear


    Re: Elves Another thought that I had been toying with was to make elves an off-shoot of humanity that was more simian in appearance. A knda half man half monkey. Feet with could used like hands, longer hands like a chimps to allow greater mobility in trees, hairy faces and only rudemantary lanuage skills etc. No metal tools, they would create nests in treetops, attack in gangs, eat humans etc.
  19. Re: Playing cards as offensive weapons... Aye, no damage unless you hit someone in the eye.
  20. Re: Have I got this right? Yes, without checking FREd. The distance of the Teleport has no effect on how long it takes to complete.
  21. Alibear


    Re: Elves Elves on my world were Genetically/Magickally created pleasure beings for a race of Dragon riding Über-beings/ demi gods called Valhrü (Thanks Mr. Feist) They are coded (physical lim) to follow commands of the Valhrü and to fear them (psych lim). Of course as the Valhrü died out millenia ago the disads aren't worth any points.... The players didn't know any of this of course until one (now ex player) became possesed by his spirit and is slowly turning into it Two are playing Elves btw. Mwuhahahahaha Dwarves were create at the same time but are designed to do the work, digging & scurrying under the ground, carrying & lifting & building Valhrü buildings.
  22. Re: Talking about doubling equipment I don't like it, no real data on abusiveness though just my initial reaction.
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