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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Character for review: Goblin EC?
  2. Re: The Ultimate Vehicle Guide: Alternate Combat Rules... what's your experience? Never used 'em, I tend to use handwavium when the stuff comes up. I would like to use the Random Road Generator though.
  3. Re: Energy Staff, Martial Arts Nice question Tonio. 1) Yes, an MP is the way to go. Stick an OAF limitation on it if you can only use it through the staff. e.g. (off the top of my head, check book for details) 30 pt MP OAF (-1) Staff 15 points u1 4d6 Strength, HTH lim (-0.5) OAF (-1) Staff u3 6d6 Chi Energy Blast, OAF (-1) Staff u3 15 str TK, fine manipulation, OAF (-1) Staff 2) No you cannot mix ranged and HTH maneuvers in a martial art. 3) There is nothing wrong with buying two Martial Arts, one HTH and one ranged. Well, nothing wrong apart from the cost. You could even buy a MA exclusively for your TK. YOU WOULD NEED TO BUT DAMAGE CLASSES SEPARATELY IF YOU BUY 2 MArts. 4) Buying your TK in either, or both HTH and ranged Martial Arts would be perfectly legal, and sensible, IMHO. All you need to buy is a TK element in your MArts. And, I would require you had the fine manipulation adder for your TK. 5) You could buy 6 point skill levels for HTH and ranged combat, but not Ego Combat.
  4. Re: Jokes There must be a misunderstanding; this is the jokes thread. Jokes should be humourous!
  5. Re: Lets talk about: Martial Arts I have found that most Martial Arts are most useful when you buy the most varied package coupled with the most expensive maneuvers available That way the dreaded Multiple Martial Arts Maneuvers attack comes into play. GRAB, THROW, CHOKE, STRIKE etc. with little or no penalties. Which is very cool, and exactly how fights with high Dan v normals always end up.
  6. Re: Hero Goes to the Movies (or TV Shows)! Bloody good work.
  7. Re: Lets talk about: Martial Arts Now you're talking. http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/h/hongkong.htm
  8. Re: Lets talk about: Martial Arts Well, each has valid uses. I personally really like the MP method for Super Powered Martial Artists and really dislike the Skill level method. You need 6 to 8 skill levels to make it effective and that rubs me up the wrong way except for really experienced characters. (200 - 300 xps) I think a traditional hero build, martial art should be an option for anyone who spends lots of time in combat situations. They will learn the best way to use whatever power is available to them given years of stressful life or death brawls. I also allow 1 and 2 point martial arts maneuvers to simulate someone learning an art but not quite 'mastered' it yet.After all you don't go from 0 - 15 points in a martial Art overnight, you learn slowly and you get better after years of practice. I don't insist on this method, I just prefer it. If someone trains with a master over several months I'd allow an instant purchase too. Supers are Super after all. If anyone does buy 1 or 2 pt maneuvers they must be working towards a martial arts package. Either ones from the book or something homebrewed, but the complete MA must be written up before I allow it. That's my thoughts.
  9. Re: Se7en Write-ups I'll have to have a look at the film again, but if a 10 Str John Doe smacked Mills with a lead pipe he was probably doing 4d6 damage Max. I agree that is probably the PD that Mills displayed. He never lost teeth or had anything broken, he didn't need hospitalisation so I would go with 4 PD but ED? I don't think he demonstrated being able take a hit from a blowtorch. Another thing, Brad Pitt is arguably the best looking bloke on the planet, is 18 Com high enough?
  10. Re: Se7en Write-ups Have you thought about writing up the bad guy too?
  11. Re: Se7en Write-ups What was you're thinking when you gave Mills 4 speed? And why did you up their defences? Where did they demonstrate being tougher or have more ED than normal? Apart from those very minor quibbles I think they're good write-ups.
  12. Re: Adding a special effect To make a real sword magical, in my fantasy campaign, all you have to do is buy off the 'Real' limitation (and be able to make magic items) This isn't what you're talking about so I'll shut up now.
  13. Re: Character for review: Goblin Good solid build, I like it. Is 8d6 the average for the campaign? I'd be tempted to buy him Martial Arts to help him offensively and defensively somewhere down the line.
  14. Re: Character: Quadriplegic Kung Fu Master! I'm speechless. Have a rep snack.
  15. Re: AH, forgot! Great Resource - Repped.
  16. Re: The cost of killing damage Point of order Lord - Any attack which does body is lethal force.
  17. Re: Flexible Active Point Limits: What Do You Think? I wouldn't use it, I don't have a cap. I have a reccomended level of 15d6 and on top of that I allow a one of special power of much greater potency but with lots of limitations. I find any lower than 15d6 and the fights start to drag on a bit. I want two good hits and the bad bloke is out.
  18. Re: Alana Hayden (PEACH) The 1st thing that jumps right out at me is the 3 Distinctive features. The mutant one and her being stunningly gorgeous and having purple hair. The stunningly gorgeous with purple hair is one disad in my book. 2nd thing to hit me is that she is slow by Supers standards. 13 dex means she is gonna get clobbered all the time. (of course if everyone has 10-20 dex and 3 or 4 speed then it is no big deal) As a fix I would drop her Int to 33 and invest 15 in dex and 5 in speed. And if she gets hit when she doesn't have her force filed on she is gonna be dead, dead, DEAD! 3 pd, 9 body, she'll be at zero before you can say knockback. She'll be past saving, bar a miracle, when she hits the wall. I know she has regen so be prepared for her using it all the time. (again if this is a realistic( ?) game that is cool) As a quick fix I would lower her mental and power defence and raise her pd & ed. How did you get to the numbers for the Str and Con? Is that through the VVP? It is a bit confusing how it is written up. What are her starting stats? 8 str and 20 con? And I think the name is crap.
  19. Re: DCV when running at full non-combat speed A quick and simple fix might be that ranged penalties are doubled v prone targets.
  20. Re: DCV when running at full non-combat speed You would think that, but the first thing that peole do if they're being shot at is to throw themselves flat.
  21. Re: Bag of Holding I would have to ask two questions. What can be stuffed into the bag and what happens to something once inside? What can be pulled out of the bag? That's three questions, so let's pretend I said three
  22. Re: Would this require shapeshift He he turns into a real hawk I would use Multiform. If he just get's smaller I would call it SFX.
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