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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net See, now I would blame Steve. No wonder people think Hero is unrealistic.
  2. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net If I had 8 pd I could leap off the roof of a 5 story building and not suffer any broken bones. That is not normal and I think NCM for PD and ED should be 4, or maybe 5. Anyway, I said partially to blame. I think you should look up the word partial if you think I am blaming Steve. p.s. You think Indiana Jones should be immune to be beaten up by burly blokes with baseball bats? You think he can be run over by cars doing 40 or drop 50 feet and just get up? I never seen anything in the movies to suggest he had more than 3 or 4 PD. I'd give him a pretty high breakfall roll but not a massive PD.
  3. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net I never made myself clear, 0+ up to 25 disads. edit: and 8 across the board for stats not 10.
  4. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net Normal people are by definition 0 point characters. Normal people have 2 or 3 PD not 2-6 but I do understand the rest of the sentiments. Access denied, I'll look later, thanks.
  5. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net What we need is a book with stats for real people from history a´nd fictional characters that we all know. Then we would have a refernce point for us to base character design on.
  6. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net What annoys me most at rpg.net is the complaints when the person complaining only has a very basic grasp of the rules and what they represent. I think Steven Long is at least partially to blame as it isn't made clear that someone with 8 pd is akin to a hard man from fiction, Tarzan, John J. Rambo, Conan, John MacLean. Someone who can be beat up, chewed up, shot up and blown up and still soldiers on. He can fall from a tall building or be hit by a speeding car and he just gets on with it. If they want someone to be real and incurr a broken skull after being hit by a baseball bat then build them with 2 pd ffs! Carry on.
  7. Re: Never GMed HERO before, a few pointers? I would just like to add that you should tell the players that you're still feeling you're way and that they should be prepared to revise characters if and when problems arise.
  8. Re: Balancing Duplication If a prairie dog is a turd poking it's nose out of your arse, you are spot on. Mickey Finn is any cocktail of drinks designed to get you rat arsed innit? A fruit (brandy) and grain (whisky) cocktail being the classic.
  9. Re: Is this Munchkinism? One the PC's in my campaign has Danger Sense. After a hard day adventuring she likes nothing better than to have a long bath in the dark, kinda meditation thing to clear the mind. The player really shit himself when he worked out the assassin hunting his character had invisibility to Danger Sense.
  10. Re: Attunement Modifier? Your post is a bit confused. Can you say what a lore smith does without using Herospeak? Sounds to me like you want a Focus of Oportunity, -1/2.
  11. Re: PCs go down the hole... Do they know that the wizard they killed was the wizard or was he just the apprentice to something nasty and evil? Maybe some kind of mystical beastie or demon which the wizard had trapped there to steal spells and knowledge from. When the pc's killed the wizard the spell controlling the beastie was broken...
  12. Re: Surviving fall from orbit Normal people have 2 ed/ed and 8 body. A 10d6 EB is gonna put people in a very bad way already. For all intents and purposes they are already dead unless a paramedic comes and stabises them.
  13. Re: How do you keep your dark knights from going "squish"? Roll with the punch, and prayer. That's it.
  14. Re: New Skill(?): Investigate If he wants to know the latest way of investigating used by Police officers you could let him buy a PS or KS Detective Work depending how you saw that skill being used. A PS might mean he would know how to tick all the right boxes when building a case for prosecution and didn't make any errors which might quash a convition etc. He would know which departments handled which jobs for the detectives etc. A KS might mean he would know all the latest techniques used by Detectives and perhaps think of ways of staying one step ahead of the law. he would know which methods are used to gather trace evidence and what he might do to stop himself leaving any behind for example.
  15. Re: Strength of Zero Isn't this a standard trope for magicians and psychers that they concentrate on the power of the mind so much that their physical body suffers for it? Xavier hauling himself around in a wheelchair would be the obvious example from the comics of this sort of thing.
  16. Re: Typical NPC When I GM normal people, office workers whatever are 0+25 point characters. Policemen, soldiers, martial artists black belts are 25+25 SWAT, FBI, Combat hardened troops and National Team Black belts, pro boxers etc are 50+50. Special Forces, World Champion boxers, Martial Artists so good they are famous outside their field are 75+75 . The toughest bad ass people on the planet & hardmen from fiction, Jack Bauer, Jet Lee, Bruce Lee, James Bond, Sherlock Holmes, Billy the Kid & Tarzan would be 100+100. Those are my benchmarks.
  17. Re: House rule I'm considering, Hit Location I would interested in how this went..keep us informed whatever you plan on doing.
  18. Re: Lasso's in Combat Give the rope a vulnerabilty to sharp objects. Or more simply, you could just rule that it is a 'real weapon' and that it has half def v sharp cutting things.
  19. Re: Build your Super Self I always thought if I got superpowers it would probably be Funky Martial Arts and a sonic attack. I train anyway and my Kia is as loud as feck. I don't know if I would go out of my way to stomp crime but I wouldn't let anything go by that I noticed either.
  20. Re: Rebuilding yourself I already bought off one of my disadvantages: near sightedness. My DNPC wife's health insurance and laser surgery was the justification for the GM. He said that was okay. I'm also closing in on Dan Grade karate so that must cost at least 10 points according to Steve. I've just about got the deposit together for a nice wee base in the country and I'll need to add a vehicle and a transport familiarity:small ground vehicles,for that matter. I see I'm getting through those points nicely already. The new DNPC:son probably covers that expenditure unless Igot me a new hunted: boss at work and I have a few points to spend?
  21. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why were you running down High street wearing nothing but a smile and an erection? A: If you don't believe me ask your wife.
  22. Re: New to HERO Another thing to remember about armour is that it was probably worn layered. A layer of padded cloth, perhaps boiled leather, mail and then metal plates on top of that. If someone was throwing a molotove cocktail, acid bomb or whatever at me I sure would prefer if the oil had a few layers to get through before it made contact with my tender yeilding body.
  23. Re: New to HERO Really? If I ever put my hand in the oven I always wear my 1 ED glove! Blacksmiths wear leather aprons and Faraday (sp) Cages protect v electricty IIRC. As a Scot I really should be able to spell the names of our Historical greats.
  24. Re: Does your Dungeon Master have military experience? Rep You, Susano. Rep you!
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