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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: I need help with math Not that bit.
  2. Re: I need help with math That was my school moto.
  3. Re: Catching cars Well dramatic sense dictates otherwise. If I was presented this in game I wouldn't check the rules I'd just make a decision off the top of my head and check later. So until I get home and can check later I'd rule that.. If someone had Missile deflection and had enough Strength to left a car easily, perhaps 5 Str more than needed to lift it I'd rule he could abort to catch it. If he didn't have missile deflection but was waiting, and was strong enough to easily lift it (see above) I'd rule that he could make an ocv (-2 for grab)v ocv to catch it.
  4. Re: How would you build this power? You'll need to buy up his PS: Pinball player for this character.
  5. Re: How do I build this power? Same here. For 9 points my game you can buy: Weapon Master: Familiarity with all known weapons. With a little time to study an unknown weapon a Weapon Master could work out how to best use it. (Which is 3 PSL only to offset Wpn Fam negatives.) Natural Driver: Familiarity with all known modes of transport. (I didn't think this talent was worth any more than the weapon master) With a little time to study an unknown vehicle a Natural Driver could work out how to handle it. Btw. This is not a book legal build as Steve has officially vetoed these builds.
  6. Re: ideas/name for my character? How is having red eyes physically limiting? Mad Mach if he was really impulsive.
  7. Re: Tk Question If I had a TKer I'd buy a whole lot of TK special effect powers, like stretching to grab a ledge before I fell to my doom, as well as my TK.
  8. Re: Intuitive Knowledge Sounds a lot like SFX to me.
  9. Re: Stats And Hero Purity That sounds reasonable to me. 15 str and an inch or two of leaping.
  10. Re: Opens book at random... Pesky flying glass.
  11. Re: I am so, so old... The Geek Gene didn't fall far from the tree, it would seem. Good luck.
  12. Re: Whats your view of PC expiry? What's your in-game mortality rate? The closet I had was when the 125ish point total PC's go hunting a man-eating lion in waist high grass. In it's feeding ground. At NIGHT!! One lad just about had his arm ripped off and another, the healer, ended up at -9 body before he was stabilised.
  13. Re: Stats And Hero Purity What is the world long-jump record? How much Hero Str do you need to be able to do that? Anyway it's not that important to me, just asking.
  14. Re: Help please The VVP is fine if you limit it so you cannot make up spells off the cuff. Have as many spells as you like, submit 'em for GM approval, and have a list you can choose from in play. That would work if you know 100% how each spell works without looking up FREd in game and you don't dither when it comes time to picking your spell. Do a rough draft and we'll help you iron out the details. Good luck.
  15. Re: Trial of Redmark and his men. If you really want these to survive and come back later you could try: Perhaps trial by combat, but a PC will definately want a piece of that action. Perhaps they bribe the local lord or have his daughter kidnapped by allies and he'll release them. Perhaps they could buy thier way out of trouble. Find them guilty and sell them into slavery. Maybe the lord takes the rap and the others are sent down the mines to work. Find them guilty and hold them for ransom. Prisoner exchange.. Must stop typing..
  16. Re: Whats your view of PC expiry? What's your in-game mortality rate? I really can't remeber when the last player actually lost a character in game.. There has been loads of really close calls but no fatalities.
  17. Re: Help please As a newbie I would say stick to a Spell Multipower. Each spell you know is another slot in the MP. As you learn new spells you just buy another slot. Avoid VPPs until you have a bit more experience under your built. Don't forget, Keep it Simple
  18. Re: Starting a new game Okay.....this is one of the few games I've never played so have no real experience with. Still.. how many points are we talking and how many disadvantages are you aiming at? You can still use basic gaming stereotypes: The big strong guy, the sneaky guy, the guy with a gun etc. I'm guessing they'll be ex military types, private eyes, gymnasts, sniper/ hunter types, they might even have a single low point power. Or not. Up to you. You'll need to work out each character's schtick, what set's them apart from all the others. I always find a name helps to get my creative juices flowing. Others envision a power an build around that. If you give a points point of reference, perhaps any ideas you may have we can talk you through some basics?
  19. Re: Brainstorming assistance -- SFX This way lies madness. Concept then rules every single time. Hero is too big, too open for abuse otherwise.
  20. Re: Starting a new game Okay now we have HeroDesigner covered lets talk about what you need. Can you let us know what kind of game you are going to run? I would reccomend that you keep character creation simple. Just design a few stereotypical characters, perhaps give them a wee twist, but nothing complicated to get you going. If you run fantasy, design a warrior, a rogue, a ranger I would leave the wizard for now, you can decide on magic later. If it's a Supers game we can talk you through designing a few characters too. When you get started have a fight, any fight, just to take the players through how hitting works, how you roll for damage and how body and stun works. Keep it Simple to start with.
  21. Re: Brick tricks Talk of naked modifiers in a multipower is making an alarm go off in my head.
  22. Re: Opens book at random... You need help, buddy. Repped.
  23. Re: Stats And Hero Purity Ballet Dancers are hard; don't let the tights fool you.
  24. Re: How To: Sensory Overload as a Attack Power Int drain, maybe? Not v people with flash defence perhaps.
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