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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: The More I Kill, The Stronger I Get! Why not buy some wealth with your xp's and then send me some of that wealth. Problem solved.
  2. Re: Need help with a power I'm always wary of making a build until I know the SFX of the power. Can you describe how this works and more importantly why this works?
  3. Re: Rolling mechanic question Maybe the want to make the aggressor more likely to win in a combat?
  4. Re: Variable power pool? Questions... Only if you're playing The MunchKing!
  5. Re: Missile Deflection and Skill Levels... You can better place the attack with skill levels, which in itself doesn't grant more power, but can affect the target more by aiming for a spot with less defence or a more vulnerable spot.
  6. Re: Variable power pool? Questions... He was asking for help and advice, he was being honest. A cosmic VPP is one of the biggest game breakers possible.
  7. Re: Defenders of Ireland Can you say stereotypes? I also doubt if a woman would call herself after a stick tradionally used to beat married women with..
  8. Re: Missile Deflection and Skill Levels... Perhaps but building it in othe ways is far too complicated for most people to work out intuitively. (Far too complicated for me too be arsed with too) Missile Deflection works and is a nice simple mechanic which we all understand. Granted, some things need to change but how the power works, the internal mechanics, are sound, imho. Do you want to change all fixed cost powers; invisibilty, desolidification etc?
  9. Re: Variable power pool? Questions... Cosmic? He's spot on in my experience. Cosmic VPPs are workable for people who can envisage a power, design it in thier head, write it out perfectly with no problems and no mistakes in 2 minutes between phase 5 and phase 8 when the GM is dealing with someone else. Blokes who have been playing Hero for years, blokes who know the game every which way, back to front and in thier sleep. Othewise each power has to be designd and GM approved before play begins.
  10. Re: Missile Deflection and Skill Levels... If the rules don't make any sense to me I want it explained to me why it is so. If someone can explain the difference betwen block and missile deflection I'd be very interested. @ Sean - I don't understand what you mean by the Missile reflection being a dinosaur; can you clarify what you mean by that, please?
  11. Re: Missile Deflection and Skill Levels... I would have no problem with that. I've asked Steve about this in the Q&A years ago and he said it's a big no no. I don't see why not. Why can we reflect laser blasts but not laser swords, bullets and not fists? What exactly is the difference, special effect?
  12. Re: Variable power pool? Questions... A Variable Power Pool cab be the most complicated power to control, especially as a newbie. If, and it's a big if, you want to recall powers and make them up on the fly you have to know the Hero Rules back to front, top to bottom or it's a nightmare for you, the Gm and the other players. If you do take a VPP make sure you only use powers you define inbetween game sessions nothing you define as you go. I suggest you go back and read the relevant section of the book and ask yourself if this really is what you want?
  13. Re: [Character] Paragon I'm not sure why but this character doesn't grab my imagination in anyway. I'm sure it's an internal problem of mine but this character leaves me..... flat.
  14. Alibear


    Re: [CHAR]Lynx I like him, well done, Weldun. See what I did there?
  15. Re: Missile Deflection and Skill Levels... I already allow all combat and Overall levels to do that. I also allow peole to mix and match between block and missile deflect in the same phase. I don't have a problem with what you describe, you crazy bastich, you! Rep.
  16. Alibear

    Need a name

    Re: Need a name It's a football (soccer) thing. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://static.sky.com/images/pictures/1579556.jpg&imgrefurl=http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30400-1282018,00.html&h=180&w=180&sz=39&hl=en&start=6&tbnid=rt3v3z6U8c2PSM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=101&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgooner%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff
  17. Re: MancerBear's Art Den I really like the artwork in the RubbishMan; for my taste it's the best of the work you've shown in this thread. Repped.
  18. Re: The intersection between Dark Champions and Champions. A Super Agent campaign works well in conjunction with a standard Champions campaign. edit: a 250 point bad guy might be a good match for 4 75/75 cops with access to big guns.
  19. Alibear

    Need a name

    Re: Need a name What about trawling through the thread with all the names..
  20. Re: [Campaign] The Black Watch Sure. Repped.
  21. Alibear

    Need a name

    Re: Need a name If he had a Jetpack you could call him Rocket Ranger, if he was 6 inches tall you could call him The Pocket Patriot I'll get me' coat... If he is Codename Rattlesnake are ther other Codename [insert North American Snake Here] types? Perhaps his predecessors went rogue, perhaps they are still in service but much murkier and less scrupulous than the public face - Rattlesnake? Assasins, spys and what have you.
  22. Alibear

    Need a name

    Re: Need a name We had a Rogue Trooper rip-off in our campaign called Major Magnum who sounds similar to this guy. Anywhore what about Trooper or Ranger for a military feel?
  23. Re: Mounted Combat, and a Question of Historical Accuracy If you allowed it in your game, and that seems unlikely, tell him to buy acrobatics with a limitation, only on horseback. Call it trick-riding and you're good to go. If he wants extra DCV with that he'd have to buy it. Personally I'd allow it, I've allowed much worse but that is your call as GM.
  24. Alibear

    Need a name

    Re: Need a name Hmm. Are you looking for his agency codename or the name his public persona has? I'm guessing his public image is purer than driven snow, The All American , boy next door type who is putting his ass on the line to protect his homeland. Some names evoke stoic defence and patriotism better than others but some names sound too British in my ears for your puposes: Vanguard, HomeGuard... I'll give this some thought.
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