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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: ATV and Transport Familiarity Aye but those things don't handle like a 2 wheeled bike. It is controlled like a bike, but handles more like a car than a bike, but you do things that a car can't do. Colour me confused. Er.... bike, if I had to pick one.
  2. Re: Knockback Only, No Direct Damage For me the beauty of the Hero System is the different ways different people approach a build. You could have four people, and four valid very different builds, for the same thing. Looking at the way others use the Hero System is often a revelation for me and is the reason I visit these boards. Often I think, "What is this clown up to?" but that's another thread.
  3. Re: Knockback Only, No Direct Damage If and when I GM touch is a no range targeting sense. Sorta. If you close your eyes and you manage to touch something then it follows that you know where they are (sorta). You can 100% grab or punch them. I would perhaps give an ocv penalty, -2 maybe, but I'd allow the blind to fight by sense of touch alone. I'd allow people skilled in blind fighting to buy off those penalties. This is something we have practiced, for fun and to keep training intresting, in my karate dojo. Most 'fights' ended up in grabs and wrestling. I'd require a touch perception roll, like Daphne in Scooby Doo, and then give them the -2 ocv. Once you have that sucker grabbed you don't need to make perception rolls anymore.
  4. Re: Knockback Only, No Direct Damage I think -3 is about right perhaps a little conservative. I would imagine fighting without a sense of touch would be more limiting than having to fight with the left hand or without weapon familiarities. Still -3 is what I go with.
  5. Re: Knockback Only, No Direct Damage Sean, I think either you or I need, to go back and read about losing senses while I'm pretty sure you have a -3 CV and a -3 to dex based skills. I'll check when I get home, I suggest you do the same and we can talk further later. Al
  6. Re: Knockback Only, No Direct Damage Don't forget that flashing someones sense of touch has massive implications for Dexterity based stuff. Like combat. A Flash v touch is one of my favourite things.
  7. Re: Mind jump thing.. Good points, Sean. I really just wanted to work out how to handle the mechanics of mind transfer (ecv v ecv and how many dice I should roll and what chart to look up, how you break out etc.) , which mind control does well enough. The fine details I'll just GM hand wave and describe 'in non-Hero language'. Thanks again to all for your input. Al
  8. Re: Mind jump thing.. I think the mind control idea is the easiest and best way to model switching minds. I'll go with that. rep you CasualPlayer.
  9. Re: Opens book at random... Bathtime...sure.
  10. Re: Mind jump thing.. Well, I could just GM wave it, as I do with lots of stuff. However, I did want to have at least an idea what I was doing to give the PC's 'the illusion' of having a chance and a defence against it if they are attacked by it. What defences should apply? I was thinking an Ego v Ego roll to wrest control of the body from the victim. The problem is that I like to have an idea of how a power is built, even if I don't actually build it, for completeness for myself, as much as to use as a shield against whining players if need be.
  11. Well, I'm sure I've seen this power somewhere but I can't remember where. The one where the bad guy switches body with you. He gets your shiney new body and leaves you with his crumby old one. Thoughts, memories etc get transferred to the new vehicle for the mental powers. How are we writing that power up nowadays?
  12. Re: Opens book at random... I often take FREd into the bathroom with me and open him randomly... for a quick look.
  13. Re: Limited Recovery Sounds like healing that you need to conciously activate to me. You might want to buy it with concentrate & extra time: reqires a whole phase.
  14. Re: Knockback and Power Frameworks Knockback resistance? Stick costs end on it and I'd allow a slot in a gravity control power for that.
  15. Re: Disad: Sensory Overload ? Physical limitation for me.
  16. Re: Dive for Cover I agree. And sometimes it is the only thing allowing PC's to take on truly formidable beasties. If they try it against multiple foes it'll really will be last ditch defence and possibly just delaying the inevitable. I ran one memorable fight where the bloke dived for cover on phase 12 from an ogre and kept diving and rolling (while still grounded) as the ogre pressed the effin big club attack, against his 1/2 dcv until help arrived. I've never seen anyone make so many 12- rolls.
  17. Re: Dive for Cover That depends on what happened but generally, no. Bloke A attacks. Bloke B Dives for cover. That's it. (normally)
  18. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net My games would have 1 small encounter and one larger more deadly fight game session ending encounter, typically. As by the end of the scenario most characters were badly in need of bed rest (hospitilisation) i waved a months recovery time away. I ruled that he had lost half of his 10 body. I got the idea from Yojimbo by the way.
  19. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net Already done for people who are meant to be normal. I don't disallow high PD, far from it, I just make sure everyone knows what it represents.
  20. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net Fantasy literature is more likely to have people injured and in need of medical aid than movies, I find. Or, maybe I just read low fantasy campaigns? Yes, I said gritty not realistic. (It might look funny as all characters are magicians of some sort in the campaign) We try to game in a pseudo realistic world with some magic. We try to have realistic effects and have reasonable stories. Dragons can only fly because they are inherently magical as one example. We don't really use much healing magic. All magical items have backstories including who made them and why. Most magical items have a history and are unique. After all someone had to invest his xps to make them. No generic swords +1 lying around. No rust monsters or grey ooze. In one scenario a magician was beaten up, kidnapped and locked in a room for several days until he was rescued. (player couldnae turn up) The magician was kept from accessing magic by the simple expedient of going into his room and beating him senseless several times a day. No, I don't run or play in that sort of game. Maybe he has regeneration with a tantric Sex limitation? That is a good point, and worth considering, but probably not worth the extra effort as you said.
  21. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net House rules to cope with PD too high to let any body through? Would it not make more sense to just lower pd? This is exactly what I'm trying to get at, people implement the rules badly and need to patch together a fix when it doesn't make any sense.
  22. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net Cinematic/Realistic. It depends on what we are playing, of course. Fantays is much more gritty than the Mega City One campaign we're trying out which is itself more Gritty than our Supers game. So he get's beaten up and in lots of pain and in the next scene he is fine? Sounds more like a lot of Recovery rather than a lot of PD to me. Point taken that it isn't realistic, I've had the beejesus kicked out of me in Karate and taken several days, not minutes, to fully recover.
  23. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net That's a shame, as I think Steve is mising an opportunity here.
  24. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net If Steve wanted to set aside a chapter to talk about how to use Hero as realistally as possible he would.
  25. Re: Hero threads on rpg.net This is the whole point. If you understand Hero mechanically and limit it it can do a good job of recreating, abstractly, how things work in the real world. Kinda. If people are given a nudge, and if the author took the lead here, it becomes clear what certain numbers represent within the rules. If you have 8 pd you are not a real person anymore. An Elephant can stomp you into the dust and you'll get back up without even a broken bone. Tarzan territory.
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